Thursday, November 12, 2009

Drawing Projects

these are some actual projects i've completed in my class. i really have gained a whole new appreciation for drawing. bottle done in charcoal...i'm not really sure i like this one, but hey.pumpkin also done in charcoal and conte (a bit more dense than charcoal).

this project had to incorporate organic materials and man made objects, so i used a necklace my cousin, jamie, made for me and some cloths pins. our only restriction on this was to use spoons somewhere in the drawing. i just added a bunch of everyday objects and even included two pictures i've taken (the leaf and eye) and a picture of me and august with an umbrella in Washington D.C. and also a picture of my little sister washing her toy car. it was a really fun project to work on, but very time-consuming.

this one is done on an old page of a Spanish dictionary and I was experimenting with negative space. i then filled in the branches and such though. i think i'm going to frame this one.


amy said...

you are so talented! i absolutely love the last one (the tree)!!!!! it is so amazing!!!

Grace said...

the tree is my favorite one, too. i love how it's on a page of a dictionary!! i think that just makes it look even cooler. =D