Sunday, December 31, 2006
last min of 2006!!!:)
yeah!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR in one min......well this is my tribute to the last min. of 2006....sooooo ya...its been a good year! :)
Saturday, December 30, 2006
what type of weather am i????
so i was kinda bored so after finding this site from my friends blog i took some of the random quizes and here were some of my results.
What Type of Weather Are You?
You Are Snow

Magical yet potentially destructive
You are well known as fun to play with
People anticipate your arrival but then are quickly sick of you
You are best known for: your serenity
Your dominant state: reflecting
-ouch! you all don't really get sick of me you?...but i am pretty fun to play with you have to admit.
What US City Are You Most Like?
You Are Austin

A little bit country, a little bit rock and roll.
You're totally weird and very proud of it.
Artistic and freaky, you still seem to fit in... in your own strange way.
Famous Austin residents: Lance Armstrong, Sandra Bullock, Andy Roddick
-what? i don't even really like texas! not that i've ever been there or anying....okay i dont really know if i like texas or not. i am totally weird and proud of it; and maybe kinda artistic; but freaky?....hmmmmmm....
What Year Do I Belong In?
You Belong in 1964
If you scored...
1950 - 1959: You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in!
1960 - 1969: You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule.
1970 - 1979: Bold and brash, you take life by the horns. Whether you're partying or protesting, you give it your all!
1980 - 1989: Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day.
1990 - 1999: With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good!
it was fun to take the quizzes even if they arn't accruate.
adios :)
What Type of Weather Are You?
You Are Snow

Magical yet potentially destructive
You are well known as fun to play with
People anticipate your arrival but then are quickly sick of you
You are best known for: your serenity
Your dominant state: reflecting
-ouch! you all don't really get sick of me you?...but i am pretty fun to play with you have to admit.
What US City Are You Most Like?
You Are Austin

A little bit country, a little bit rock and roll.
You're totally weird and very proud of it.
Artistic and freaky, you still seem to fit in... in your own strange way.
Famous Austin residents: Lance Armstrong, Sandra Bullock, Andy Roddick
-what? i don't even really like texas! not that i've ever been there or anying....okay i dont really know if i like texas or not. i am totally weird and proud of it; and maybe kinda artistic; but freaky?....hmmmmmm....
What Year Do I Belong In?
You Belong in 1964
If you scored...
1950 - 1959: You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in!
1960 - 1969: You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule.
1970 - 1979: Bold and brash, you take life by the horns. Whether you're partying or protesting, you give it your all!
1980 - 1989: Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day.
1990 - 1999: With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good!
it was fun to take the quizzes even if they arn't accruate.
adios :)
Thursday, December 28, 2006
i have a clean closet!!!
today was a very productive day. i got my whole closet cleaned out! yeahhhhhh! so after spending like 3 hrs. on that i was in a cleaning mood and decided to move to my bathroom. i cleaned out all the cabinets and drawers. then i move to my room. i got about half way through my desk and i was just tired of cleaning so i stopped; and now my floor is a mess because it has the contense of my desk all over it....oh well i'll tackle that tomorrow. another good thing about today was i got to play tennis! yeahhhhhh! twice! bigger yeahhhhhhh!!!! anyways my game came back and i acctually played the best that i have played in months!!! i was super excited.
ya but not alot happened today besides that. soooooo i think i'll end here and go to bed because all that cleaning made me sleepy.
good night!
ya but not alot happened today besides that. soooooo i think i'll end here and go to bed because all that cleaning made me sleepy.
good night!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
floor it?
