so, i'm off to hawaii tomorrow, which is actually today. i've been having trouble sleeping the past couple of nights, so that is why i'm posting at 12:30.
anyways, something else i forgot to mention, last week my high jumper friends and i got together for the 2nd annual laser tag night!!! whoooo hoooo! we're pretty cool. it was amazing between getting chased down by a mob of little kids and some pretty hysterical conversations we had sitting outside starbucks. yeah so, at the laser tag place it was basically me, hannah, rebekah, laura and amy and then a whole bunch of little kids, who may have been about 8 or 9 (most of them boys). well, somehow i got separated from everyone else for the entire time and got chased by the little boys with them yelling at me. no, just picture this, you have me with a laser tag pack on my shoulders all alone and then like 10 little boys running after me screaming things like "get her! take her down! get the teenage girl!!!" and then (as i'm running) i'm yelling things like "i'm already dead! where are my friends? you just killed me, little kid! stop chasing me! seriously i'm surprised the others didn't hear me. haha funnnnnnn times! to make it even better, when we got out of the room to look at our score sheets they all were yelling things at us like "i got you! you're really bad at this!" it was funny. oh and then rebekah's head almost got taken off by a flying air hocky puck...SO GREAT! :) sorry, rebekah, the look on your face was hilarious!
after our laser tag experience, we all decided to get some golden spoon. yum! we sat outside starbucks and talked about random things such as what man capris are called, what the proper name for a cross between a pony and a horse is, and then eventually texting matt (he couldn't come) to see if he was in his room alone playing his guitar in his shorts (that was all amy and laura...don't even's hard to explain). as random as we sound, these were all relative things well, at least the guy in the man capris was...the other topics came out of no where. there was a guy wearing capris...we decided he was a wanna be European or his pants were European wanna be's or something like that). we never did find out what they were called though, even when i yelled the question at him when he came outside. :) seriously...i love spending time with them. never a dull moment!
i have so much other stuff to post about, but i'm afraid it will have to wait till i come back. give you lots of stuff to look forward to.
good night!
that was so much fun!!! i definitely approved of those mapris.
anyways, have fun in hawaii!
Your face is ALWAYS hilarious.
Haha, just kidding! I love you Danielle. And your face is actually quite beautiful. :)
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