i've known for a while what abs does and what it's good for, but today i had the unpleasant first hand experience of trying them out. before i go any farther with my story let us clarify that it was not because i needed to make a sudden stop or because i'm a "bad" driver. no, this was my last driving lesson with my instructor and he wanted me to experience the way the car feels when you must slam on the brakes. he told me to go out to this deserted parking lot (free of cars. not of light posts and trees though) and drive down to the other end and turn around. i was especially worried about the light poles...if you have ever heard my golf cart story, you know why. :) anyway..i turned the car around and then he says "okay your going to floor the accelerator and then slam on the brakes when i tell you." i was thinking "you have got to be kidding me" the parking lot wasn't more than 200ft long and i was supposed to accelerate for 180 of those feet....yikes! he goes "whenever your ready, and what ever you do don't take your foot off the brake once it's on."...he said it like these were my last few moments or something.... i took a deep breath and slammed my foot on the gas, while praying as hard as possible. i was coming closer and closer to the tree at the end of the row and seriously had like 20ft left when he told me to brake. i don't know if any of you have ever had to use the abs brakes or not, but the pedal kinda starts pulsating up and down and the tires pretty much grind (or that's what it sounds like) in to the road.... i lived (obviously since i'm typing this) but it was terrifying. wow!and i thought him telling me to floor it on the freeway was bad. he made me do this 3 times until i got it right. then a fourth time he made me do it while steering the car to the left so i could see that the car wont skid and i would still have control..... ahh the stress of learning to drive.
well that was my days big adventure :)
school tomorrow! yeah! (kinda)
fun fun! cheerio my friends! :)
Was this Mr. DeBie?
I remember when I was doing drivers' training with him he would hold down my knee so that I couldn't take my foot off the accelerator. Scary, huh?
The man is seriously on something.
I am speaking on behalf of Rebekah; she cannot speak at the moment because she has suffered a serious heart attack after learning that you will not be supporting her (figuratively and literally) in track practice tomorrow.
She hopes your appointment will go well and that you will be able to join her once again at the gulag, excuse me, track practice.
tell me who your driving instructor is so that i don't go to him/her.
that sounds so scary!!!!!! oh em gee. 4 times?!?!
i would've braked after going like... 20 feet. =P
when i first read the first sentence of your post, i thought you were talking about your abs as in... your literal abs...
seriously, though... i would've died
w0w!! that sounds scaryy!!! i agree that grace wuld have died!!!! lol.
i dont know what kind of DRIVERS TRAINING you take but i've never done that in my life. weirddddd. u have a freaky teacher.
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