monday i played some tennis with amy so, she'll be all ready for tryouts next week! :) but, about an hour into that, it failed. we hadn't seen each other in over a, we had lots to catch up on and ended up sitting at a bench under a tree, which was so nice and relaxing. we then decided to get subway, where i was (actually my sandwich) was attacked by a giant beetle. i grabbed my turkey sub and ran, as amy and the people behind us laughed at me and the beetle flopped around on the paper wrapping my delicious sandwich had just been on! save the sub! haha.
anyways, tuesday was much crazier. i played tennis the morning (again with amy), then i had an eye doctor appointment, during which i got contacts, so now i can see all the time instead of just in class! haha always a good thing. after, i had high jump practice and then after that, tennis again! that was a lot of activity in one day. oh, funny story about when we were leaving tennis (i played with scott). we played down at naples, where the streets, as many of you will know, are very small and narrow. so, i'm parked on one side and scott on the other, but facing eachother, so scott goes to get in his car and there is a giant moth flying around it. he starts screaming and trying to wave it out, as i'm laughing at him. then all of the sudden around the corner of this small narrow street this huge double decker purple bus comes around the corner, drives past my car and then parks on the wrong side of the street, about 4 inches from scott's front bumper. if you think i'm making this up, i'm not. we both stopped and stared at it, then watched as some guy gets out and walks across the street and goes into the house. we both look at each other, the moth forgotten, and scott says exactly what im thinking, which was "what the heck is this? Harry Potter?" i completely lost it! it was one of the funniest and most random things i've ever experienced. you had to be there, but seriously it was so out of no where.
wednesday and thursday, i played tennis again and got my books for school! i also go my locker...finally a top locker! and i'm pretty excited about my schedule.
today was also fun, i hung out with julie for a while, since she is going to college on tuesday. i helped her pick out pictures and then we went to chipotle and played nintendo! was fun! i also saw three people i never fails when i'm in the cerritos area. i saw kelly plouger at chipotle, amiela menzel at yogurt land, and then as i'm driving down PCH on my way home i saw matt's mom driving the other way. i always see at least one person, but three in one day i think, is a record. lol
well, here are a few last pictures of hawaii for ya all!

in the process of climbing Diamond Head, which is the crater/volcano on the Honolulu side of the island. oh, and that's' what i did the whole way...carried her! it was a work out! i felt like i gained 30 extra pounds. haha, no it wasn't too bad, just the 300 and some odd stairs hurt pretty bad.

looking down from the top...i like the little lighthouse. this is not the Waikiki/Honolulu side of Oahu.

here is the other side, looking out at Waikiki beach and Honolulu.

me and katie...she wouldn't look at the camera. :( oh well, two year old's will be two year old's. oh, and if you look on the wall next to katie it says "go turtles!". i didn't notice this till after i took the picture, but i think it's funny.

someone drew a face on the trail sign...i liked it! :)
1 comment:
Awwwww, such amazing pictures. I love the first one, of you holding Katie. So cute.
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