Tuesday, March 27, 2007

and danielle's embarrassing moment(s) of the day is/are....

so as many of you know track practice was NOT canceled...gosh, why even make the announcement? anyway, hannah and i were cheering people on at track today whenever they made their jump. so we start doing this little synchronized dance thing (i'll have to show you all my skills sometime) we were just having fun with the way our shadows looked doing it and weren't paying attention until we hear coach rinks (mr. rinks son by the way) yell something. we look up and all the sprinters are standing in a line just watching us and laughing. then coach rinks yells "ladies. what is going on over there?!?" i think i pretty much ran the other way laughing hysterically. but yeah that was really embarrassing...especially when some of the sprinters came up to us and were like "hey, you want to teach us your dance"....ahh fun times.

okay the second moment wasn't really embarrassing just funny. first of all could you believe the wind today?!?! it was crazy cool! it kept blowing the high jump bar off. but, then it rained! too bad it was only for like 20 min....not nearly long enough. so with all that wind it blew our high jump mat cover off, and since it rained the mat was soaked. we took off the top layer and underneath are the three pillow things pushed together (the top thing mostly just holds them together, eliminates the crevices and is more comfortable to land/lay on) so i go and take my jump and land right in between two of the mat things. i couldn't move or hear anything. see i don't remember anything when i go over the bar i only ever remember running the approach and landing. so i land and i'm surrounded by blue plastic. i think it was funnier for me though than anyone else. :)

wow! isn't everyday kinda like a little adventure? i mean you never really know what is going to happen, even if they are the little things......at least that's how i like to think of it. i think it helps me enjoy each day more. :)


amy said...

hahaaaa! i can c u 2nd hannah doin a dance and then seeing vry1 steering[sp?] at u!!! hahaaa. tha mat 1 wuld b funny. i wuld b laffin at u!! =P

August Herrema said...

you mean you were only cheeraing for the people who made their jumps? isnt that a little harsh?

the only thing funnier than seein you and hannah dance would be to see matt alford dance with you guys!!!