i feel as if i am becoming busier with each passing week. lots of test and papers seem to keep arising at inopertune times.
despite all the necessities of college curriculum, i have managed to have some fun throughout these past few days. friday started with another one of our great starbucks study sessions, which i know, sounds really dull, but somehow we manage to make it exciting :) that usually results in not a whole lot of work getting done, but hey, it is our friday night.
saturday i was able to go out to lunch with some girls and hang out for a bit, which was fun. saturday night was another epic adventure with Barrett, Clara and Amy, which started with some of us heading down to the field to look at the stars (i saw a shooting star...it was amazing!). on our way back up the hill, we saw this girl totally eat it into the fence and slide a few feet down the hill, legs in the air. i'm sorry, but it was one of the funniest things i've ever seen. she was with her parents and must have been about 10 or 11. when we got back up to clark, we were standing outside and Leif walks by, but then totally trips over a bike. since we had just seen the girl fall, we couldn't contain our fits of laughter. poor Leif; we did apologized later, and explain why it was so funny.
sunday was also a good day in the fact that i went to lunch at the Habit (a really good burger place) on State St. later, Kathyrn was able to obtain the church car, so that was an adventure. Tamara missed the shuttle back up to campus from State St. so we went by and picked her and Clara up before church. needless to say the backseat meant for 3 was a bit cramped with the four of us...good thing we are small.
well, that is pretty much the extent of my weekend.
i'm sick, so that is a bummer. oh, and my suitmate, Leah, has been quarantined because she has the flu (perhaps swine). too bad i only have a cold...i wanted to be quarantined so bad! i told her to come breath on me :)
oh, well life goes on.
i'm trying to post some pics of my drawings up at some point, but i left my camera (with the pics on it) at home last time i was there. so, you'll all have to wait :)
hope your weeks are going well thus far
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
quick catch up
man i have some catching up to do. the rest of my weekend home last week was fantastic! like i said, sunday morning i went to breakfast with august, grace and amy. it was so good to see them!!! when i returned home from breakfast, justin still wasn't up, so i got katie to run in his room and jump on him. he then requested i make him breakfast, so my mom and i made some french toast. later that afternoon justin and i decided to go to the beach. it was definitely super relaxing. it did get a bit chilly, especially when jus tried to make me go in the water. it was freezing! i did get in a good nap on the beach though. we then met my parents and katie at Ruby's for lunch. man, my family and ordering...they just cant seem to decide. after asking the waiter a million questions about the best shakes of the season, we decided on three and devoured them amongst the five of us. great times :)
after lunch, my mom and gary were going to take katie to the pumpkin patch and gary convinced justin and i to go along for a while. we watched katie go down the slide a couple of times and then headed back to the house to go in the hot tub, which turned into a process, as i accidentally began heating the pool for 45 mins before i realized i didn't turn the spa heater on. oops. needless to say, i was punished by being thrown into the freezing pool. love my family haha.
that evening we decided we wanted to rent a movie and after two hours, i'm not kidding, it was two hours in blockbuster, justin and i had three options that we called gary with. he didn't want to watch any of them and ended up requesting the Godfather, since neither justin, nor i had ever seen it. i'd just like to say that i still haven't seen it. i fell asleep like 15 mins in and only woke up when justin hit me, or for a nice gory part like the horse's head (which is gary's favorite part) or someone getting shot. what can i say, i was tired :)
anyway, here is a pic from that party at my house, taken by the creepy photo guy. look how ridiculously long justin's hair is! i (and everyone else) keep suggesting he cut it. he actually asked me to straighten it for him...sometimes he worries me. haha just kidding.
monday was pretty relaxing, as i woke up around 9:30 from justin banging on my door, telling me i had to get up and take him back to school. i dropped him off at whittier and then picked up coffee/tea for my mom and i. i hung out with my family the rest of the weekend and then met up with grace at Union station on tuesday to head back to Santa Barbara. okay, funniest train ride of my life! there were these two girls (like your typical southern california rich ditzy girls) who were talking in naseley voices the whole time about how one of them worked in a massage place, where she learned that if you have a sore leg, you can like massage some one's back and like their pain will like totally be gone from like their leg. and there is an oh so special treatment for when your like what are they called again, oh your "pectorials". did you mean pectorals maybe? it was hilarious! i won't even tell you on here about what happened next, but basically it involved beer, two guys and me and grace thinking we were in an episode of the OC or something. haha so entertaining!