okay, this might be getting a little old and boring hearing about my driving, but i'm going to tell my story anyway. tonight was my fist time on the was kinda scary. my instructer kept telling me to go faster to get up to speed, but i couldnt maintian 65 ( or wouldnt) so he was like "your going to listen to me right", i'm thinking "duh why would i be in this situationg if i hadn't been listining to you" but i just nodded. then he says "okay floor it"......double take....."what"? i quick floored it then eased up. so he just says "no floor it until i tell you to ease up" so after some persuation i did. i had the pedal to the floor for like 10 seconds (which is a pretty long time) before he said ok you can stop. so yeah that was my freeway experiance....not the most welcoming but now after the fact it wasent all that bad....i have to learn some time. better sooner than later.
but dont worry i dont think i will be flooring anything when i start driving on my least i hope not.
thats my story.
i'm off to clean my closet out to make room for my 11 new sweaters. oh joy.
bye bye! :)
but dont worry i dont think i will be flooring anything when i start driving on my least i hope not.
thats my story.
i'm off to clean my closet out to make room for my 11 new sweaters. oh joy.
bye bye! :)
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
christmas is over....time for new years! has come and gone and now it's time to start getting ready for the new year of 2007.....that sounds really strange: 2007. wow, it doesn't seem like a year ago already that we were bringing in 2006 but hey time flys. i was really busy yesterday because first, when i woke up, i celebrated with my family; then i had to go visit my grandma; then come back and open presents with my step sister, cause she was at her moms house in the morning. after that we all had to drive up to p.v. for christmas dinner. so, i got home late last night and was too tired to post anything. so, i'll put up some pictures of my christmas now.....enjoy.

sweaters galore! between all of my family i got 11 sweaters for christmas. i really like them all, but why do i need 11. i live in southern california.....does everyone think i'm cold or something?

here's my mom, step dad, and katie who is making a funny fish face at the camera. :)
my family thougt it would be fun to see how many presents i could balance....i have no clue.

sweaters galore! between all of my family i got 11 sweaters for christmas. i really like them all, but why do i need 11. i live in southern california.....does everyone think i'm cold or something?
oh joy another sweater! now i will never be cold again. :)
someone is excited for presents.....or maybe clapping is just the fun part. oh well, isn't she a cutie.
we also had a whipped cream fight! that was a lot of fun especially because my step dad lost....hehe! j/k...well sorta....come on it has to be fun to see you parents covered in whipped cream.
something else that was funny and unusuall....when my mom and i were getting off the freeway to go to my grandmas house we saw this guy in a santa costume on a harly. he was waving and yelling merry christmas to everyone who drove by.... i happen to have my camera on me and was able to snap a picture...not a very good one but hey it is still funny

this is kinda a creepy was on a cake so i took it off and took a picture of it.
i hope everyone had a fantastic holiday! :)
Monday, December 25, 2006
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!! wow this day, so far, has been awsome yet crazy but i gotta go to have christmas dinner at my family's house now. so i'll post some fun pictures later. i also have a funny story to tell.
i hope everyone is having a great christmas with their families or friends.
bye for now!
i hope everyone is having a great christmas with their families or friends.
bye for now!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
christmas eve is finally here!
okay, i havent really spent very much time posting things lately. but thats kinda cause i haven't really had very much to post today for instance it's like 4:00, i'v been awake since 7:00 and i havent even left my house. we have also had the radio on all day and this is now the 3rd time today i have heard feliz navidad! i'm sooooooooo board, but hey tomorrow is christmas! so i guess i'm also super excited! i also have noticed that i have been complaining alot lately, when i should be thankful for the time off of school. anyway last night i had another chrismas party to go to at my neighbors house down the was super boring but we managed to entertain ourselves by taking random and crazy are some....really embarrassing!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
do you have the christmas spirit?
i ended up going to CPK in the market place for lunch today and then to golden spoon...yummy they had peppermint stick.....anyway while we were there, some professional"christmas carolers", who were all dressed up in old fashion clothes, started singing for everyone who was sitting outside. my first thought was how embarrassing to have to sing christmas carols for your job to a bunch of people you don't know. but then as i started thinking about it, they were kinda putting me in the christmas spirit and all the people who were listing were getting really into it, especially the ones who had little kids. some people even started dancing with eachother and requesting songs. it was nice to see people just being happy, since today in this day and age no one does things like that anymore and are too concerned with what people will think about them.
