Looking out towards the Financial District.
I took this from the Golden Gate. Isn't the city beautiful?! I wish I could move here permanently.

Speaking of artsy, San Francisco seems to be living up to it's reputation for housing a collection of interesting people.
It's never a dull moment walking around or riding the bus.
I'll tell several stories that I can recall.
The first, was when Barrett and I were on a bus ride back home from downtown. A few stops after us, a woman got on, refusing to pay and then proceeding to stumble to the back of the bus, falling over people (and herself) and shouting "I won't take the ticket! I won't!". About two stops later the MUNI police got on and asked to see every one's proof of payment. This woman, of course, didn't have any. The officer asked for the woman's identification, she handed it to him, saying "Well, doesn't this just suck for me. My name is Princess Fifi. Write that down."
"Mame, your I.D. says you name right here and it tells me what your real name is. Did you just board the bus deliberately without paying?"
"Yes, I just snuck my skinny little ass on here."
The whole bus laughed at this, for what she had actually done, was nothing like sneaking.
"Alright, I'm going to need to know the apartment number for your address." the officer said.
"Well, f***, now everyone knows where I live!"
No, we actually don't, but okay...
Another MUNI experience consisted of the entire senior section of the bus applauding the driver after he had calmly told a woman that she could not board the bus with her stroller un-folded. After he had explained to her for a few minutes about the policy and she stood there yelling, he pulled away, telling her to wait for the next bus. Then this little old woman stands up and goes "Good job driver! Yay for MUNI!" and everyone began applauding. It was like the end of "Speed" or something...quite bizare. A while later the same little old woman stood up and began hitting Jen (a girl on the program with me) on the shoulder and yelling "Puppies! Look at the puppies" as she stuck her head out the window and saw some dogs in the car next to us. People are unique.
Another thing I've been forced to get used to living in the city is cat calls and comments from men (and sometimes women) on the street. It literally happens almost every time I set foot outside. Some are disturbing, most are annoying, but some are downright hilarious. I mean, I do find it sad that I (and every other girl in the house) has had to become accustomed to this sort of thing. I was surprised at how fast I learned to simply ignore it, but I guess it's all part of living here.
One amusing experience was while I was on the way to work. I had on some red flats and as I rounded the corner at 11th and Market, a man walking the other way goes "Woman, I like the color of yo' shoes. Matches yo' vibrant personality!"
Another time I was walking down Market St. with another girl from the house. We passed a semi-sketchy looking shop, where a man was standing in the doorway. He was about to turn to go back inside, but changed his mind as he saw us walking. He looks at me and goes "Oh, hey there, Snow White. I bet you have some seven dwarfs at home. Come on, Blondie, don't you want to add to yo' collection. I can be Sleepy or Dopey..."
Honestly? In what reality did he think that, that would be a good pick up line? So funny.
Though there are many creeps, most of SF's population is pretty great. People often engage in conversation while waiting for the bus and such. I'm totally safe and at this point feel pretty equipped to handle myself in the city...it's really not a scary place.
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