man does it feel good to be done with finals! not all the grades are in, but i thought i did a lot worse on history than i did...lucky me! but, so far none of my grades have changed at all...not sure if i'm happy about that or not. i'm glad that nothing went down, but i also wanted things to go up. whatever.
so, friday to celebrate begin done with finals, julie and i went on an adventure. we were intending to go to down town disney just to look around and wander, but we missed the exit and wound up in orange. i loved it! julie wasn't so pleased. lucky i still knew where we were or else we would have really had an adventure. :)
well, i haven't been doing too much today. just getting ready for second semester. i'm actually pretty excited for it. i have some classes in the new building, which should be cool. too bad they are chemistry and math. oh, and also too bad i'm switching from romberg to hokeman and from tamminga to baas!!! yikes! talk about depressing schedule. oh, well. it'll be interesting.
well, sorry that i have nothing interesting to say at the moment...
gotta go babysit kaite while my parents go somewhere tonight. yeah, we're gonna party it up with some whinnie the pooh, mac and cheese and maybe even a little play doh. :)
thats an exciting evening for you
i'm glad finals are over, too. =]
baas isn't bad... i actually don't mind him in the least. just keep an open mind and don't judge him before you have him. =] after you have him you can decide if you like/dislike him.
hope you had fun with katie! =]
Actually, that sounds really fun right now.
Macaroni and cheese and Winnie the Pooh, I mean. I'm dead serious.
Grace, you're crazy. :P
P.S. Remember the time "Mr. Baas" left you a comment? Muahahahahahahaha. >:)
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