Wednesday, February 7, 2007

smile! its a beautiful day!

i had an awesome day today
that's really all i have to say
i ran the mile in p.e
and it made me feel great. yippee
then i ran sprints at track
which pretty much broke my back
i don't know why i'm rhyming
it just seems like great timing!
okay i'll stop now. i know that was lame but whatever. i've totally been super d' duper d' hyper all day today! but yeah i had an awesome day even with all the sprints we had to run at track. i'm sooooo excited for monday! we get to jump! yes! :) i'm looking forward to it. that's really all for now....not much.

adios! :)



Grace said...


amy said...


rebekah said...

YAY!!!! HIGH JUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very excited. Can you tell?

Anonymous said...

dang! you are one hot babe! i saw your picture, and i was wondering if youd go out with me?

*dont be scared, its not a hacker, its just me, and im really bored right now, sorry!!! sigh, something needs to happen...