happy leap day everyone! i had to post on leap day, since it only comes 'round every four years! so, in honor of leap day we had an open high jump day where everyone could come and high jump that wanted to. pretty awesome.
anyways...i have to take the SAT tomorrow morning, so if you happen to think of me during the hours of 8:00-12:00ish (if i'm lucky i'll get out that early) you could shoot a little prayer up for me. :) concentration, i think, will be my biggest issue, but hey it is what it is.
i won't even go in to talking about my amount of homework, but i will say something about my schedule next year. i think i'm going to drop math!!! you have no idea how nice that will be. i'll still take spanish, if i end up dropping math, i'm going to have seven electives! SEVEN! that is crazy! i think i've gotten most of my electives picked out, but they may change. i definitely want to TA, as well as missions, anatomy, psychology, land culture book. i don't know what to do for the last two. maybe ceramics 3 or photography 2, but i'm really not sure. so many choices! all i know is i'm not taking a hard schedule. maybe AP english, but that's it. well, we shall see.
i better get to bed so i can wake up nice and fresh bright and early!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
just pray
this is a pretty random story, but it was sent to me in an email and it is totally something i think i can apply to my life and walk with Christ.
Last week, I took my children to a restaurant. My six-year-old son
asked if he could say grace. As we bowed our heads he said, "God is
good, God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank
you more if Mom gets us ice cream for dessert. And Liberty and
justice for all! Amen!" Along with the laughter from the other
customers nearby, I heard a woman remark, "That's what's wrong with
this country. Kids today don't even know how to pray. Asking God for
ice cream! Why, I never!" Hearing this, my son burst into tears and
asked me, "Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?" As I held him and
assured him that he had done a terrific job, and God was certainly
not mad at him, an elderly gentleman approached the table. He winked
at my son and said, "I happen to know that God thought that was a
great prayer." "Really?" my son asked. "Cross my heart," the man
replied. Then, in a theatrical whisper, he added (indicating the
woman whose remark had started this whole thing), "Too bad she never
asks God for ice cream. A little ice cream is good for the soul
sometimes." Naturally, I bought my kids ice cream at the end of the
meal. My son stared at his for a moment, and then did something I
will remember the rest of my life. He picked up his sundae and,
without a word, walked over and placed it in front of the woman.
With a big smile he told her, "Here, this is for you. Ice cream is
good for the soul sometimes; and my soul is good already."
i just thought this was a great reminder that no matter how big or small, significant or not God cares just the same. all we have to do is talk to him. sometimes when i'm in the car, i imagine God is sitting next to me and i'll just talk about what happened that day, about what i'm struggling with, about all the things i'm thankful for...pretty much anything. praying doesn't have to come in the form of "dear God...i pray". sometimes it can even be silence too.
well, that is all i'll say on that subject. i thought that story was cute...true or not, i'm not sure, but still cool.
today was a wilderness challenge climbing gym trip! fun fun! my arms are nice and dead! feels good.
gotta run...still got lots of homework. tell me how that works? wasn't even there for 5 classes and i still get tons of homework, none of which is in the first two classes.
Last week, I took my children to a restaurant. My six-year-old son
asked if he could say grace. As we bowed our heads he said, "God is
good, God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank
you more if Mom gets us ice cream for dessert. And Liberty and
justice for all! Amen!" Along with the laughter from the other
customers nearby, I heard a woman remark, "That's what's wrong with
this country. Kids today don't even know how to pray. Asking God for
ice cream! Why, I never!" Hearing this, my son burst into tears and
asked me, "Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?" As I held him and
assured him that he had done a terrific job, and God was certainly
not mad at him, an elderly gentleman approached the table. He winked
at my son and said, "I happen to know that God thought that was a
great prayer." "Really?" my son asked. "Cross my heart," the man
replied. Then, in a theatrical whisper, he added (indicating the
woman whose remark had started this whole thing), "Too bad she never
asks God for ice cream. A little ice cream is good for the soul
sometimes." Naturally, I bought my kids ice cream at the end of the
meal. My son stared at his for a moment, and then did something I
will remember the rest of my life. He picked up his sundae and,
without a word, walked over and placed it in front of the woman.
