Saturday, April 5, 2008

4'10 to karaoke...

well, i had another track meet in downey today, which was nice since we were able to drive ourselves and then leave when we wanted to :) always a good thing. best part though was tying my PR of 4ft 10 inches again! i also had one pretty solid attempt at 5ft (oh that's high) it was a good day for jumping. especially because i distinctly remember no making a height at this meet last year and crying. i also remember getting lost behind a green fence and needing some intelligent assistance from rebekah, but that is another story...haha!

after i was done jumping i went home, did some homework and took a nap. it was nice. then tonight julie and i went to dinner and then to a karaoke place! awesome!

well, well, i'm sleepy, but hope everyone is having a good weekend. bye for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

screw it.
we are too expensive ~~~~~~
we need to like do something CHEAP next time. seriously. haha