this last week was pretty relaxed, with only three days of classes, but somehow i seemed to be dead tired. i got enough sleep, but i was just tired from the weekend i think and needed to catch up.
wednesday night i had another adventure with barrett, clara, amy and kathryn. we were going to climb the giant bolder near the library, but since it was dark we didn't realize there was some guy sitting in the shadows until we got close enough to touch him. he never said anything and we ran the other direction, hiding our faces. it was great. haha
we ended up taking a trail that runs under the bridge down by Van Kampen hall. we somehow lost the trail and ended up at the bottom of this giant embankment, that we decided to climb up. after making our way up this massively steep incline through the mud (since it had been raining the day before) we somehow wound up in some one's backyard. it was awful! we felt really bad and afraid they were going to set a dog on us or something. eventually we made it back to campus, only to take another dark trail back up to our dorm, during which i achieved a battle scar by slipping down a hill and cutting my leg on a stick. yes! haha great adventures.
well, i'm off to do homework :)
after lunch, my mom and gary were going to take katie to the pumpkin patch and gary convinced justin and i to go along for a while. we watched katie go down the slide a couple of times and then headed back to the house to go in the hot tub, which turned into a process, as i accidentally began heating the pool for 45 mins before i realized i didn't turn the spa heater on. oops. needless to say, i was punished by being thrown into the freezing pool. love my family haha.
that evening we decided we wanted to rent a movie and after two hours, i'm not kidding, it was two hours in blockbuster, justin and i had three options that we called gary with. he didn't want to watch any of them and ended up requesting the Godfather, since neither justin, nor i had ever seen it. i'd just like to say that i still haven't seen it. i fell asleep like 15 mins in and only woke up when justin hit me, or for a nice gory part like the horse's head (which is gary's favorite part) or someone getting shot. what can i say, i was tired :)
anyway, here is a pic from that party at my house, taken by the creepy photo guy. look how ridiculously long justin's hair is! i (and everyone else) keep suggesting he cut it. he actually asked me to straighten it for him...sometimes he worries me. haha just kidding.

this last week was pretty relaxed, with only three days of classes, but somehow i seemed to be dead tired. i got enough sleep, but i was just tired from the weekend i think and needed to catch up.
wednesday night i had another adventure with barrett, clara, amy and kathryn. we were going to climb the giant bolder near the library, but since it was dark we didn't realize there was some guy sitting in the shadows until we got close enough to touch him. he never said anything and we ran the other direction, hiding our faces. it was great. haha
we ended up taking a trail that runs under the bridge down by Van Kampen hall. we somehow lost the trail and ended up at the bottom of this giant embankment, that we decided to climb up. after making our way up this massively steep incline through the mud (since it had been raining the day before) we somehow wound up in some one's backyard. it was awful! we felt really bad and afraid they were going to set a dog on us or something. eventually we made it back to campus, only to take another dark trail back up to our dorm, during which i achieved a battle scar by slipping down a hill and cutting my leg on a stick. yes! haha great adventures.
well, i'm off to do homework :)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
my wild weekend of fundraisers
what a weekend! i got practically no sleep. ironic huh? i don't get sleep when i'm at home, but here at school i sleep all the time. i mean, i took a two hour nap yesterday and ended up missing my fit for life class (bad danielle!), but i did have a headache, so it was justified :)
i made my way home on the train on friday afternoon with a couple of other girls from my section. when i arrived, union station was a mess! i had no idea where i was supposed to go. i finally figured it out and my parents picked me up with katie and the four of us went out to dinner in china town. since betsy didn't join us (and usc is only a couple miles away) we were nice enough to pick up a postcard for her, all signed it and sent it to her. i just spent friday night hanging out with my parents and katie, which was nice.
saturday i was given the pleasure of decorating our house for halloween and cleaning for the "Pathways Event" that evening. Pathways is basically an organization in Long Beach that helps women get thier lives back on track after coming from backgrounds of neglect, abuse, substance abuse. anyway, they have a fundraiser on my block every year and this year our house was where the appetizers were, then they move to another house for dinner and the last is dessert and a wild dance party. but, i'll get to that later.