With a big smile he told her, "Here, this is for you. Ice cream is
good for the soul sometimes; and my soul is good already."
i just thought this was a great reminder that no matter how big or small, significant or not God cares just the same. all we have to do is talk to him. sometimes when i'm in the car, i imagine God is sitting next to me and i'll just talk about what happened that day, about what i'm struggling with, about all the things i'm thankful for...pretty much anything. praying doesn't have to come in the form of "dear God...i pray". sometimes it can even be silence too.
well, that is all i'll say on that subject. i thought that story was cute...true or not, i'm not sure, but still cool.
today was a wilderness challenge climbing gym trip! fun fun! my arms are nice and dead! feels good.
gotta run...still got lots of homework. tell me how that works? wasn't even there for 5 classes and i still get tons of homework, none of which is in the first two classes.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
high jump drawing!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
it seems like the world revolves around it. everything is based on time. whether it's time of day or how long it takes to do something. and now days we are always trying to come up with new ways to save time by using machines that supposedly help us get done faster. well, i don't know about you all, but i don't feel like i have any extra time. not that i know what it was like back in the days before running water, electricity and such, but it seems like the more time i have the more things i have to do. sometimes i wish that we could do away with clocks so that i don't have to worry about getting somewhere on time or sacrificing another weekend to get homework done...it would relieve that constant pressure of something ticking down every second, minute and hour of life. i don't want to sound like i'm venting. i don't know, maybe i'm just feeling this way because starting tomorrow i don't know when i will have any free time for the next three weeks. next saturday i have to take the SAT, the satuday after i have my first track meet (all day! get to school at like 5:30-6:00 and return about 6:00-7:00...yeah nice) and another meet the weekend after that. it's going to be a fun three weeks here. oh, i can't wait for summer vacation!!!
seriously! i'm promising myself right now that i'm taking an easy senior year! i think i deserve it. :)
well, that's all for now...i'm off to go finish up some more homework...see my point.
ta ta for now!
seriously! i'm promising myself right now that i'm taking an easy senior year! i think i deserve it. :)
well, that's all for now...i'm off to go finish up some more homework...see my point.
ta ta for now!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
humm...no title comes to mind...
so, i'm finally over being temporarily sore for the last two weeks. seriously! if one part of my body wasn't sore any more another part was. it probably helped that track was also canceled friday...twice in one week! that's a record. it was due to rain, which did stop around 5th period. i was half afraid mrs. hogan would announce something like "oh, track is back on". but, i wasn't planning on going anyways so this didn't really phase me.
in other news...i'm permanently tired. actually i think i'm becoming immune to lack of sleep. i did get to take a short nap today, while i was supposed to be doing my Great Gatsby project, but...i have no time to sleep in! oh, and next saturday i have to take the SAT, so that is just going to be peachy. ahh well, life could be worse. at least i haven't resulted to the use of illegal substances yet...not that anyone has to worry because i NEVER would.
i bring this up because some family friends of ours (won't mention any names), thier son, seems to be having problems with that. so, i may have told some of you some things about them, but i'll give you a short synopsis...you basically can look at them and wonder how their children could go so far off the path of righiouness. we used to do things with their family (like trips and stuff) when we were all younger and they wern't into bad things. well, anyways their 18 year old daughter has had issues since she was 16...mostly drinking. not like alcoholic, but more like she thinks is cool. lets just say she did an exchange program and went to Germany and the highlight for her was the fact that there is no drinking age...sad. so, i guess the other night their son, who is 16, had some friends over and they were upstairs in his room. to make a long story short the parents smelled something strange, walked in and found them smoking pot or something. dumb! i mean, are you trying to get caught and ruin your life??? and why can't people think of better things to do for fun. personally, harming my body does not sound like fun to me...people are stupid, i tell ya. i'd much rather do something cool like i dunno...play tennis, go to the park, learn how to knit, take asian sticker pictures or make awesome music videos...what? you say those are lame things to do? psh...foget you! cool in my book! haha! :)
so, lesson of the day...if you are going to do drugs, make sure your parents are out of the house. totally kidding! drug free is the way to be! :)
in other news...i'm permanently tired. actually i think i'm becoming immune to lack of sleep. i did get to take a short nap today, while i was supposed to be doing my Great Gatsby project, but...i have no time to sleep in! oh, and next saturday i have to take the SAT, so that is just going to be peachy. ahh well, life could be worse. at least i haven't resulted to the use of illegal substances yet...not that anyone has to worry because i NEVER would.