it totally made my day! :)
it totally made my day! :)
what does christmas have to do with catch phrase?
so i pretty much just woke up like an hour ago, which is sleeping in for me. last night was our christmas party which was acctually really fun because me, my friends and neighbors just sat in our living room and played catch phrase, while all the older people talked polotics, buisness and so on in the other room. but yeah now i have to figure out what i'm going to do on my first official day of christmas break.....hmmm....probably just clean my room or something.
oh well bye for now! :)
oh well bye for now! :)
Friday, December 22, 2006
schools out!
CHRISTMAS IS ON MONDAY?! well i already knew that but it just acctually sunk it really came fast this year. but anywho today was our last day of school for 2 weeks! yes! the time off is nice to relax but now i have to figure out what to do with myself were having our anulal christmas party tonight...kinda boring, but good food and lots of yummy hot apple cider...sound intriguing enough to come by and keep me company? anybody? :) oh well i'm off to help set up for it.
bye for now!
bye for now!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
back to mexico
so today after school rebekah and i decided to go conditon for track..... i mean at least we were making the effort, even if it was the day before christmas break. anyway on with my story....we finally met up in the locker room and quickly got dressed ( it was freezing in that drafty locker room) . we walked over to the weight room only to be asked by mr. zoetewey if we had our green cards (which i think is something that proves you had your physical) ......long pause, from us......"ummmm"......"no" apparently we couldnt work out without them, which wasn't a total bummer since i really didnt have a burning desire to work out. however, it did make getting dressed in a freezing locker room compleatly pointless. as we walked back i commented on how funny it sounded. we didnt have our "green cards" we were illegal or something! we started laughing about being deported and how awkward and slightly embarresing it was. but hey at least we got some laughs out of it even if we didnt get fit. :)
good times rebekah!
have a wonderful night! :)
i have a night driving lesson tonight at stuff!
good times rebekah!
have a wonderful night! :)
i have a night driving lesson tonight at stuff!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
note to self: never be a politician!
i just got back from the look-how-many-people-voted-for-me christmas party, and let me tell you i now know why i will never seek a career in politics (not that i wanted one anyway). first of all it is super boring talking to a bunch of people my step dad has fixed side walks for in his council district, and all of them ask you the same questions "What school do you go to"? "What sports do you play"? "I bet you love having a baby sister"?....and so on. i mean i should just wear a sign. it's not all that bad though,until you get to the materialism and the it's- WHO-you-know parts. i'm not even going to go into all the back stabbing that goes on. also, (something pretty strange) some lady that i had never even met before came up to me and started feeling my back and commenting on my posture....pretty awkward.
politics. ick! it reminds me of high school. just with 40 and 50 year olds ...........people trying to compete for popularity and the latest and greatest everythig....funny how some stuff never changes. huh?
anyway on a different note:
.....i think the english "test" ,i have tomorrow, might be a "quest"(bigger than a quiz but less than a test)...i'm not really sure what it is. oh well whatever i'd rather just get all three done anyway so i have nothing on friday!
hope all is well! bye! :)
politics. ick! it reminds me of high school. just with 40 and 50 year olds ...........people trying to compete for popularity and the latest and greatest everythig....funny how some stuff never changes. huh?
anyway on a different note:
.....i think the english "test" ,i have tomorrow, might be a "quest"(bigger than a quiz but less than a test)...i'm not really sure what it is. oh well whatever i'd rather just get all three done anyway so i have nothing on friday!