justin came and spent most of the weekend with us and went to the party with my mom and i, since gary doesn't like dancing. justin and i didn't know anyone so, we just awkwardly stood at various spots around my house while the party was there. the event had a photographer there, who was quite an odd soul. at first he comes up to us and goes "lets get a picture of this couple." since, we get this a lot, we just kinda let it go until later when the same guy asks me "if this is my guy." (awkward) i explained that we were cousins, but after that he came back to chat with us again , taking another picture and saying, "i know you two are cousin's, but you look good together." you think this was an odd statement? it gets worse.
photographer man was talking to me and jus about gary's campaign and how there is some literature bashing him (expected in politics). justin walked away to go help someone clear off a table and a woman passes by and thanks photo man. when she is out of ear shot, he turns back to me and says "man, so many chicks just want to hook up with me here, i don't know who to choose." this guy is like 50! what the heck? i was pretty much in shock and immediately detached myself from the convo to go help someone carry something out to their car, which was all i could do to not laugh at him to his face. talk about awkward! haha
as soon as the party left our house, justin and i got katie duty, while gary went to the dinner portion with my mom. after, gary came back and sent justin and i down the street to the dance party, which was at the house of a 90 year old woman. last year the cops actually came and shut it down because it was too loud. how great is that? she is 90! :)
the people at this party were all my parents age and older, so justin and i were the youngest people there. we also got the most attention, being thrown in the middle of the dancing circle people formed around us several times. one woman came up to at least 3 times, introducing herself every time and saying what a wonderful dancer i was. if you have seen me dance, you'll know it is anything but wonderful, but i do like to have a good time and get into it. she was so toasted...
but, a good time was had. my mom, justin and i had a fun time. when were leaving we saw introducing woman again and again she commented on how my mom and i were such wonderful dancers. justin goes "wait, aren't i a great dancer?" and she replies "no, you suck." i was dying! so funny!
when we got home, justin and i ended up going in the jacuzzi for a bit and then watched indiana jones, causing me to get to bed around 4:00, which was great because i got to get up at 7:00 for breakfast with amy, august and grace.
it was so great to see them and somehow i managed to be functionally awake.
anyway, i'll tell more about my weekend later, since i have choir here in about 15 mins.
check back and thanks for reading! :)
i made my way home on the train on friday afternoon with a couple of other girls from my section. when i arrived, union station was a mess! i had no idea where i was supposed to go. i finally figured it out and my parents picked me up with katie and the four of us went out to dinner in china town. since betsy didn't join us (and usc is only a couple miles away) we were nice enough to pick up a postcard for her, all signed it and sent it to her. i just spent friday night hanging out with my parents and katie, which was nice.
saturday i was given the pleasure of decorating our house for halloween and cleaning for the "Pathways Event" that evening. Pathways is basically an organization in Long Beach that helps women get thier lives back on track after coming from backgrounds of neglect, abuse, substance abuse. anyway, they have a fundraiser on my block every year and this year our house was where the appetizers were, then they move to another house for dinner and the last is dessert and a wild dance party. but, i'll get to that later.
justin came and spent most of the weekend with us and went to the party with my mom and i, since gary doesn't like dancing. justin and i didn't know anyone so, we just awkwardly stood at various spots around my house while the party was there. the event had a photographer there, who was quite an odd soul. at first he comes up to us and goes "lets get a picture of this couple." since, we get this a lot, we just kinda let it go until later when the same guy asks me "if this is my guy." (awkward) i explained that we were cousins, but after that he came back to chat with us again , taking another picture and saying, "i know you two are cousin's, but you look good together." you think this was an odd statement? it gets worse.
photographer man was talking to me and jus about gary's campaign and how there is some literature bashing him (expected in politics). justin walked away to go help someone clear off a table and a woman passes by and thanks photo man. when she is out of ear shot, he turns back to me and says "man, so many chicks just want to hook up with me here, i don't know who to choose." this guy is like 50! what the heck? i was pretty much in shock and immediately detached myself from the convo to go help someone carry something out to their car, which was all i could do to not laugh at him to his face. talk about awkward! haha
as soon as the party left our house, justin and i got katie duty, while gary went to the dinner portion with my mom. after, gary came back and sent justin and i down the street to the dance party, which was at the house of a 90 year old woman. last year the cops actually came and shut it down because it was too loud. how great is that? she is 90! :)
the people at this party were all my parents age and older, so justin and i were the youngest people there. we also got the most attention, being thrown in the middle of the dancing circle people formed around us several times. one woman came up to at least 3 times, introducing herself every time and saying what a wonderful dancer i was. if you have seen me dance, you'll know it is anything but wonderful, but i do like to have a good time and get into it. she was so toasted...
