Saturday, August 25, 2007

a wedding you do wear black to?

so, i don't know how many of you are familiar with The Rivers End Cafe, but my family and i had to go to a wedding there tonight. side note: about the black thing, i don't know why, but these people all wore black...humm curious? i always thought you weren't supposed to wear black to weddings. anywho, these people seriously had their wedding at the rivers end cafe. for you tennisers, they actually got married on the little wooden structure where we took a picture when we did that bike ride. i don't know that was just weird to me. anyway, this was so horribly boring! we don't really know the people at all. it's a family friends son that we haven't seen in like five years or so, and we didn't know his fiance (now wife) at all. they also have an eight month old daughter, so uh...well, at least they did get married i guess.
well, betsy and i used to be friends with the two sisters of the guy that got married (they are both our age), but honestly we really don't have anything in common anymore. especially with me, not that we were ever really close. i mean, we met them in first grade and well, a lot has changed since then. they both are just more into what's "cool" or "in", which i'm totally not. but whatever. since it was at the beach, i took katie down to the "shean" (her word for ocean) and enjoyed a nice little walk on the beach. it was awfully fun to watch her splash in the waves then dig her toes in the sand...very cute! oh, and i did get golden spoon afterwards to compensate for my suffering, so all is good now! :) that was my first gs in like a little over two weeks! crazy for me!

yep yep! life is good!

oh, and it did rain for like all of 5 min, but it was still cool to go outside in the rain for a bit! :)


Grace said...

fiance is the man who is engaged.

fiancee is the woman who is engaged.

you know i can't resist.


August Herrema said...

wow grace.
black is now the elegant color to wear to weddings. ive never heard of not wearing black, really, ive only heard of not wearing white. i dont know

cristina said...

to grace: that's really cool... i never knew that.

to danielle: good job on the fro yo. very proud of you.