Sunday, March 11, 2007

" heads fish heads eat them up yum!"

okay these are probably two of the strangest videos i've ever scene in my life....funny though, in thier own strange way. watch them; i dare you. do it!

the first part on this one is kida boring and i really don't get it but just watch it. the song was from the 80's if that will explain the randomness.

i dont know if any of you ever watched pokemon as a kid (i didn't), but this i guess is supposed to be a spoof on pokemon. it's so random.

hope these make you laugh...or you might just be completely freaked out too. either way enjoy!

tomorrow begins yet another week...oh joy how fun. :)


August Herrema said...

wow, i did not expect that ending to the first clip.
did the guy put the fish head INSIDE his jacket? thats disgusting!
do you just sit AND look for stupid clips online, or does someone else tell you about these

Grace said...

i've seen that fish head thing several times... and it always creeps me out.

August Herrema said...

fish heads fish heads, rolly polly fish heads

August Herrema said...

go watch
its funny- at least i thoughts so

xJEWELZx said...

these should be dedicated to me & jane.

go pokemon!

Anonymous said...

"hot man"
"face man"
"quote man"