hope all is well! bye! :)
ahhh this week is going by sooooooo sloooooooooow! probably because it's the week before christmas break! YES only 1 more FULL day of school! also because i have had so much to do this week and so little time to do it in. for instance i have three tests tomorrow. 3 TESTS! what are the odds that they would be periods 1 2 and 3........first three periods when i'm not even fully awake yet and all in a row. oh well tests mean NO HOMEWORK (in thoes classes at least). one highlight of my day was that i got my spanish presentation over with! i think i did really bad on the presenting part. i could feel my face burning as i tried to remember what i was supposed to say. so the actual presenting part wasent the highlight, just getting it over with. i also thought chapel was really good today....the music was great and mr. becksvoort did a great job at telling the christmas story in a whole new light.
well i'm being forced to attend some christmas party for my step dad's city council stuff.....super boring....i'd actually rather be in school if you can believe it.
well i'm being forced to attend some christmas party for my step dad's city council stuff.....super boring....i'd actually rather be in school if you can believe it.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
ok i can relax now :)
my spanish project is done and i must admit i'm acctually not to upset with how it turned its just presenting it that makes me nervous, but i think i got that down.
just thought i'd let you know!
oh and grace thanks for leaving me that extra long comment. it did help to cheer me up! :)
just thought i'd let you know!
oh and grace thanks for leaving me that extra long comment. it did help to cheer me up! :)
i want to SCREAM!
jfklsdasjfoejeoiej!!! that is really the only way to describe my emotion right now over the computer. i was totally stoked to play tennis tonight at my lesson....until i started playing! here's kinda how my game was going.....
forehand-not too bad
backhand- someone watching would have questioned if i had any coordination at all!
volleys- flat out embarrassing!
serves- the net appeared to be my target :(
what i really wanted to do was just throw my racket down and sit on the court,a lot like how a five year old would throw a temper tantrum. but being my current age, i'm pretty sure that isn't socially acceptable (i wouldn't really have though anyway) so, maybe i just had a bad night or worse maybe i really need to play more often before my game plummets even farther. but whatever it was it totally depressed me. :(
another thing, I OFFICIALLY CAN'T STAND SPANISH!!!!(or at least, at the moment). i have this massive 75 pt. project due tomorrow. it's supposed to be about myself and mi familia. i can't even give really great presentations in english, let alone give one in spanish with it practically memorized! Yikes! i better go finish that now.
i hope all your evenings were better than mine.
tomorrow is another day! i'm soooooooo glad! :)
forehand-not too bad
backhand- someone watching would have questioned if i had any coordination at all!
volleys- flat out embarrassing!
serves- the net appeared to be my target :(
what i really wanted to do was just throw my racket down and sit on the court,a lot like how a five year old would throw a temper tantrum. but being my current age, i'm pretty sure that isn't socially acceptable (i wouldn't really have though anyway) so, maybe i just had a bad night or worse maybe i really need to play more often before my game plummets even farther. but whatever it was it totally depressed me. :(
another thing, I OFFICIALLY CAN'T STAND SPANISH!!!!(or at least, at the moment). i have this massive 75 pt. project due tomorrow. it's supposed to be about myself and mi familia. i can't even give really great presentations in english, let alone give one in spanish with it practically memorized! Yikes! i better go finish that now.
i hope all your evenings were better than mine.
tomorrow is another day! i'm soooooooo glad! :)
Monday, December 18, 2006
running on adrenaline
let me just say today was such an awsome day! i really can't say why except that it just felt like God was making everything go right. i'm actually really suprised cause i only had 3 1/2 hrs. of sleep last night. ug! i just couldnt fall asleep till like 2:00 and then my cat jumped on my face at 5:30. but, oh well weird thing is i'm not even that tired. i also have this massive spanish project due wed.( that i havent even started) and two tests, in history and bio, on thursday.... gosh it just occured to me i have no idea what my bio test is on.....hmmmm. well, by the looks of things i dont really have much to be so happy about but i dont have much to complain about either. oh well i'm just happy......happy happy joy joy........
oh yeah, and YIPPIYYYYYYYY SKIPPYYYYYYY!!!!! only three and a half more days till christmas break.....just thought i would express my emotion on that. :) :) :)
oh yeah, and YIPPIYYYYYYYY SKIPPYYYYYYY!!!!! only three and a half more days till christmas break.....just thought i would express my emotion on that. :) :) :)
Sunday, December 17, 2006
from rubber duckies to chess sets
today was definitely a productive sunday. i got done most of the things i needed to.... like christmas cards and my photo project. here are some pictures that i took with my new camera :) for it.