i bring this up because some family friends of ours (won't mention any names), thier son, seems to be having problems with that. so, i may have told some of you some things about them, but i'll give you a short synopsis...you basically can look at them and wonder how their children could go so far off the path of righiouness. we used to do things with their family (like trips and stuff) when we were all younger and they wern't into bad things. well, anyways their 18 year old daughter has had issues since she was 16...mostly drinking. not like alcoholic, but more like she thinks is cool. lets just say she did an exchange program and went to Germany and the highlight for her was the fact that there is no drinking age...sad. so, i guess the other night their son, who is 16, had some friends over and they were upstairs in his room. to make a long story short the parents smelled something strange, walked in and found them smoking pot or something. dumb! i mean, are you trying to get caught and ruin your life??? and why can't people think of better things to do for fun. personally, harming my body does not sound like fun to me...people are stupid, i tell ya. i'd much rather do something cool like i dunno...play tennis, go to the park, learn how to knit, take asian sticker pictures or make awesome music videos...what? you say those are lame things to do? psh...foget you! cool in my book! haha! :)
so, lesson of the day...if you are going to do drugs, make sure your parents are out of the house. totally kidding! drug free is the way to be! :)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
my hopes are crushed
today my hopes of remaining positive starting this track season were crushed by just four few words from mrs. hogan (that is few for her). what were those words, you ask? "coach bond is returning"
horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible! to most this won't mean much, but to those who know him...they shall be able to pity and identify with me.
oh, well....it's raining, tomorrow is a jeans day and i'm done with my homework at a reasonable hour! life is good!
horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible! to most this won't mean much, but to those who know him...they shall be able to pity and identify with me.
oh, well....it's raining, tomorrow is a jeans day and i'm done with my homework at a reasonable hour! life is good!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
is it considered stealing...
when you borrow something without asking, but have it back before anyone notices??? no, couldn't be...i hope
today was a short schedule (we got out at 1:00) this was due the the fact that ms. toney's mother just passed away from cancer and the memorial service was this afternoon. a sad reason for a short day, but i was glad for school being shorter just the same. oh, and track was actually canceled, so that was nice.
well, not wanting to waste the extra time, julie and i went out to lunch and after decided we wanted to play tennis (good thing the rain had stopped). there was only one tiny problem: the one day i need it i don't have my racket along with me. we really wanted to play. we started calling everyone we could think of that was in a 5 mile radius that possessed a tennis racket. unfortunately we were out of luck. you may have guessed by now where this whole "stealing" (wait it was "borrowing", not stealing) thing comes in, but i shall explain. julie suggests we go to school and see if we can borrow one from the P.E. stash. we get there and go into the locker room. unfortunately no one was there to allow us to do this. oh, and the store closet was unlocked... with some debate we took one out and went back outside. we would have played on the school tennis courts, but they were soaked. playing with it on school grounds would have been one thing, but taking it off campus is another... :0
in order to relieve us of our slight feelings of guilt we tried to find ms. admiraal to "get permission", but we were pretty sure she had left for a basketball game. we walked down to the middle school, but were afraid to go on the campus because they weren't out of school yet. we decided to leave and just take it, but after driving to the park we decided it would make our consciences’ at least feel better to let someone know we had uh…borrowed school property. we decided to call ms. admiraal, since she is our tennis coach and also the only phone number we had of a faculty member. well, she didn't answer and we all know how good i am at leaving messages. it was especially nice because julie is screaming in the background and then grabs the phone from me. yeah, probably the most confusing message ever! hilarious! you have julie saying "give me the phone!" and then after she takes it and begins repeating everything i had just said i'm yelling "i already said that!". man, what school does to a person, i tell ya... i bet it was an awesome message to try and decipher. :)
julie and i did finally get to play our tennis except for the fact that neither of us had on proper shoes...we ended up just taking them off and then almost stepping on shards of glass, rocks, bees and such. it didn't help that the winds decided to pick up and completely killed any hope of hitting straight. we then went on the swings instead, before returning the racket to it's bin in the locker room. yes, we did successfully return the stolen item! haha! goodness what we will do to play tennis...
