high jumpers unite...again!
me and matt! (aka. mattie poo as hannah and i like to say) i like how emilytyne is in the background...cute picture.
amy and i...i love this picture!
don't even ask. it is pretty darn hilarious though. my leg does not look like it is in a good place...totally unintentional!
hannah, looking beautiful as always.
i'm surprised at alicia and my acting skills...see we can put on a happy face and pretend not to hate each ohter to take a picture! haha just kidding, i love you, alicia.
it's just that this is more "us". me being weird and her wanting to kill me! haha we take the best pictures (remember our smack that one...good times).
how great is this?! we have got some serious attitude going on, man. august and i are good at faking looks of disgust at each other, but we love each other deep deep down.
WHOA! So many cool pictures! I had to keep scrolling, and scrolling, and scrolling...
Then I had to go get my laundry, and come back, and scroll some more. :)
You look so pretty, Danielle! And it's SWEET that your friends covered your car for your birthday... what a great idea. :)
Love ya! Hope JSB/Birthday night was AWESOME! (And it looks like it was...) :)
i hate u.
1. why is your hair all messed up in the second picture with alicia? haha.. it's like perfect in all the other pictures
2. i took like 75% of those pictures. haha. i'm the best photographer ever... the classic one of you and amy... the sexy one with you and jenna... the intense one of you and august.. the list continues. haha
3. (referring to like 3 posts down) i love how you totally didn't suspect anything.. and when i asked you if you would eat green eggs and ham you said "YES!" (with conviction. =P)
oh and i'm pretty disappointed that we didn't "take a nap". hahahaha..
that was funny though when that one lady (i forget her name.. i think it started with a V) was like "go help august get her shirt off" and you were like "OKAY!! =D"
you were a little to excited. haha
that pic of u and august is sooooooo cayoote. i love that one
All of you guys looked SO GORGEOUS! And Betsy's pregnant picture (Is that what it is?) is pretty hilarious.
I loved the pictures!!!
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