Sunday, September 2, 2007

crazy busy!

why does family always come to visit at the wort times? end of the summer, homework to finish, busy schedule and a house full of cousins= no time to hang out. we did get to go to dinner and see a movie tonight. we saw Balls of Fury. it was about ping pong...justin picked it so i have no idea. overall it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be, but i wouldn't see it had some interesting parts to it. jenna and i also invented a pretty awesome sport too: pool base ball! it pretty much rocks. you just use a kick board for a bat and a water proof ball and you're set! fun times!

anywho, tennis tomorrow bright and early 7 am! sweet! and tomorrow our 7-9 practice is followed by some team bonding over breakfast! fun stuff.

well, bedy bye time! night night! :)

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