am i the only one who had that book (perhaps it was simply a short story) when i was little? it was about a little boy who would only eat cheese, peas and chocolate pudding, until one day when his sister put some hamburger into his mouth and he discovered he actually liked something other than the three things he was only willing to try. it was supposed to be metaphorical, but anyways...i only bring this up because that is what i feel like i have been eating for the last four days. except the cheese and the peas part. so really that story didn't go with this post at all...or perhaps it does and i just haven't gotten there yet...we shall see.
why have i been only eating chocolate pudding, you ask? well, i haven't. i've been consuming mass amounts of mashed potatoes, ice cream, jello...all because of two words: wisdom teeth. last friday marks the first time i have ever had surgery, no matter how common that surgery is, i still have now had surgery. and even thought it is a common one, i was not feeling too great about walking into that office friday morning. i still was not feeling good when i sat down in the chair and while i was hooked up to the heart rate thingy. the nurse tried to make me more comfortable and started up a conversation with "are you a runner?" "well, i do run for exercise, but i wouldn't count myself as a runner." i replied. "oh" he said "because you have pretty low heart rate". what a wonderful thing to say before i go under anesthesia. now i'm freaking out that my heart is going to go to slow and then proceed to cardiac arrest with the drugs working through my system. finally the doctor arrived and goes "are you nervous?" as he is putting the IV in my arm. i gave a nervous laugh and a yes and the last thing i can remember was my breathing getting really slow and someone saying "imagine you are back on a beach in mexico" (another thing the nurse had learned about me while we waited for the doctor). the next thing i know someone is telling me "good job. you're all done" and somehow with the nurse's help i must have walked from the OR to the recovery room. i have no recollection of the event whatsoever. i just sat in the chair and waited for my mom to come back. while i was sitting there, i'm not sure if 1 min passed or 10. all i know is that the mom of the girl next to me got up and put a blanket on me and i looked at her, trying to remember how to respond. or at least that's what i think i was doing. perhaps i was just processing what she was doing. weird thing anesthesia is. my mom showed up and i remember the nurse telling her to keep me awake. my mom kept talking to me although i have no memory of what she said. i do know that she told me to put the ice pack on one side of my face and not on my chin, which is where i had been holding it. to be honest, i didn't even know i was holding anything until she pointed this out. later she also told me that i kept looking out of one eye and squinting telling her that there was two of her. i also vaguely recall another girl being sat down in the chair next to me with the nurse helping her and then the girl started crying. i think i was too out of it to even express any emotion. i just wanted to go back to sleep...typical. haha.
it was quite the experience. my mouth is feeling better now...just still waiting to get back on solid foods. oh, how i long for them. :)
in other happenings, i restarted for classes today and am taking New Testament, Fitness for Life, English, Communications and Drawing. should be exciting. this gives me 17 units total, which i realize is a lot for my first semester, but i talked to an academic advisor about adding the drawing class and he said to go ahead and do it. later, if i don't feel like i can handle all of them i can just drop one. but, if i do get all these classes and the times i signed up for, i will have one class on fridays and be done after 10:20. crazy good! other good news is that i found out my housing info and it looks like allison and i will be living in Clark K. perfect!
it's insane that this is all happening so fast, but exciting at the same time. it's just a mixture of emotions right now. fear, excitement, anxiety...but, you won't know if you like something if you never try it. just like the little boy from the story i mentioned previously. (see i told you i'd work it in somehow :) i might be feeling a little apprehensive about college life right now, but if i never dive in and try it, i won't know how amazingly great it is (or so everyone tells me).
well, that is all i have to say for now...i'm going to watch some House.
live well, my friends and enjoy all the luxuries of solid foods and think of me.