Tuesday, January 22, 2008

love you all too

wow thanks guys...you all are so kind. remind me why i hang out with any of you again??? except august and hannah! i love them! and not just because they wrote nice things about me. but, no really thanks that helped me answer my questionnaire thing. i did leave out some like cannibalistic, bad-tempered and bad speller [even if it's true (just the bad speller part)] :) i'm no cannibal...just because i was wondering what people tasted like (you know, if we have a distinct flavor like steak or chicken) doesn't mean i would or even want to taste human...is that a weird thing to wonder?

so, today was my english final, which i think went pretty well. tomorrow is history and chemistry. i'm so not looking forward to those! i mean who in their right mind would schedule history and chemistry on the same day?!?!? i'm so angry!
whatever...it will be what it will be.

so, i'm off to go study.
side note: haha when i just typed 'off' i accidentally hit the 'd' so it read 'i'm odd'. just thought you all should know that

bye for now!


amy said...

just because hannah is okay with lying!!!! at least we told the truth!!! =P

August Herrema said...

just hope that you spelled everything right on your survey! :D

Grace said...

haha... thanks for letting us know that you're odd, but all of us already knew that.

you hang out with me because i'm amazing and because you love me. =P just thought i'd answer your question.

btw... don't forget about the caribou song!! you have like one more week. =P

hannah said...

hahaha! you ask who would schedule chem and history on the same day? it's mrs. hogan! and i'm totally not even kidding! she schedules the exams! why am i not surprised? she's out to get us...