well, the hardest ones are out of the way and it pretty much should be smooth sailin' from here, with only spanish and math left. history and chemistry were brutal...just as i knew they would be. i stayed up until 1:00 studying and then got up at 5:00 to study some more...four hours of sleep baby! the funny thing is i got up at five and still had to end up running to my final. people just weren't moving this morning because i even left my house at 8:00 (final started at 8:30) and only managed to get in a seat right before the bell sounded. but, of course the fact that there was no place to park and that i accidentally ran into the wrong classroom could have contributed a bit.
yeah, so picture this. i'm rushing to get a parking spot and end up having to park in the furthest possible spot and realize i have only 2 minutes to get to hall c. of course i ran! and being rather flustered ran into the wrong classroom. i looked around and go "this isn't my class" , got laughed at (by a few people i know) and ran out again. haha you can say it...i have issues. :) oh, and i've also apparently temporarily misplaced my calculator...not a good thing when you have a chemistry final! i had to run around asking anyone and everyone who didn't need it for one. eventually i borrowed one, so all is good. but i still haven't found my calculator though...better do that before friday!!!
hope all your week's are going well!
almost done then its the weekend...can't wait!
oh, and can you believe this rain! it was bright and sunny this morning and then all of the sudden we have downpour. i'm lovin' it though!
you should've posted about our 'adventures'. but teachers read your blog so i guess not. hahahahah that sounds worse than it should sound hahaha.
don't sweat it-finals week everyone and thier mom has issues. like me getting to school and realizing i don't have a calculator and then driving back home to get one. talk about freaking out! ;) yay for the weekend!
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