Thursday, September 3, 2009

one week down. about another million to go

so, i know you are all anxious to hear about my new life as college student! seriously, the most exciting thing took place yesterday. anyone know what? guesses? okay, i'll tell. i finished House Season 4! woohoo. what? not exciting news?
haha i'm completely joking. well, i did finish season four of House (and it was amazing), but that isn't the most interesting thing that has happened. monday i started classes! i'm taking communications, drawing, fitness for life, english composition and, as of today, choir! i know. me choir? one of my suit mates talked me into going to the class with her today because the professor told everyone to invite anyone they wanted. so, i went and ended up liking it. always good to try something different. i haven't done choir since middle school, but it could end up being really fun. the professor seems really nice and the girls in the class seem really great as well. the professor also has a 7 week old puppy that she brought to class today and it was the cutest thing ever! you don't understand how badly i wanted it. an Australian Shepard is like my dream dog. well, gotta keep workin' on my parents, i suppose. you know, it's for katie ;)
other than classes, which i'm really enjoying (and no, that is not sarcasm...i really am finding them interesting for the most part) we have a sunglasses dance tomorrow night in the D.C. (dinning commons). that should be a blast. and if that isn't enough to look forward to, i get to go see my family for a quick visit. jamie is coming into town and after much thought and prayer, i've decided that it would be better to go down for a day or two and see her even though it is my first official weekend at college. but, there will be many more weekends and not so frequent visits from family that doesn't live particularly close.
thus far college life has been great. the people are really fantastic, but it's still hard and slightly in the awkward stages...geting better though. the classes have been interesting and really inspiring.
oh, and grace, allison and i checked out the shuttle the other day and made our way down to rite aid and trader joes. quite more of an adventure than we had anticipated. we took the ocean view shuttle, which is the smaller one that goes less places (only three stops) and is a van driven by upperclassmen as a job. so, the girl picks us up from trader joes at the shuttle stop and then goes by the beach to pick up some other people, who happened to be on the wrong side of the street and all ran across to pile like 10 people in an 8 seater van. oh, and did i mention that up on the road into Westmont a water line broke, causing us to take a back mountain road? great stuff. when our driver told us a water line had broken one of the guys we had picked up from the beach mistook her to say that some one's water had broken. i, being the wonderful friend i am, pointed to allison. good times. and we only almost got hit by other cars on this very narrow back road four or five times. twas fun.
well, i'm going to go try and finish up some of my drawing homework so i won't have anything to worry about over the weekend and can enjoy the time with my family.
and in case you were wondering what the people i'm living with look like, wonder no longer. for i shall give you a photo. this was right before we went up the the presidents house for desert.
from left to right: danica, leah, kathryn, me, allison (wearing my cloths yet again haha), and shea.
we are signing "K" in sign language (we live in Clark Halls Building K ...don't worry, no gang signs.) haha


August Herrema said...

why are you all dressed up and allison isn't??? weirdo

Unknown said...

is the one on the left shea's roommate? i've never seen her before. hahaa.