Saturday, August 11, 2007

back early

no, i did not get the date that we were to return to CA wrong. we did however get back a day before we should have. we were supposed to leave tomorrow at around 5:00 pm, but this morning we received a phone call from my aunt, who was watching Sandy (our dog). she told us that the dog wasn't doing so well; this wasn't a total shock. sudden, but not unexpected (well, if you have ever met my dog you'll know why). she is now approaching 16yrs. and her eyesight and memory have been slowly going for quite some time now....quite sad. well, to make a long story short, we came home and have made the difficult decision to put her down. it is sad indeed, but it is also life. and, death is a part of life, no matter how much we don't like it. it's all in God's perfect plan.
she lived a good long life and i hate to say it, but we all knew that her time was coming soon. :(

well, check back tomorrow for a happier post full of some pictures and fun videos i took in Montana! :)

good night all...i'm tired. long day of travel.

oh, on a side note: i have been in the seattle airport 4 times this summer! crazy! twice when i went to seattle and now two more times for connecting flights from long beach to bozeman, Montana. weird, weird.


Grace said...

aww... i'm so sorry. =[

August Herrema said...

im sorry. i cant believe she was that old!
im glad youre back