so the date is finally here: June 18th. it still feels far in the future. i only have time for a quick post, because i'm leaving for the airport in like 2 minutes, but i wanted to update before i left.
so, remember me around 11:30 CA time and i shall be landing about half way around the world, but it will be friday! weird...i shall never ever have a Thursday June 19th 2008. crazy! im missing a day of my life! haha
well, farewell, friends! i'll be back in two weeks. wish me luck and i shall hopefully update soon from the other side!
peace out! :)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
finally starting to feel like summer...
it is finally starting to feel like summer. well, actually only today did. since it was fathers day, we had some of the family over for dinner. it was a really nice day today as well, so we all sat outside. it was nice and relaxing until my step dad told my sister and i to go to the grocery store because we needed potatoes and mushrooms (random, i know). but actually it was nice; we decided to ride our bikes, so that was fun. we also decided to go next door and get some ice cream at rite aid. yummy. all in all it wasn't a too exciting day. good day, but not too exciting. i did clean out a massive amount of stuff from my room. i didn't even know i had so many papers and things from school and other things...weird. no joke i recycled a stack of papers that reached from the floor to my knee! i'm not even exaggerating!
anyways... sorry none of this is of any interest to anyone...i just haven't had much to write about lately.
but, that will change soon, seeing that wednesday i'm off to New Zealand for two weeks! crazy! i'll have lots to write about then. well, i'll try and come up with a more interesting update before then...
hope everyone is enjoying their summer and time off!
anyways... sorry none of this is of any interest to anyone...i just haven't had much to write about lately.
but, that will change soon, seeing that wednesday i'm off to New Zealand for two weeks! crazy! i'll have lots to write about then. well, i'll try and come up with a more interesting update before then...
hope everyone is enjoying their summer and time off!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
graduation 2008

however, today was a day for crying. not because of graduation, but because julie is leaving and i won't see her pretty much all summer. she did most of the crying though. he he! :) poor, julie. well, it'll be fine
in other news i'm completely enjoying summer break! it doesn't feel like summer yet. these last two days have felt just like a weekend and it won't help that i have to go back to school tomorrow to work on the stupid yearbook. oh well, it'll be fun...we'll make it fun.
oh, and 5 days till i leave for NZ!!! soooooooo excited, but still have so much to do.
i'll try and find something more interesting to post about later...
that's all for now!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
man, i have never in all my 17 year of life wanted to get out of school for the summer so bad! junior year was just as bad as everyone said it would be, but i'm still alive!
weird still doesn't feel like it should be summer yet. and as much as i really am glad that i have no homework to worry about and i don't have school for 3 months, i am going to kinda miss seeing people everyday. well, i'm sure the summer will go by quickly...i fear a little too quickly
happy day! :)
weird still doesn't feel like it should be summer yet. and as much as i really am glad that i have no homework to worry about and i don't have school for 3 months, i am going to kinda miss seeing people everyday. well, i'm sure the summer will go by quickly...i fear a little too quickly
happy day! :)
Monday, June 9, 2008
pictures from the weekend
well, i said i would
put up some pictures, so i did. julie and i went to disneyland on saturday and my mom and katie came too a little later. the best thing was the fact that julie MADE ME go on the ferris wheel with her, but on the little ones that swing back and forth as the wheel turns...i didn't want to go for fear of getting sick. but i ended up going and let me tell you it was SO WORTH IT! i was absolutely fine with the whole thing, but julie was screaming her head off and hardly able to move...she afraid of heights. should have thought of that before you got on, dear. haha sooooo funny!

we also were kinda stupid and went on the rapids ride at like 8:30 at was super cold, but totally fun...we got soaked as you can see.