"rubber duckie, your the one, you make bath time lots of fun. rubber duckie i'm awfully fond of yooooou"
this is of our little christmas village we have set up.
this is a sea shell i found in hawaii when i was there over the summer. i thought it would be cool to take a picture of.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
santa kitty
i felt bad complaining about one of the happiest times of the year, earlier, so i decided to create a happier post, and put on this picture
also, grace, i saw your comment and for your information august and i are not taking SAPNISH class, spanish maybe, but sapnish. definitely not. but, no i dont think we have to present again. my deepest sympathies to you for your group winning and being required to present again...haha! WOW i never thought i'd see the day when i'm correcting GRACE on a spelling error....its always the other way around.
and its raining right now YIPPIY! :) i love the rain!
9 days till christmas+ nothing done= stress!
ya, it's nice to have some days off of school to just relax, but other times i would rather be in school...then at least i would have an excuse for not doing all the things i need to get done. boy o' boy do the holidays stress me out. sure there a blast, but as it draws closer and closer to christmas, you find yourself thinking about all the gifts you have to buy and cards you need to write, on top of the christmas parities you must attend, or set up for if your having one yourself...mabey its just me or the fact that i procrastinate to the last second, but i cant be the only one who feels this way, right? it's kinda scary to think that i'm not even an adult yet and its bound to get worse when i become one. oh well.
now dont get me wrong, i'm no scrooge, and i love this time of year...honestly what's not to love....we get to spend quality time with family and friends, celebrate the birth of our savior, make/eat christmas cookies, sing carols, decorate the chrstmas tree, and all the lights do add a certian bright happy feeling not to mention look pretty. i just think we could all do with a lot less stress. but throughout it all the christmas season has more good things about it than it does i really shouldnt complain.
have a good rest of the weekend!
now dont get me wrong, i'm no scrooge, and i love this time of year...honestly what's not to love....we get to spend quality time with family and friends, celebrate the birth of our savior, make/eat christmas cookies, sing carols, decorate the chrstmas tree, and all the lights do add a certian bright happy feeling not to mention look pretty. i just think we could all do with a lot less stress. but throughout it all the christmas season has more good things about it than it does i really shouldnt complain.
have a good rest of the weekend!
Friday, December 15, 2006
some of lifes small questions
why is it that on the back of a peanut butter jar it says "may contain traces of peanuts or other types of nuts".....i mean are people really that dumb, that they cant figure it out for is called PEANUTbutter. or why do we say an alarm clock goes off, wouldn't it be turning on? why is the alphabet in that order, was it cause of the song? what happens if a doctor, operating on someone, has a the other doctors work on them or the person they were oraginally operating on? and how come toy hippos are always pink or purple or blue when real ones are brown? it just doesnt make sense! many questions so little time.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
san francisco!
so......this afternoon i was looking at some old pictures on my computer. i found my pictures from my san francisco trip we took last april along with my friend. since i didn't have anything else to post i decided to post some pictures of that....enjoy!
chance of rain? i always come prepared!...........even indoors
super man to the rescue! this was in a store called "sharper image"

august, these should bring back memories.......good times! good times! :) haha
theres the trolly! :)

your friendly neighborhood spiderman!
pretty crazy store. huh?
these stylish glasses not only look great :) but serve the purpose of finding your golf ball after you hit if i only played golf.
