wednesday i had an AP english exam, which i think went okay, but i'm so glad it is over with. i also had a math test, which i believe went pretty well...we shall see...
after school on monday i had to go get three shots in order to go to Costa Rica this summer. my left arm is still sore from the stupid tetanus (sp?) shot. that was pretty lame. but i guess it will be worth it if i get to go to costa rica!
lets see... oh tuesday i got my hair cut...super short too! it doesn't look that short in the picture, but it's like at my shoulders, so it is much shorter than i had it.

today was absolutely amazing! i only had periods 2, 4 and 6, so that means AP english, AP US and bible. english we had a party for being done with the ap test and history we watched a movie. bible we did a prayer walk around the campus, which was pretty cool.
chapel today was amazing as well! i have never seen our school so emotional as a whole. there were people crying left and right! the guy that spoke was probably one of the most convicting people i have ever heard speak! he was born without any arms or legs and told us how he has overcome being different. his message (basically it doesn't matter what anyone here on earth thinks of you...only God) really sunk in. another point that he made is the idea that everyone has pain and everyone is hiding some of their pain inside. the people around you can hide their pain just as well as you can, which is so true. often we only think about what we are going though, but don't stop and think that the person sitting next to us may be going through a hard time as well. another thing that really amazed me was when he was talking about when he was born. his parents had no knowledge that he would be born without any limbs and, therefore, were probably shocked. he said "i'm sure they didn't look at me and think 'awww how adorable'" or something along those lines. it just blows my mind what this man had to go thought all his life, yet he still thanks God for the way he is so that he may be inspiration to others, which is exactly what he is. after chapel almost every person was lined up to give him a hug. and despite what one might think, you absolutely do no need arms to give a hug.
love you all!
will post again soon
1 comment:
did you know? he wrestled in high school........... isnt that crazy? and, he was pretty good at it.
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