wow! i can't believe it is officially over! it was a nice ceremony that ran smoothly. grace and mr. garner both gave amazing speeches and i managed NOT to trip while getting my diploma. however, i did not manage the water-works and pretty much bust into tears after the ceremony was over. i don't really know what else to say about graduation itself (i think i expressed my feeling already in my last post).

my mom decorated my car, so she made me stand by it...she is so sweet

the only face katie was happy making for a picture was one with her tongue sticking out, so i joined her in the expression.

yay graduating! haha

after i had been crying in the off chance you couldn't tell. but i owe the person i have become to my mom. she has supported me in every way possible and i am so thankful for her.

the whole family...minus katie (it was a bit too late for her)

my grandma. i also owe a lot to her, as she helped raise me. she has also always been there for me and i am very blessed.

i was very glad coach jim could come. it really meant a lot to me! thanks so much!

andrea, who always makes me laugh...the picture should support that statement. :)


mr. tamminga and me. i will miss his inspirational messages that he always starts class off with. if i will remember one thing from his classes over the years it will definitely be Carpe Diem

hannah! the girl who got me through track with her amazing optimism. she is also one of the kindest people you will ever meet.

matt, who also helped me get through track these last 4 yrs. he always knows how to make me laugh and smile.

my family was being ridiculous and kept taking pictures...

me and mr. becksvoort. talk about inspirational, he has so much passion for God and life that truly is inspiring.

mrs. cortes aka best bible study leader ever! i was scared of her when i first met her cause i always had to leave her class for tennis. haha she is hilarious!

scott the tennis buddy

mr. bras. what an awesome guy! i will miss him

mr. rhodes...favorite government teacher. haha it was great to get to know him better this year

two of my best friends in the world! both who are always there for me and both people i can have so much fun with.

amy, august and i with amy's aunt, who kindly hosted us in New Zealand last summer.

branden, who has been great to get to know better.

hannah kim...i will never forget the time she thought we had a tennis match when 2 of us told her we didn't, but she still thought we did, told her teachers that she did and then realized we didn't when she got in the locker room and no one was in there.

some of the most amazing people anyone can ever meet!
i was bummed to not get a picture with everyone i would have like to, but there were other people not in the pictures above that made my high school experience everything it was. that helped me become the person i am. and that i hope and pray God will allow me to remain in contact with.
sorry for the sappiness, but i guess it's good to be sappy sometimes. that is all i have on graduation...on to the next adventure.
you're an amazing, cute person:)
woah- I scrolled past coach jim, and thought it was dekraker, and was like what in the world is she taking a picture with him for?!?
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