so, i won't keep you in suspense any longer. we'll go in order, shall we?
umm...didn't go so hot. we lost...big time. did i mention that they had two amazing singles girls that were ranked 5th and 2nd in the state? yeah, well it was expected; at least it wasn't league.
anywho, lets move on to's better! :)
so, since i didn't get the memo that the time we got out of class had been changed from 2:30 to 2:15 i was slightly rushed, but no worries...i got some warm up time. did line up, did our cheer before the other team, since everyone has the same one and went out to play #2 doubles with julie. our first set went pretty well; we won 6-4. second: made me want to cry...we got bageled against the #1's who had terrible ground strokes, but one girl was super tall and all over the net. i quickly got over it though and went back out to play the 3s, who were pretty good. we ended up beating them 7-5. they were soooo mad, as was i, for part of the match. we had one discrepancy over a line call. they hit it, i called it out at the baseline, but hit it after i had called it. then they watch it and call "out". i was like "yes, i just called your ball out"
"are you sure?"
"are you serious!" this girl shouts
absolutely not. i just like to yell out for the fun of it "yes" i replied again
"can we redo it?"
julie and i exchange a glance "no, i called it. i can call it louder next time if you'd like"
"are you kidding me!!!"
am i speaking english or does she just not understand me? "no, i'm not kidding you"
"ahhh! fine! that's game then!"
goodness, no need to get mad.
so, about me being mad, there aren't many things really make me angry. the only thing is when people cheer on your totally gets to me for some reason. not like it gets me down, just really frustrated. after this whole line thing, some of the other team's girls were all along the fence cheering on every ball julie or i would hit out or in the net! if it had been parents or someone who didn't really know any better, i would have cut them some slack. i was seriously so tired of it. so, the girl hits a decent overhead, that i hit, but went into the net. they all started cheering "nice shot!" or "way to go!". i turned around and go "shut up". yeah, i totally shocked myself on that. i don't know where it came from and i'm not proud of it, but it's slightly hard for me to feel too incredibly guilty...they were just being plain rude, but that doesn't mean i should have been rude back. i didn't say it particularly loud and whether they heard me or could just tell i was mad by the look on my face, i'm not sure. all i know is that, after that, they didn't cheer so much.
well, overall we won our first league match!!!!! ahhh!!!!! excitement overload. undefeated in league! ha ha! next match: thursday! and then another friday! 4 in one week; so many! so fun! :)
hope you all had a fantastic day!