after lunch, my mom and gary were going to take katie to the pumpkin patch and gary convinced justin and i to go along for a while. we watched katie go down the slide a couple of times and then headed back to the house to go in the hot tub, which turned into a process, as i accidentally began heating the pool for 45 mins before i realized i didn't turn the spa heater on. oops. needless to say, i was punished by being thrown into the freezing pool. love my family haha.
that evening we decided we wanted to rent a movie and after two hours, i'm not kidding, it was two hours in blockbuster, justin and i had three options that we called gary with. he didn't want to watch any of them and ended up requesting the Godfather, since neither justin, nor i had ever seen it. i'd just like to say that i still haven't seen it. i fell asleep like 15 mins in and only woke up when justin hit me, or for a nice gory part like the horse's head (which is gary's favorite part) or someone getting shot. what can i say, i was tired :)
anyway, here is a pic from that party at my house, taken by the creepy photo guy. look how ridiculously long justin's hair is! i (and everyone else) keep suggesting he cut it. he actually asked me to straighten it for him...sometimes he worries me. haha just kidding.

this last week was pretty relaxed, with only three days of classes, but somehow i seemed to be dead tired. i got enough sleep, but i was just tired from the weekend i think and needed to catch up.
wednesday night i had another adventure with barrett, clara, amy and kathryn. we were going to climb the giant bolder near the library, but since it was dark we didn't realize there was some guy sitting in the shadows until we got close enough to touch him. he never said anything and we ran the other direction, hiding our faces. it was great. haha
we ended up taking a trail that runs under the bridge down by Van Kampen hall. we somehow lost the trail and ended up at the bottom of this giant embankment, that we decided to climb up. after making our way up this massively steep incline through the mud (since it had been raining the day before) we somehow wound up in some one's backyard. it was awful! we felt really bad and afraid they were going to set a dog on us or something. eventually we made it back to campus, only to take another dark trail back up to our dorm, during which i achieved a battle scar by slipping down a hill and cutting my leg on a stick. yes! haha great adventures.
well, i'm off to do homework :)
1 comment:
sounds like an enjoyable couple of weekends. and yes, when it comes to ordering, your family is a little ridiculous:)
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