Tuesday, June 5, 2007


tomorrow is the day. yes, the day i take my licence test. please wish me luck and maybe even say a little prayer for me to calm my nerves. seriously i'm really nervous, which i know doesn't help at all in the least bit! but, whether i pass or fail life will go on. the show must go on! i know that doesn't relate, i've just always wanted to say it. :)

well, well wish me luck please! :)
oh, and any tips or words of encouragement from you licenced drivers would really, really be appreciated!


August Herrema said...

youll do great! dont worry. just think, it doesnt really matter if you dont pass, i mean, you can take it again in, what 2 weeks?

Anonymous said...

Hey, you can't do much worse than me! :)

Don't worry Danielle, you'll be great.

August Herrema said...

di you pass?