fun fun!
i'm off to do some homework now. ick!
hope all is well with you all!
today was a short schedule (we got out at 1:00) this was due the the fact that ms. toney's mother just passed away from cancer and the memorial service was this afternoon. a sad reason for a short day, but i was glad for school being shorter just the same. oh, and track was actually canceled, so that was nice.
well, not wanting to waste the extra time, julie and i went out to lunch and after decided we wanted to play tennis (good thing the rain had stopped). there was only one tiny problem: the one day i need it i don't have my racket along with me. we really wanted to play. we started calling everyone we could think of that was in a 5 mile radius that possessed a tennis racket. unfortunately we were out of luck. you may have guessed by now where this whole "stealing" (wait it was "borrowing", not stealing) thing comes in, but i shall explain. julie suggests we go to school and see if we can borrow one from the P.E. stash. we get there and go into the locker room. unfortunately no one was there to allow us to do this. oh, and the store closet was unlocked... with some debate we took one out and went back outside. we would have played on the school tennis courts, but they were soaked. playing with it on school grounds would have been one thing, but taking it off campus is another... :0
in order to relieve us of our slight feelings of guilt we tried to find ms. admiraal to "get permission", but we were pretty sure she had left for a basketball game. we walked down to the middle school, but were afraid to go on the campus because they weren't out of school yet. we decided to leave and just take it, but after driving to the park we decided it would make our consciences’ at least feel better to let someone know we had uh…borrowed school property. we decided to call ms. admiraal, since she is our tennis coach and also the only phone number we had of a faculty member. well, she didn't answer and we all know how good i am at leaving messages. it was especially nice because julie is screaming in the background and then grabs the phone from me. yeah, probably the most confusing message ever! hilarious! you have julie saying "give me the phone!" and then after she takes it and begins repeating everything i had just said i'm yelling "i already said that!". man, what school does to a person, i tell ya... i bet it was an awesome message to try and decipher. :)
julie and i did finally get to play our tennis except for the fact that neither of us had on proper shoes...we ended up just taking them off and then almost stepping on shards of glass, rocks, bees and such. it didn't help that the winds decided to pick up and completely killed any hope of hitting straight. we then went on the swings instead, before returning the racket to it's bin in the locker room. yes, we did successfully return the stolen item! haha! goodness what we will do to play tennis...
fun fun!
i'm off to do some homework now. ick!
hope all is well with you all!
Monday, February 18, 2008
good ol' family time

me, aiden (second cousin to all of us), katie and jenna

this picture is unrelated, but i just love it! her face peeking out! what a funny kid. she is an absolute character! the other day when we were at justin's tennis match this guy was walking by and was swining his arms. she points at him, smiles and then tried to immitat him! it was hilarious! what a little ham. :)
scroll down for stuff to read.
an eventful weekend with the fam
i apologize for the lack in updates, but this weekend was crazy. so much fun, but C-R-A-Z-Y! but that is expected when you have an extra four people in your house. and if you have ever met my family...all of us in one house together is a recipe for disaster. awesome fun, but complete chaos. the "J"'s were in from utah for justin's tennis match on saturday. i'll give an explanation for that refrence so you understand what i'm talking about. we all refer to the family from utah as "the J"'s. why you ask? uncle jeff, aunt julie, jamie, justin and jenna. that's a mouthful eh? see so much easier to just say the J's.
