lot's of changes happening right now. i can't believe my freshman year will be over in two days! two days! where did this year go? and it's amazing to me how much my attitudes about college have changed. i absolutely love it now, where as at the beginning of the year, i just wanted these four years to go by as quickly as possible. it's hard to imagine my life without some of the great people I've met and hard to imagine that just ten months ago, I didn't know any of them.
in addition to my freshman year almost being complete, rooming for next year was decided a couple weeks ago! meet my two new roommates! Barrett and Amy! both of them are great and i can't wait to live with them next year! it's going to be so cramped, since the room in which we are living, is not actually designed to be a triple room, but it's going to be so worth it. i can only imagine all the crazy memories that will come out of this living situation yay for Armington A (my new building!) both of them are such blessings in my life. and to think that i didn't know them just 9 months ago. they have become such major and important parts of my life. we always have a blast and are constantly laughing, but i'm also thankful that our relationships go deeper.

other changes include my official declaration of my English major! not that it's life-changing, but in a way it is. the responses i've gotten when i tell people i'm going to be an English major are all over the map. some say how excellent that is and that English is such a lost art amongst all the Business and Science majors of today. others will look apprehensive and say something like "oh, and what are you planning to do with that? teach? what else can you do?". however, i'm trying not to worry too much about my plans after college. after all, i've still got three years and who knows where i will be then...just going to see where things take me. it will all work out.
quite another big change that i'm looking forward to, but has also been weighing on my heart is my application to the San Francisco Urban program. i have decided to take advantage of Westmont's off campus programs and explore the city of San Francisco. so, if everything works out, i will be in San Fran. next spring semester. this is extremely exciting, but also comes with drawbacks. but, i will continue praying about it and know that whatever happens will happen for the best.
anyway, finals week has been...pure hell (for lack of a better phrase). amidst studying, papers, packing and spending time with friends before summer, i haven't had much down time. but, it will all be over soon and then i can enjoy some r and r before taking off for the many trips my dear family has planned this summer and before i start my GE's (luckily they are online so i can do them from anywhere in the world-a nessecary measure for this summer's travel plans).
well, over and out.
oh, by the way, happy star wars day...May the fourth be with you. haha get it? extremely corny? yes. :)
1 comment:
yay amy and barrett! =D i'll be directly 2 floors above you. haha. yay for super cramped rooms. =/
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