Saturday, January 5, 2008

300th POST!!!

that is basically all i really wanted to say, but in case any of you want something else to read, i suppose i'll keep typing.
so, it has just dawned upon me how busy 2008 is going to be these first few months! i'm dreading monday because i know once i dive in there is no getting out. finals are coming up soon, which i'm completely not ready for! then february brings track season and the ACT test! ick! march: the SAT...double ick! its just like by the end of first semester you are so burned out, yet you still have another half to go. but, what can ya do? i've survived this much of junior year, so i think i'll manage...

well, in other rained yesterday! i love rain, but it's not often i can just sit and enjoy the sound of it (my house isn't exactly the most silent the busyness, but it is nice to be alone once in a while). my parents went out to dinner and took katie with them and betsy went to a movie with her friends, leaving the house to me. i just sat down and painted while i listened to the rain...good stuff. very relaxing. too bad i stink at painting, ah well i still enjoy doing it; i just don't enjoy the results haha!

ta ta for now! (i've been watching too much winnie the sister's latest new obsession)


amy said...

Winnie the Pooh is a good obsession! =]

Grace said...

are you taking the ACT at csulb?

i love winnie the pooh! well.. the show thingy at least... i like the other characters better.