Friday, November 30, 2007

what a great way to wake up!

this morning i woke up to the sound of rain! awesome! i really hope it continues throughout the day.

hummm....nothing much to say here at the moment. i have to go to school in like an hour...ick, but at least it is friday! it's going to be a busy weekend complete with the belmont shore chritmas parade, which i have to be in again since my step dad is on city council. fun fun. haha! no, it actually isn't too bad and apparently my cousin (justin) is joining us on the float/fire truck we are ridding on, so that should be interesting...

well i have to go hurry and review for a chemistry quiz. and no, i am not procrastinating...i didn't have time last night because of the mass amount of other stuff i have due today, but i'ts all good...i'm still smiling!

have a good day everyone!

1 comment:

cristina said...

you got rain, i got snow...
today was a good day :)