Saturday, January 12, 2008

i have the weirdest experiences

things have been crazy with mi vida this last week. thursday i stayed up till 1:45 doing stupid homework! and if you guys know me at all, you'll all know that it's a challenge for me to stay up past 11:00.
friday was good though. i went on a date. i know what you're all thinking..."oooo danielle. with who?" haha! if you must know...with julie. and yes, i am straight. any more questions? good. no, we called it a date since julie paid for everything...we are weird. it was my buddy/chirstmas gift combined from her. first we went to a karaoke place and sang everything from "hey jude" to "dude looks like a lady" and "bye bye bye" (julie also did some songs in korean). cool, cool. after we went to olive garden (yes again) and for some reason we always get strange people at that place. our waiter was super creepy! he seriously asked us how everything was like every five minutes and used the phrase "for reals" and "are you serious" too much. for example: "would you like some more iced tea, miss"
me: "no, thanks. i'm okay"
"for reals? are you serious?"
uhhhh? no i'm kidding... or i also happened to have my tennis sweatshirt one and he goes "so, you play tennis? like for reals?"
"so, what is crusader tennis?"
"it's our mascot for our high school...valley chirstian"
"oh, are you serious? i play tennis...not so well, but still fun. well, keep it up for reals!"
umm...sure thing i seriously and for reals will. what a weirdo.
after dinner we rented the movie "stardust". it was pretty good...funny.

well, that is pretty much all that has happened in my life recently. what's going on in all of yours?


August Herrema said...

that sounds like it was fun, but why dont you tell us who you REALLY went on a date with? we ALL know it wasnt julie. just fess up- its about time!

cristina said...

just for future reference:

hee hee, i love your spelling.
by the way... i believe it's the 25th of april, ya?

Anonymous said...

what are you talking about? date???
i hung out with you on friday but you ditched me for that BOY... goodness..
oh am i not aloud to say ?? i guess people dont know who you're REALLY dating..

August Herrema said...

oh trust me, WE all know who shes dating, its HER that doesnt know who sehs dating!!!!!!!!!

Bethany said...

you went on a date?! for reals?! sounds like it was a lot of fun! seriously. :)

Grace said...

you should tell everyone how you professed your love for him on Christmas. =P