i thought the clouds looked really cool in this picture...almost like a painting.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
so i come home and just go on my blog to see if i have any comments....115! (now 116). all that was going through my head was "why, why me....what have they done now? WOW you guys did you know your 114 coments took over an hour. either thats love or just bordom.......for the record i totally agree with you august.....remind me again. how we did get stuck with them?
i cant think of a title right now ;)
i had another driving lesson today. yippiy! this time i drove only on actual streets...and NO i didnt hit anythig. suprised? yeah right, because i'm sure no one was worried.... right? :) it honestly wasen't as bad as i thought it would be. it really wasen't nerve racking or hard at all. the toughest part, for me, is changing lanes and leaving enough space to brake....reallly got to get that braking thing down so i'm not making those abrupt stops...jk i'm not that bad. well thats all for now! :)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
anything and everthing
today has been a good day except for the finding out one of my christmas presents already! but hey it could be after playing tennis this afternoon with my friends, cristina and jenny, my mom and i were on our way home when she casually asks when my next photo project for photography is due. i responded "next week wed." without really thinking about it. then she just kinda said "ok" a little too quickly. i just looked over to see her looking the other way and nervously tapping the steering wheel hmmm....a little obvious? i think so. well the out come of it is that i now have a brand new camera that is an early christmas present! yippiy! i'm super excited. :)
another thing that apperently took place today was my baby sister deciding that flowers would taste good. we have some pointsettias around our house and my sister was crawling around on the floor. my grandma ,who was here today, thought my mom was wathching katie and left the room. my mom, who didnt know she was supposed to be wathiching her, was folding laundry. apperently katie snacked on the flower a little before my mom turned around and probably started panicking.( i wasen't home) obviously my mother thought that pointsettias are poisness and called poison control to have them tell her that the worst that could happen would be her breaking out in a rash.
on a different, guys (amy, august and grace) *(especially august and grace) i am so thrilled that you love to check out my blog to comunicate with makes me feel so loved, but acctually it is kinda amusing.... so i dont mind, just as long as you dont forget to say SOMETHING to me...just kidding! :)
well thats all for now
oh, except another great thing about today is i have no homework!
i was bouncing a ball by the stairs and accedently bounced it on the corner of the stair which caused it come back and hit me in the mouth. :(
(if you read this cristina, i thought of you)
another thing that apperently took place today was my baby sister deciding that flowers would taste good. we have some pointsettias around our house and my sister was crawling around on the floor. my grandma ,who was here today, thought my mom was wathching katie and left the room. my mom, who didnt know she was supposed to be wathiching her, was folding laundry. apperently katie snacked on the flower a little before my mom turned around and probably started panicking.( i wasen't home) obviously my mother thought that pointsettias are poisness and called poison control to have them tell her that the worst that could happen would be her breaking out in a rash.
on a different, guys (amy, august and grace) *(especially august and grace) i am so thrilled that you love to check out my blog to comunicate with makes me feel so loved, but acctually it is kinda amusing.... so i dont mind, just as long as you dont forget to say SOMETHING to me...just kidding! :)
well thats all for now
oh, except another great thing about today is i have no homework!
i was bouncing a ball by the stairs and accedently bounced it on the corner of the stair which caused it come back and hit me in the mouth. :(
(if you read this cristina, i thought of you)
Sunday, December 10, 2006
on the road again!
i had my second driving lesson today and actually got to drive on real streets. i was compleatly terrified and the instructer kept telling me to go faster, but i was going 4o mph. yippy (fastest i've ever driven) :). but once i got started it wasn't too bad and the only really big mistake i made was running a stop least i slowed down though and no one was comming :}. after my lesson my mom also took me driving around, which was even worse cause we were driving next to a cop....that was great for my nerves. i, luckily, didnt do any thing wrong at that point so i was ok.
well i'm off to study for a history joy tomorrow is monday.
well i'm off to study for a history joy tomorrow is monday.
