again, the beach was spectacular!

justin and betsy buried me

and made me a mermaid... :)

the house was very open and spacious and, like last year, we had a play some rounds of sardines. we got everyone to play this time and managed to sustain only minor injuries. we played in the pitch dark, which made things super hard and super scary. justin kept following me around, saying my name in what was one of the creepiest voices i've ever witnessed, hence naming it his "creepy munchkin voice". seriously, it is terrifying he can even make this voice. anyway, it wasn't me that got injured this time. betsy, jamie, justin and i had gone in my aunt and uncle's room to search and justin thought it would be hilarious to get in the closet and jump out at us as we walked out. he jumped out and betsy, who was in front, grabbed the door as a reaction and tried to slam it closed, hitting justin's head...pretty great backfire. jamie and i just screamed, laughed and then ran into my aunt, coming to see what had happened. i told her that justin had come out of the closet. her response was "Oh finally." haha poor justy...not like he doesn't deserve it.
at another point in the game, we were all smashed under the couch cushions in the couch and were there for about a good minute and a half before we realized we were all there and no one was left looking. another round jamie was hiding in the service closet, which was in the main room. just as i was opening the door to look, justin comes out of nowhere and shoves me in, causing me to fall into jenna, who fell into a bucket and then as he is scrambling to close the door quickly, he falls on top of both of us.
through this game we also discovered that eight fully grown adults can fit into a single shower stall...the resort should put that on their brochures. kidding.
i love my family!

jamer and i

we went down to the clubhouse for karaoke one afternoon. the man in front started dancing with me...he was the sweaty-est person i've ever seen. i was cringing as he grabbed my arm, while jamie cheered and laughed. haha

family picture...i think i had just played tennis.

the bay with the trampoline and sail boat!

dinner on the ocean was amazing, although while we were there, we were watching on the tv a tropical storm warning for tropical storm bonnie. we all started discussing what would happen if it became hurricane status and hit Abaco. we let our imaginations run a little wild, saying it could be made into a movie: a family on vacation, a storm hits and leaves one alive. somehow i was the one who would live because the title "the last little blond girl" was such a terrific title according to aunt julie. then we began talking about who would survive in a horror film.
bonnie did hit, but it was just with lots of lightning, thunder and rain...nothing too major. fun though
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