Thursday, January 10, 2008

stream of consciousness

today in english we read a story written in stream of consciousness, which is very confusing and i shall now attempt it here on my blog. this is proving itself to be a challenge because my brain thinks much faster than my fingers can type...surprised? well, you might be, but i'm not...i think i'm actually quite a quick thinker if you ask me. well not really, but i just thought i would say that because it popped in to my head. i have a huge english project due tomorrow on huck finn that i really don't want to to, but at least i'm almost done. we had a track meeting today and have been instructed (if not in a winter sport) to start conditioning on monday, but i really don't want to go alone. i always had a buddy to go with before, but alas she is no longer with me. no she is not dead (at least i hope), but just out of the state...tear! but she can't be dead unless she died in the last couple of hours since she was alive to write something on her blog. haha! not that, that couldn't have been an impostor, but it is highly unlikely...don't die! live people live! anyway, perhaps i can find someone else to go weight lift with or perhaps not weight lift at all...boy i feel like all i'm doing is rambling, which is pretty much what this is and it has absolutely no point to it what so ever. it is kinda fun though once you get just type what comes into your brain. you should all try it cause i want to see what you think like...or maybe i don't. i wish i could write like this all the time and others could automatically make sense of it, but i'm thinking that that won't happen. gosh i have probably made so many spelling/typing mistakes...oh well. by this time you are all probably thinking that i'm stranger than any of you thought or maybe you all already knew? this is boring isn't it? i shall stop now.
wow, i never knew that is how i's all over the place!


Grace said...

at least you didn't really jump around from topic to topic much... my stream of consciousness would have been much more random. =P

oh yeah and at least you used punctuation. =P that example she showed us in class was INTENSE.

hannah said...

wow danielle you're good at sream of consciousness i wish i was as good as you you can weightlift with krystal or caitlyn because they told me they wanted someone to do it with or you could do it with matt but that might get awkward and you would get nothing done just like always
Wow! That really is fun. :)

Anonymous said...

Nope. Not dead yet.

I wrote a stream-of-consciousness post once, too. I think it was this past summer.

Summer! I wish it were summer.

Miss you, Danielle! Do really well in track so that I can come watch your last meets when I get home in May!