tennis tryouts went very well today. there are only 13 girls trying out, so only one will get cut. everyone from last year has returned (minus the 3 that graduated) so that will be fun. miss admiraal seems like she will be a good coach and a fun person to get to know, although, i will still miss mrs. fieldhouse. i'm curious to see how our line up is going to work out and how we'll do in league. one thing though that was so much easier than last year was that i pretty much knew everyone. it was nice walking in a totally feeling confident, rather that hesitant like last year. one weird thing though, i don't really remember the process of becoming friends with anyone last year. it was just like i didn't know anyone on the team and then i did. i don't know...i'm just strange. :)
also, i have managed to memorize the presidents! yippy! and it only took me a little over an hour! want to know my secret??? i found this song on the internet and played it over and over and over until i got it...quite sad, but at least i know them now. :)
yes, well, as you can see my life is quite uneventful at the moment. you know, unless you would like to hear all about every little detail of my day...but, i'm sure that might bore you.
adios! :)
congratulations on memorizing the presidents. =] have you just memorized the names? or have you memorized the parties and dates, too?
yeah its weird how we just became friends with a snap of a finger.. well it was just that one conversation about the scary construction worker killing you if i left you all alone.... & then we just bonded after that. hahha so funny!
i <3 u danielle & i'll see you tommorow.
i LOVE ms. admiraal! she's so much fun! :)
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