JSB was an absolute blast! i has so much fun! but, instead of telling you all about it,
i'll post pictures up and tell you
details as i go along.

me and my mom

group outside of the limo

me, august and
amy (in
mrs. valentine's words, "the kiwis"

me and
allison...future roommates :) oh, man did we party it up at the dance...there were like three slow songs in a row and so me and
allison were amidst all the couples singing at the top of our lungs and busting out the interpretive dance moves. we are pretty much awesome!

uh, the sky was falling...or so we thought

outside the limo

and inside the limo
august loves to give me weird looks haha
westmont girls! wow...we'll fit right in i'm sure
amy, darling, that is one adorable facial expression

you know it!

ceiling was cool looking...or we are easily amused, one or the other

august and uh, my attractive face...not

well, all i can say is at least i have fun with life and can find more constructive/fun ways to release my energy than some of my peers
allison and grace were crushing my legs by sitting on them in this picture

and then our true colors come out...

oh, august...isn't she a cutie

"W" for
al pal and lo men! yearbook girls! wouldn't survive that class without them :)

i'm gonna miss her next year! she has been an
awesome bible study leader
scott and me...only decent picture i have of us. love playing tennis with this kid
gabe and me
hannah looking beautiful...as always! love her!

bible 1st semester was so fun with these girls...sitting in the corner together provided us with many fond memories
brittany and
candice...tennis girls

matt and
hannah...the only original upper
class men high jumpers left. gotta get that high jump pic every year

they got tired and i came outside to take a pic with them...can you tell
i'm a little hot and sweaty from all that insane dancing
me and august...we love
each other! we tired to re-
enact our picture from last year
so did me and amy :)
overall i thought JSB was a success...i didn't see much dirty dancing going on (some but not much) or maybe i was just oblivious to it. my guess is the second is right haha. i just go, have fun and stay in my own world pretty much.
so, this business about being 18. yesterday was the big 18! woohoo. i don't feel any different, but i did have a great birthday and i've got some amazing friends who all made it very special. i'll talk more on that later.
ciao for now!