Saturday, December 9, 2006
parades! parades! parades!
tonight we were in another christmas parade. this time it was a boat parade though. we got to ride on a know the boats that are in italy with the guys that stand on the back and row it and sing when you go under bridges....anyway it was ok except for the fact that it started raining. now dont get me wrong i absolutely love the rain, just not when i'm on a boat without a hat, hood, or umbrella. since i didnt have a hat the guy rowing our gondola gave me his to borrow until the rain stopped.
wow! with these looks, that hat, and the my amaizing singing abilities....i could totally do this job! no problem! (except for the rowing, like, 10 miles a day part)
here are some pics! enjoy!
here's my little sis, katie, all bundled up!
me and my family on the gondola
wow! with these looks, that hat, and the my amaizing singing abilities....i could totally do this job! no problem! (except for the rowing, like, 10 miles a day part)
but really, come on, you've got to admit i'm stylin' :)

this is my little friend that i found in an ornament box while decorating our christmas tree today! he needs a name, but i dont know what to name him.... i was thinking of something like harold.
well, bye for now! :)
Friday, December 8, 2006
lemon CUPcakes
hey everybody,
it's been a nice and relaxing day. maybe a little too relaxing because i started to fall asleep in photography today...just kidding, i wanted to though. it felt really great to come home. i just sat down and started making cristmas cards. :) yeah well not to interesting.
btw....grace, to answer your question on my previous post.... no, havent actually ever had a lemon CUPcake. lemon cake, yes, but lemon cupcake, no. maybe i will bring some to school somtime so we can have our first lemon cupcakes together.....also january 3 is national "sleep in day" looked it up on my trusty national holiday website. :)
well i'm off to bed, cause i'm sleepy :0
good night
it's been a nice and relaxing day. maybe a little too relaxing because i started to fall asleep in photography today...just kidding, i wanted to though. it felt really great to come home. i just sat down and started making cristmas cards. :) yeah well not to interesting.
btw....grace, to answer your question on my previous post.... no, havent actually ever had a lemon CUPcake. lemon cake, yes, but lemon cupcake, no. maybe i will bring some to school somtime so we can have our first lemon cupcakes together.....also january 3 is national "sleep in day" looked it up on my trusty national holiday website. :)
well i'm off to bed, cause i'm sleepy :0
good night
Thursday, December 7, 2006
everyday a holiday?
guess what? i bet you'll never guess cause its pretty random.....anyways i was on the internet after school, just browsing and not really looking for anything in particular, you know... after my homework was finished and all. i decided to look up things that are considered national holidays (dont ask where i come up with these things) so i went to google and typed in "bizarre holidays in december". i ended up finding a list of all 12 months with a "national" holiday for each day!
get this...someone dubbed today, december 7, national cotton candy day!
or my personal favorite ,for december, national lemon cupcake day.....december 15
i also started looking through the other months and found out that january 21 is national hug day. nice! a day dedicated to hugs. the world could defiantly use some more love in it.
so yeah..... i thought that was kinda cool!
but don't quote me on any of this. i got all my info off the internet so if its wrong blame the people who published it (not me) :)
well, have a good night and be glad tomorrow is friday! yeah!
get this...someone dubbed today, december 7, national cotton candy day!
or my personal favorite ,for december, national lemon cupcake day.....december 15
i also started looking through the other months and found out that january 21 is national hug day. nice! a day dedicated to hugs. the world could defiantly use some more love in it.
so yeah..... i thought that was kinda cool!
but don't quote me on any of this. i got all my info off the internet so if its wrong blame the people who published it (not me) :)
well, have a good night and be glad tomorrow is friday! yeah!