but, a good time was had. my mom, justin and i had a fun time. when were leaving we saw introducing woman again and again she commented on how my mom and i were such wonderful dancers. justin goes "wait, aren't i a great dancer?" and she replies "no, you suck." i was dying! so funny!
when we got home, justin and i ended up going in the jacuzzi for a bit and then watched indiana jones, causing me to get to bed around 4:00, which was great because i got to get up at 7:00 for breakfast with amy, august and grace.
it was so great to see them and somehow i managed to be functionally awake.
anyway, i'll tell more about my weekend later, since i have choir here in about 15 mins.
check back and thanks for reading! :)
Monday, October 5, 2009
and so October begins
though a communications paper, was the primary event of my weekend, i still did manage to have some fun.
i'll start with thursday afternoon, when me and three other girls from my section (clara, candace and barret) decided to wander around campus. back behind the dorms of clark we discovered a gigantic bolder. this thing has to be like 50 feet high at least. we decided it would be a good idea to climb it and the best route up? up a tree, followed by a leap onto the rock face. it was especially great because me and clara didn't have shoes on. it was great; like i was one with nature or something haha. when we finally had managed to scramble down the face of the rock, back into the plantar of trees (it borders a parking lot, so i don't know what else to call it) a group of preview students was being led by. did i mention it was "previews weekend? it was a previews weekend. the fact that we were standing behind some trees in a gigantic planter definitely earned us some questioning looks as the possible students walked by. then to just top off the queerness of the moment, barret goes "great, they must think we are smoking something up here." oh my goodness she is a crackup!
after we meandered our way out of the "wilderness" we went out on the lawn and started up a game of frisbee, which tamara, who was walking by, joined. it was a blast!
thursday night, allison and i were hosting a preview student in our room. her name was katie and she was from Thousand Oaks. to be honest, i think allison and i frightened her...she didn't talk much.
anyway, she had a class to sit in on friday morning at 8:00, so i offered to go to breakfast with her at the D.C. i couldn't sleep that night and finally ended up falling asleep around 2am, which is super late for me (yes, even though i'm supposed to be a college student haha). i got up around 6:45, went to breakfast and arrived back at my room around 7:30. i didn't have class until 9:15, so i decided to go back to bed for about an hour ans set my alarm for 8:45. well, my alarm went off and i rolled over to shut it off, then immediately was out again. i woke up at 9:10, basically jumped off of my bed, grabbed by backpack and arrived to class on time, but half asleep. there were some preview students sitting in on our class and my professor asks who wants to explain to them what we do in this class. the girl sitting to my right speaks up, saying "we talk about communication and how to better understand society." then, unaware i'm speaking out loud, say "yep, pretty much." my prof. looks at me and asks "pretty much?" my response? "i just woke up...sorry." he and the rest of the class just laughed at me.
friday night was also a blast, since we totally did what all the cool kids do. tamara, clara, grace and i went to starbucks to study and do homework. and actually it was really fun. i got some stuff done, but mostly tamara and i just kept bursting into random fits of laughter. we came back and ended up talking and singing in tamara and clara's room for a couple hours. it was great!
saturday some of us went to this little sandwich shop for lunch called Panino. it has the most amazing sandwich's i have ever had! if anyone comes up here to visit me, i will definitely take you there.
last night a few of us went out for sushi (i had avocado rolls, since i'm not a fan of sushi) since it was half-priced on sunday nights.
so, even though i had massive loads of homework, my weekend still turned out to be a good one.
ciao for now.
i'll start with thursday afternoon, when me and three other girls from my section (clara, candace and barret) decided to wander around campus. back behind the dorms of clark we discovered a gigantic bolder. this thing has to be like 50 feet high at least. we decided it would be a good idea to climb it and the best route up? up a tree, followed by a leap onto the rock face. it was especially great because me and clara didn't have shoes on. it was great; like i was one with nature or something haha. when we finally had managed to scramble down the face of the rock, back into the plantar of trees (it borders a parking lot, so i don't know what else to call it) a group of preview students was being led by. did i mention it was "previews weekend? it was a previews weekend. the fact that we were standing behind some trees in a gigantic planter definitely earned us some questioning looks as the possible students walked by. then to just top off the queerness of the moment, barret goes "great, they must think we are smoking something up here." oh my goodness she is a crackup!
