so, now that i am fully rested again, i shall give you all a better account of yesterday. julie and i decided to go with ms. admiraal, brittany and alicia out to the CIF individuals tournament. what great supportive people julie and i are! :) well, since we were making the effort of getting up early to get to school by 5:45am (carpinteria track status right there!), we decided we had to do this thing right and go full out. check out our sweet t-shirts. mine said "let's go

alicia" on the front and "go brittany on the back" and julie's was the opposite (brittany on the front, alicia on the back) in case you couldn't tell.
lovely shot of my backside...don't ya think?
yeah, we also made signs.
great picture! :)
all the rest of these....just don't ask.
uh, peace!
i think this picture accurately captures my emotion of the moment...haha! guess i didn't get the peace memo

ummm this whole picture is just awkward from top to uh, bottom...if you catch my drift. just tell me why i look like i'm going insane in all of these pictures. :)
i have no clue what brittany and julie are doing, but alicia looks like she is going to kiss me.
oh, look! a normal one and coach is in it. how cute are we? :)
so, brittany and alica both lost first round, but the girls they played were really good. but, twas a fun day! we got to enjoy a lovely morning drive along the beautiful santa barbara coast, which all of us slept through! oh well, i got to see it on the way back so it was all good!
so, now tennis season is officially over minus banquet. fun stuff! :)
no school this week!!!! ah! nine whole days off...feels so good! :)
fun fun day :)
do me a favor & send those to alicia. brittany already got them.
oh and after the banquet, we are going to need some SERIOUS chipotle, pink berry, & sticker pictures. so depressing T_T
well rachel & i decided not to go to shaved ice for you!! :) we're going to lunch instead so be happy ^_^. cuz i really want you to come. :) so tell me when you're free so we can goooo
lovely pictures.. you look so attractive =P
haha.. i'll have to tell alicia to back off. =P
and on one of the pictures... why did you post it?? i'm unworthy, remember??? (you know which one i'm talking about. =P)
Attractice, Grace? Are you sure that was the word you were looking for?? :P
Nice pictures, though, really.
Ummmmm, I believe I remember meeting at school at 4:45 am for Carpinteria last track season. Not even 5:45; 4:45. Could be wrong. But that's what I wrote on my blog.
Psycho track people!!!
*I meant to say "attractive." Not "attractice."
Hopefully you caught that, though.
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