Today included much reflection on what our experiences in S.F. have been so far. The whole group got together and headed over to Berkeley for the day. It was great to all get together and be able to converse in a safe community setting. We discussed our challenges, successes and thoughts about what we've been encountering. The discussion at one point was centered around how it was different to work for non-profits not affiliated with a Christian organization. In my opinion, it has been enjoyable to work with a, for lack of a better term "secular" organization. I need to sometimes escape the religious bubble I've surrounded myself with and be with people that don't necessarily think the same things as I do. Without this would my faith really be credible? We began debating if others perceive us differently and if yes, how so. In my experience and opinion, no. I'm not a better person than someone else because I have certain beliefs. Believing in something doesn't automatically raise a person above other human beings. I don't feel like I stand out more as a good person than others that I work alongside. There really isn't any difference or divide except the fact that I know where to turn to give the glory and run for help when I need it. I know I don't do these things enough, but I am learning. After all, that is what life is about-it's all one big learning experience. After our discussion, we were given the day to wander Berkeley and then reconvene at Brad's (our program director) house for dinner and a movie. We played taboo while we waited for the food to arrive, which was a blast and then before starting the movie, Brad told us that there would be ice cream and sundae toppings for dessert. He listed the toppings, which were things like fruit, chocolate and "gOOmie bears". His pronunciation of the word for whatever reason was hilarious. He said it's how they pronounce it in South American countries. The hilarious Brad comments didn't stop there. He started sneezing due to allergies, so we jokingly suggested he use some of the bee pollen (it is supposed to help with allergies...who knew?) we had in the fridge at the urban house. He goes "Bee pollen. It sounds like a rapper." "That is your new nick-name, Brad!" Meghan and I said. His response? He tried to rap. "Yo yo, my name is Bee Pollen. I got my allergies, got my rims, look at me!" I couldn't breathe for the next ten minutes...he is hilarious! What a great day... Enjoy some pictures. Meghan, Brian and I in the back of the Urban van, ready for our day in Berkeley!

Corinna and Becky wandering UC Berkeley's campus.

Meghan and I photo bombed by Corinna


Strike a pose on the steps...
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