Friday, September 14, 2007

are you crying or laughing?

we played paramount today and won overall. it was yet another fun day, however my voice was a little hoarse from all that beautiful singing yesterday. so, no singing on the bus today...i've decided to save it for long bus rides.
so, let me explain my title. the courts at paramount are set up kinda strange. on one side you have a wall and on the three other sides there is an opaque green tarp. the kind that is supposed to block the wind, but this one also blocks your vision. so, what have they done so that you can watch? put small square boxes in it of course. anyway, now that you have somewhat of a mental picture, i'll go on with my story. julie and i played two sets today. we won our first 6-4, but lost our second 0-6. ouch! these girls that we played second didn't play at net. they both stayed at the baseline, which we aren't used to (i can't use that as an excuse though for my awful playing). so, we are down 0-5 and i seriously am on the verge of tears out of pure frustration at myself. we switch sides and i see miss admiraal standing at the fence, but all i can see is her face because of the little boxes. you kinda had to be there, but right there that just wanted to make me laugh if i hadn't been so mad. we walk over to her and she goes "feeling a little frustrated?"
my reply "i am so upset with my playing right now"
she goes "just remember, God loves you and so does your coach...sometimes"
i don't know what i was, but i just started laughing, but laughing while you are one the verge of tears just results in getting all teary-eyed at the same time. i wasn't sure if i wanted to laugh or cry. then my emotion changes again as we go back to being focused on the game. and you know, we actually had some pretty good points and it was a close game for the last one. although, we lost 0-6 i wasn't feeling too bad. after it was over i just started laughing while still trying to get my frustration out. it was odd and i'm not sure how else to explain was just a mixture of emotions all in the span of less than 10 minutes. strange feeling let me tell you.
after the match the team went out to dinner. so, as i'm walking out with julie and laney to julie's car. i think to myself "i should turn my phone on". then i realized that my phone is in my tennis bag that i had just put in my tennis locker. i run back to the locker room, pass alicia and ava on the way, ask them if miss admiraal is still in there, they told me she was, i keep running, get there and the door is locked. i knock. i knock again. and again. i start knocking and calling "miss admiraal" over and over. after about 6-7 min. of this, i was like humm? this doesn't seem to be working. i walk back out and julie and laney are like "what were you doing". miss admiraal drove by like five minutes ago. she had gone out the other door and i totally had just missed her. oh, the irony. i did get my phone after dinner though. i went back to school with her and she opened the locker room for me. good times!
we all ate at Red Robin, where we ran into mr. bras...pretty cool.

over all, AWESOME DAY!!! :)
i'm totally loving tennis season! three more matches next week!

that was a long one; sorry...i just had a lot to say

later alligators!


August Herrema said...

that would be awkward... running into bras

Grace said...

i love Miss Admiraal... she's hilarious.

mr. bras is cool, august... i like him.

xJEWELZx said...

it wasnt awkward at all running into mr bras!

lol it sounds awkward how august said it.. running into BRAS. hahahaha.

anywyas yes tears & laughter. what a great combo

rebekah said...

Mr. Bras is awesome!

And so is Danielle!