we also were kinda stupid and went on the rapids ride at like 8:30 at was super cold, but totally fun...we got soaked as you can see.
quick update
so only 3 finals left...i think i can do it! chem is the only hard one i still have to suffer through. but, i'm looking forward to being done...the end is in sight! woooohoooo!
in other news:
i did end up getting that job, so i get to be a camp counselor for a summer camp and i get paid for it! sweet! 8 bucks an hour is not bad at all for just playing with little kids. bad thing is i start at 7 am on july 14, which is the day after i get back from Costa Rica! so basically i'll be in New Zealand for two weeks, return for 3 days, leave for Costa Rica for a week, come back and get up at 6:00am. i'm going to be so dead! and my time is going to be so off, but whatever...all good things to suffer for. and the other plus about working so early is i'm done at 1:00, so i have the afternoon to relax or hang out with friends. yippie! and it keeps me on a schedule so i wont become too lazy over the summer :)
well, i better be off to bed...twas a fun weekend...i'll put up some pictures later
wish me luck on my chemistry final tomorrow...i'm going to need it!
in other news:
i did end up getting that job, so i get to be a camp counselor for a summer camp and i get paid for it! sweet! 8 bucks an hour is not bad at all for just playing with little kids. bad thing is i start at 7 am on july 14, which is the day after i get back from Costa Rica! so basically i'll be in New Zealand for two weeks, return for 3 days, leave for Costa Rica for a week, come back and get up at 6:00am. i'm going to be so dead! and my time is going to be so off, but whatever...all good things to suffer for. and the other plus about working so early is i'm done at 1:00, so i have the afternoon to relax or hang out with friends. yippie! and it keeps me on a schedule so i wont become too lazy over the summer :)
well, i better be off to bed...twas a fun weekend...i'll put up some pictures later
wish me luck on my chemistry final tomorrow...i'm going to need it!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
last day of yearbook!
yeah this is pretty much what the semester was like, minus the fact that flietstra wasn't yelling/ complaining in the video and alicia wasn't there. allison is doing a lovely display of what we did when we were bored haha! :)
i wouldn't have made it though that class without these people! together we were still able to have some amazing times
well, back to studying...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
oh, the last day...
and what a fun last day it was! it STILL hasn't completely sunk in that we do not have another day of classes. it's practically summer!
yeah...that's what we do...
8 ball!!! our source of entertainment! allison and i had more fun sitting in the corner asking it questions...we just had to take a picture with it.
last bible class. this had to me my favorite class! the people in it were great as well as the teacher and subject matter.

hannah and i! i think my hands are the wrong way...oh well
after school terisha, julie and i went to get shaved ice to celebrate the end of this year! this was in julie's car.

ready for food!

i could go into a post about all the emotions i feel at the moment (excited, sad, anxious, worried, relieved...), but i don't really feel like it...instead i'll post some fun pictures of the day and leave the thoughts to a later time when i have a bit more time to thin

8 ball!!! our source of entertainment! allison and i had more fun sitting in the corner asking it questions...we just had to take a picture with it.
cute, amy, very cute.
she loves me! been friends since 7th grade when i met her singing a song in spanish, while making pinatas! long ago. what a way to meet :)
last bible class. this had to me my favorite class! the people in it were great as well as the teacher and subject matter.
words can't even describe how great this picture is...haha! allison, i think you need to tone it down, just a little. this IS BIBLE class! haha
ummm....i was hungry

after school terisha, julie and i went to get shaved ice to celebrate the end of this year! this was in julie's car.
as was she was driving! actually i think we were at a stop light.

ready for food!

one of the most amazing creations known to man-kind. it's ice with strawberries and bananas and sweetened condensed milk on top! yummy!
terisha and i with a goldfish...don't ask
not the best picture, but still...
man, i'm going to miss her!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
june already!
can you believe how fast these last few months have gone?!?! seriously april and may went by in a blur. i was just talking about this with someone feels like we are supposed to have like another month of school at least, not three days! i'm glad we don't have another month, but still; it just doesn't seem real that this is my last summer before i graduate. i really hope this all doesn't go by too fast. anyways...i still don't have much of interesting to update on, but nonetheless i wanted to type something.
have you guys ever heard the song "before he cheats" by carrie underwood? i can't stand her, but i like this's hilarious!
the chorus is the best part:
"...i dug my key into the side of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive,
carved my name into his leather seats...
i took a louisville slugger to both head lights,
slashed a hole in all 4 tires...
maybe next time he'll think before he cheats."
if you were seriously mad at your someone that would be a pretty stress-relieving thing to do! totally wrong, but it would relieve a lot of anger...ha! don't think i would carve my name into the seats though...a law suit would definitely follow. :)
hope everyone enjoys their week!
have you guys ever heard the song "before he cheats" by carrie underwood? i can't stand her, but i like this's hilarious!
the chorus is the best part:
"...i dug my key into the side of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive,
carved my name into his leather seats...
i took a louisville slugger to both head lights,
slashed a hole in all 4 tires...
maybe next time he'll think before he cheats."
if you were seriously mad at your someone that would be a pretty stress-relieving thing to do! totally wrong, but it would relieve a lot of anger...ha! don't think i would carve my name into the seats though...a law suit would definitely follow. :)
hope everyone enjoys their week!
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