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
up, down, all around
:) :( :) :) :( :( :) :) :)
that is pretty much how today went. it started off good, until 1st period. then it went back up for 2nd and break, but back down for 3rd and 4th. Ever since lunch though things have been going great..... oh well i shouldnt complain, after all things could be alot worse.....i dont even want to think about it.
now i get to go play tennis. yeah!!!! super fun, especially cause i havent played in a week ( lifetime to some people). i'll just be thankfull i get to go play.
i hope tomorrow goes a little better and i have something more exciting to post about
that is pretty much how today went. it started off good, until 1st period. then it went back up for 2nd and break, but back down for 3rd and 4th. Ever since lunch though things have been going great..... oh well i shouldnt complain, after all things could be alot worse.....i dont even want to think about it.
now i get to go play tennis. yeah!!!! super fun, especially cause i havent played in a week ( lifetime to some people). i'll just be thankfull i get to go play.
i hope tomorrow goes a little better and i have something more exciting to post about
Monday, December 4, 2006
¡hi, deseé pensar en una manera creativa de fijar tan esto soy lo que subí con… mecanografiar en español! el oh mana yo tenía de todos modos una historia divertida a decir, pero me olvidé de ella. :( . lo fijará si viene importar.....for those of you who dont know spanish it says.....
hi, i wanted to think of a creative way to post... so this is what i came up with...typing in spanish! well anyway i had a funny story to tell, but i forgot it.
:( oh well, will post it if it come to mind
and by the way i really dont know spanish this well i translated it on google, but until you just read this i bet you were impressed :)
hi, i wanted to think of a creative way to post... so this is what i came up with...typing in spanish! well anyway i had a funny story to tell, but i forgot it.
:( oh well, will post it if it come to mind
and by the way i really dont know spanish this well i translated it on google, but until you just read this i bet you were impressed :)
Sunday, December 3, 2006
yeah tomorrow is monday!
wow i never thought i woud be saying this (or typing it) but i'm actually excited for school tomorrow! weird, and no i'm not being sarcastic. i dont really even have anythig to be excited about. i just have a feeling that i will have a really good day. i shouldn't be saying that because then i will probably end up having a really bad day. no, i am determined to start the week with a good attitude, that way if i do get stressed out at least it won't be as bad. i mean if i start the week happy, by friday i should still have SOME happy feelings left. right?
gosh. I'M even amazed at how strange i can be!
oh well, good night sleep tight! :)
gosh. I'M even amazed at how strange i can be!
oh well, good night sleep tight! :)
Saturday, December 2, 2006
christmas is coming!!!!
its that time again. time for being happy, giving gifts and sipping apple cider by the fire. i cant believe its already december 2. wow! time flies when your having fun or maby just staying busy. speaking of weekend has been super busy, and its not even over yet! anyway tonight i had to be in the belmont shore christmas parade, beceause of my step dad being on city council and all. it was kinda embarresing sitting up there on a float and waving at a buch of people. it was also really strange when a lady yelled at me "i voted for you in the election". this, of couse was directed at my step dad but ,hey, it was still a little awkward.
i also have been busy trying to figure out what i am going to take pictures of for my photo project on action. i just dont know what to do for panning, which is when you move the camera with your subject to blur the background. so i'm open to suggestions :)
oh! another thing. i just realized how many different ways there are to make a happy face on a computer! yeah!!! there's your traditional way :) or.....
:-)....with a nose
:p looks like a tounge
:O ....suprised
-)....alien happy face (i kinda made that up)
:>)....a carrot nose
anyway, you get the idea
by the way i'm in a really strange mood right now so this post is a little odd!
i also have been busy trying to figure out what i am going to take pictures of for my photo project on action. i just dont know what to do for panning, which is when you move the camera with your subject to blur the background. so i'm open to suggestions :)
oh! another thing. i just realized how many different ways there are to make a happy face on a computer! yeah!!! there's your traditional way :) or.....
:-)....with a nose
:p looks like a tounge
:O ....suprised
-)....alien happy face (i kinda made that up)
:>)....a carrot nose
anyway, you get the idea
by the way i'm in a really strange mood right now so this post is a little odd!
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