anyways, i'll sum my four day weekend up for you guys. their flight got in on thursday evening, which was spent just hanging out and catching up. friday while my aunt, uncle and cousin, jenna (jamie was not along on this trip) went out to whittier for a tennis match i did some homework. saturday was more eventful with some cheering justin on at yet another tennis match, playing pool, swimming (actually more going in the hot tub) and illegal driving! oh no! yes indeed i drove my cousin illegally to the movie store. it was with my parents permission though, so i don't feel too bad.
justin's tennis match was fun to watch. while we were there the other team walks by as jenna and i were sitting on the steps. one of the guys starts talking to us and telling us to root for him. ummmm...NO. he wasn't even cute, not that i was really paying attention. he kept going "come on root for N.Y.! how many times do you get to cheer for New York?" well, come to find out he was the one justin was playing. go figure. oh, and justin killed him. haha! and that's why we didn't root for you, mister! ha! ironic.
so, later that night (at like 10:30 pm) justin decides that he wants to go rent a movie...psh typical. well, apparently no one wants him driving in southern CA. he has been in three car crashes in utah...UTAH! i mean, what's there to crash into? a mountain? probably for the best he doesn't drive here. so, we found ourselves at blockbuster around 11:00. nice...not! oh, and the movie wasn't even worth it. he rented "Sunshine" it's about this group of astronauts that have a mission to launch a nuclear bomb into the sun so it won't die out or something. it was ridiculous. EVEYONE died. i mean everyone. there were 8 to begin with and they all died. one was burnt up in the rays of the sun while space walking, another killed himself because he caused something from the mission to go wrong, one had to stay on some other crashed ship on mercury, one floated away without a space suit while launching between ships so he froze/suffocated, the next was killed by some human creature that snuck on to the live ship from the crashed one, another was killed by the creature thing and the last two flew into the sun with the bomb. sound at all ridiculous??? so far fetched. i mean a person living in a crashed space ship on mercury for seven years!?!? come on now. psh! in case you wanted to know all about it...look now you don't even have to suffer through it. i should be a movie critic. ;)
anywho back to my weekend; i keep getting sidetracked....hummm...where were we? oh, yes. sunday afternoon i went and played some tennis with my uncle while my mom, aunt and jenna went to the mall. i believe justin sat on the couch (he was sick so i won't be too hard on him). tennis was excellent! i can actually play with my uncle now instead of him just hitting to me. good stuff!
sunday night the entire family came over for dinner. that was an event. at one point my aunt had five of us in the kitchen all helping her with different dishes. LOVE it when we have those big family gatherings. and now everyone is gone and here i sit typing this post.
sorry for the random jumping around...i had a lot of things to sum up. :)
maybe i'll put up some pictures...
anyways, i'll sum my four day weekend up for you guys. their flight got in on thursday evening, which was spent just hanging out and catching up. friday while my aunt, uncle and cousin, jenna (jamie was not along on this trip) went out to whittier for a tennis match i did some homework. saturday was more eventful with some cheering justin on at yet another tennis match, playing pool, swimming (actually more going in the hot tub) and illegal driving! oh no! yes indeed i drove my cousin illegally to the movie store. it was with my parents permission though, so i don't feel too bad.
justin's tennis match was fun to watch. while we were there the other team walks by as jenna and i were sitting on the steps. one of the guys starts talking to us and telling us to root for him. ummmm...NO. he wasn't even cute, not that i was really paying attention. he kept going "come on root for N.Y.! how many times do you get to cheer for New York?" well, come to find out he was the one justin was playing. go figure. oh, and justin killed him. haha! and that's why we didn't root for you, mister! ha! ironic.