after we meandered our way out of the "wilderness" we went out on the lawn and started up a game of frisbee, which tamara, who was walking by, joined. it was a blast!
thursday night, allison and i were hosting a preview student in our room. her name was katie and she was from Thousand Oaks. to be honest, i think allison and i frightened her...she didn't talk much.
anyway, she had a class to sit in on friday morning at 8:00, so i offered to go to breakfast with her at the D.C. i couldn't sleep that night and finally ended up falling asleep around 2am, which is super late for me (yes, even though i'm supposed to be a college student haha). i got up around 6:45, went to breakfast and arrived back at my room around 7:30. i didn't have class until 9:15, so i decided to go back to bed for about an hour ans set my alarm for 8:45. well, my alarm went off and i rolled over to shut it off, then immediately was out again. i woke up at 9:10, basically jumped off of my bed, grabbed by backpack and arrived to class on time, but half asleep. there were some preview students sitting in on our class and my professor asks who wants to explain to them what we do in this class. the girl sitting to my right speaks up, saying "we talk about communication and how to better understand society." then, unaware i'm speaking out loud, say "yep, pretty much." my prof. looks at me and asks "pretty much?" my response? "i just woke up...sorry." he and the rest of the class just laughed at me.
friday night was also a blast, since we totally did what all the cool kids do. tamara, clara, grace and i went to starbucks to study and do homework. and actually it was really fun. i got some stuff done, but mostly tamara and i just kept bursting into random fits of laughter. we came back and ended up talking and singing in tamara and clara's room for a couple hours. it was great!
saturday some of us went to this little sandwich shop for lunch called Panino. it has the most amazing sandwich's i have ever had! if anyone comes up here to visit me, i will definitely take you there.
last night a few of us went out for sushi (i had avocado rolls, since i'm not a fan of sushi) since it was half-priced on sunday nights.
so, even though i had massive loads of homework, my weekend still turned out to be a good one.
ciao for now.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
oh the sweet scents of fall
Wow! can you believe that is October already?!? that is crazy!
anyway, i have a funny story that might brighten your morning...or not, either way, i'm telling it.
so, i was in the grocery store with grace the other day and as i walked over to the yogurt section, i smelled brownies baking. i began jumping up and down and telling grace to come smell. i'm standing there tilting my head back and forth, sniffing the air when all of the sudden a man that worked there walks out of the back, looks at me and goes "are you lost little girl? or is that just the way you always look?"
surprised, i reply back that "no i was just smelling brownies baking"
grace of course had a field day with this and is still making fun of me for this, saying that "see even people that don't know you think you are confused about life."
haha great.
so, word to the wise, as fall becomes more prevalent and the sweet scents of baking goods waft by your un-expecting nose, don't stand there looking around at the ceiling. unless you'd like to be taken as confused, then by all means, go for it.
ps. i finally have obtained season five of house and have started it so that i can move onto season six in the near future!
pss. i'm currently listening to "if you like pina coladas" by jimmy buffet and i must say that it's becoming one of my favorite songs. go oldies!
hope you all have a lovely first of October.
i get to host a previews student (someone touring the college) in my room tonight. fun fun.
anyway, i have a funny story that might brighten your morning...or not, either way, i'm telling it.
so, i was in the grocery store with grace the other day and as i walked over to the yogurt section, i smelled brownies baking. i began jumping up and down and telling grace to come smell. i'm standing there tilting my head back and forth, sniffing the air when all of the sudden a man that worked there walks out of the back, looks at me and goes "are you lost little girl? or is that just the way you always look?"
surprised, i reply back that "no i was just smelling brownies baking"
grace of course had a field day with this and is still making fun of me for this, saying that "see even people that don't know you think you are confused about life."
haha great.
so, word to the wise, as fall becomes more prevalent and the sweet scents of baking goods waft by your un-expecting nose, don't stand there looking around at the ceiling. unless you'd like to be taken as confused, then by all means, go for it.
ps. i finally have obtained season five of house and have started it so that i can move onto season six in the near future!
pss. i'm currently listening to "if you like pina coladas" by jimmy buffet and i must say that it's becoming one of my favorite songs. go oldies!
hope you all have a lovely first of October.
i get to host a previews student (someone touring the college) in my room tonight. fun fun.
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