yep, that pretty sums up my day! minus the tennis and incredible burger (but we shall save those for another fun day). mi good amiga, cristina, and i enjoyed a lovely little bike ride down to seal beach this morning! fun stuff! and, get this...i actually managed to stay on my bike. amazing i know. it really was a nice ride. it brought back some good memories of tennis season. oh, something really cool; we saw a coyote just trotting along the opposite side of the bank...pretty sweet! well, anyway...we got yummy muffins at this cute little coffee place called cinnamon something (i don't know it had cinnamon in it). after ridding back to her house we played (actually i attempted to play) guitar hero, ate jelly sandwiches (no peanut butter) and chocolate pudding, and watched some jeopardy while we waited for jenny. guitar hero is addicting, but i completely stink at it. also, while we were waiting for jenny, we managed to have some fun confusing people on the phone. first my friend called my cell phone and i told cristina to answer it pretending to be me. it worked, but unfortunately the cell signal was really poor and she kept hanging up. so, she still doesn't know that i was never the one talking to her. but, this gets even better...my mom called next. she was fooled also. they seriously carried on an entire conversation with cristina pretending to be me. the most hilarious thing though had to be when my mom goes "okay, i love you" cristina: "ummm...i love you too. bye". she totally managed to seal the deal; i don't think we even sound that much alike, but hey. i called my mom back and told her,she just laughed, and then after that kept asking me questions like...what time i was born or what my middle name is to make sure it was me! hilarious though! :)
today was also my first trip to C28. it's a christian clothing store...pretty awesome. they definitely have some really cool stuff in there. unfortunately my indecisiveness played a major role yet again. it probably took me 20+ minutes just to decide on whether i was getting jeans, jeans and a shirt, or just a shirt. jenny was helpful and gave us all our options. they were having specials on the shirts and jeans...buy one get one free! seriously, what a deal! two things for the price of one! :) well, i eventually ended up just buying a shirt that would have been $30, but i got it for $15 since cristina and i each payed half. then we had our expedition to nordstroms to compare and "analyze" the differences in the jeans...it's a long story.
fun day! so much done! :)
but, now i'm pretty much falling asleep as i type this. so, i bid you all farewell until i post again! i know you will all be anxiously awaiting that happy moment! :)
indeed it was an awesome day!
i look forward to tennis and a burger!
it was cristina?! wut the?
haha yea i gave up on the calling cuz it kept hanging up & i was like GRR! haha. unless the person u are talking about isnt me & its just a weird coincidence. LOL OK BYE
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