i thought this story should warrant it's own post.
so, we are on our way to Kanapali beach to take a surfing lesson and had just all piled in the mini van a little later than we anticipated. we are driving down the road, out of the hotel property with Justin and I in the back, Betsy and Katie in front of us and then my parents in the front. as we come to the end of the road and I buckle my seat belt, I see something out of the corner of my right eye move. I look down at the patch of seat right next to my leg and this gigantic brown spider is sitting there! My first reaction was stunned silence and then a shocked"oh, my god!" escaped me (nothing too drastic). Betsy and Justin both go "what", turn, see what I'm looking at and both go into utter hysterics. here is the recap:
me: "oh my god!"
Bets and Jus: "what?"
upon setting eyes on it...
Justin: "OH HOLY ****!!"
Betsy: hysterical screams of bloody murder
Both of them: "stop the car! get out! we have to get out!"
all while they were screaming, my parents are freaking out because they have no idea what is going on. Justin grabs my arm, trying desperately to pull me away from the spider, sees that I'm still seat-belted in, gives up and shoves Betsy (who is still screaming) out of the way so he can exit the car. honestly, their reactions scared me more than the actual spider. i couldn't stand up i was laughing so hard. we went to the bellman for help to get it out because it had run up into the side of the car (probably to escape all the noise). he wasn't able to get it out, but he did see it and told us it was a wolf spider so we looked it up and sure enough, this is what it looked like. yes, rather terrifying, but still their responses were ridiculous. 
i will NEVER let them live that down. i wish so badly that i had a video of that. so great.
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