Saturday, February 9, 2008

finally an update

so sorry for the lack of updates...things have been crazy! honestly i never want to miss school again. even when you think you get all the make-up work ahead of doesn't work out so well. i was up thrusday night until 2:00am (it is a challenge for me to stay up past 11:30) doing this stupid MASSIVE english paper i had due yesterday. i also then got up at 4:30am to finish it. so, basically i was completely out of yesterday. next time i have a massive assignment due i will remember these words: Time Management! it's a good thing.

but alas, english papers haven't been all that's been taking up my time. other than homework (which does take up most of it) our yearbook deadline has come and gone and we kinda missed it. oh, well. while we are on the subject of yearbook...has anyone noticed what a challenge it is to get off our campus now days? i mean seriously! during third period on thursday i had to go out to my car to retrieve the school camera. i had to go check out with the office, who then had to radio the security guard saying "student: danielle lewis going out to her car. student: danielle lewis" wow! then as i'm coming back from the parking lot i hear the security guard "student reentering the building". it's like a prison! i understand why we have had to result to this and it's for safety and everything, but what’s the point in warning the office i'm going to enter the building? honestly. well, anyways, so friday its friday and third period yearbook rolls around and august and i are sent on a mission for mrs. flietstra to retrieve something from her car. what you ask??? oranges. i'm being completely serious. and from how tight our security is...oranges really don't seem worth the trouble, but it did get us out of the classroom so we weren’t complaining. so, we have to go to the office to "check out" and the lady begins writing us a pass. "so, what is it that you are supposed to be getting?" ummm...we look at each other and august goes "oranges" i seriously had to try my hardest not to just start cracking up (you sort of had to be there, but remember i was running on 2.5 hours of sleep this day). she didn't say anything, but just kept writing...maybe the office is used to certain teachers sending thier students on pointless was quite a sad, but hilarious experience, but like i said it may have only been hilarious because of the fact i was past the point of exhaustion.

unfortunately, for me, i was not able to catch up on sleep by sleeping in because i had to take the ACT this morning at 8:00. my brain hurts! seriously! i took it at CSULB since it is right by my house. i didn't want to have to deal with parking so, i asked my mom to take me. man, now i remember why i like driving so much. i live less then five minutes away...i could have just walked took her 20 minites to come and get me! but actually i didn't mind all that much. i went and found a rock to sit on in the sun and i started singing (and we all know what a beautiful singing voice i have...haha not!). it was quite pleasent. everything from praise songs to classic rock. and i'm not even kidding you right now. i was full out singing and people were just walking by staring at me like i was crazy (i don't blame them), but i didn't really care. life is too short to care all the time what people are thinking about you...that's my philosophy anyway. i'm telling you lack of sleep does things to me! :)

well, hope you all are having a fantastic weekend


Anonymous said...

wow danielle you would be a loser & sing all by yourself.

embarassing! lol haha.

i still love you. i guess.

*underwater* you son of a BEACH!..
--to those who have no idea what we're talking about must think im a bad person hahahaa.
funny funny.. i still laugh thinking about that. ASIAN ACCENT +beach = bad. hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Ben "Finn" Finnegan is a good-natured, surf bum-turned-treasure hunter who is obsessed with finding the legendary 18th century Queen's Dowry--40 chests of exotic treasure that was lost at sea in 1715. In his quest, Finn has sunk..........

HAHAHA they never called him BEN. i knew i wasnt crazy!

rebekah said...

Yes, Julie, you ARE crazy. Sorry.

I love Danielle Lewis! Even if she is crazy and sings on rocks, which for some reason reminds me of the Little Mermaid.

Anonymous said...

what are you talking about rebekah? those comments weren't mine O_O