so, later that night (at like 10:30 pm) justin decides that he wants to go rent a movie...psh typical. well, apparently no one wants him driving in southern CA. he has been in three car crashes in utah...UTAH! i mean, what's there to crash into? a mountain? probably for the best he doesn't drive here. so, we found ourselves at blockbuster around 11:00. nice...not! oh, and the movie wasn't even worth it. he rented "Sunshine" it's about this group of astronauts that have a mission to launch a nuclear bomb into the sun so it won't die out or something. it was ridiculous. EVEYONE died. i mean everyone. there were 8 to begin with and they all died. one was burnt up in the rays of the sun while space walking, another killed himself because he caused something from the mission to go wrong, one had to stay on some other crashed ship on mercury, one floated away without a space suit while launching between ships so he froze/suffocated, the next was killed by some human creature that snuck on to the live ship from the crashed one, another was killed by the creature thing and the last two flew into the sun with the bomb. sound at all ridiculous??? so far fetched. i mean a person living in a crashed space ship on mercury for seven years!?!? come on now. psh! in case you wanted to know all about it...look now you don't even have to suffer through it. i should be a movie critic. ;)
anywho back to my weekend; i keep getting sidetracked....hummm...where were we? oh, yes. sunday afternoon i went and played some tennis with my uncle while my mom, aunt and jenna went to the mall. i believe justin sat on the couch (he was sick so i won't be too hard on him). tennis was excellent! i can actually play with my uncle now instead of him just hitting to me. good stuff!
sunday night the entire family came over for dinner. that was an event. at one point my aunt had five of us in the kitchen all helping her with different dishes. LOVE it when we have those big family gatherings. and now everyone is gone and here i sit typing this post.
sorry for the random jumping around...i had a lot of things to sum up. :)
maybe i'll put up some pictures...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
T.G.I.F. oh, wait it's thursday
honestly, not to be a downer or anything, but i don't much like valentines day. it's just like any other day to me...not really into it. the good thing about it is the fact that some of your classes do fun random things like have a party or make valentines. we had to make a valentine in spanish yesterday. the list of phrases she gave us was absolutely hilarious! they had some pretty odd ones like "you make me sweat". mine was pretty good though. it said "you are the water in my fountain! i can not live without you!" pretty great. oh, and i did get a pretty sweet gift from august. she saw it and though of me. its a tennis notebook!!! it's round and shaped like a tennis ball and green and fuzzy! i love it!
anyways...i'm SO glad it's the weekend (four day weekends are so nice)!!! it has been a pretty tough week. actually the past two weeks have been pretty brutal. i've been fighting off a cold since saturday and been super sore since monday and have had absolutely no time to catch up on any rest because of homework. unfortunately i won't have much time this weekend either. my family, from utah, is staying with us and visiting. i love having them and hanging out, but it does slightly get in the way of any down time i was really hoping for. i'll manage though.
as for track...like i said, i'm really pretty sore. it's a good thing though, but they have never made us do this much running before. we seriously have to run about an 'h' a day (on average) plus weightlifting and jumping. yeah...and i thought i was in pretty good shape...wrong! the running isn't that bad for me, it's the weightlifting that does it, but just think, by the end of the season how buff i'll be! haha! :) weird mental picture... today was good though. matt and i had to "instruct" the freshmen on what to do. actually since jessie and amy are pretty much better than i am (i've been doing it longer, but one jumps the same height and the other higher than me) they didn't need any instuction. another new freshman girl did though, so we tried to help her out some. it is quite strange being the one doing the instructing rather than taking the instruction, like in the two years past. sorta neat.
well, have a fantastic weekend everyone and a fantastic friday for those of you who it isn't the weekend for yet. i think that is some pretty bad grammar in the last sentence, but i'm not in the mood to think right now.so long!
anyways...i'm SO glad it's the weekend (four day weekends are so nice)!!! it has been a pretty tough week. actually the past two weeks have been pretty brutal. i've been fighting off a cold since saturday and been super sore since monday and have had absolutely no time to catch up on any rest because of homework. unfortunately i won't have much time this weekend either. my family, from utah, is staying with us and visiting. i love having them and hanging out, but it does slightly get in the way of any down time i was really hoping for. i'll manage though.
as for track...like i said, i'm really pretty sore. it's a good thing though, but they have never made us do this much running before. we seriously have to run about an 'h' a day (on average) plus weightlifting and jumping. yeah...and i thought i was in pretty good shape...wrong! the running isn't that bad for me, it's the weightlifting that does it, but just think, by the end of the season how buff i'll be! haha! :) weird mental picture... today was good though. matt and i had to "instruct" the freshmen on what to do. actually since jessie and amy are pretty much better than i am (i've been doing it longer, but one jumps the same height and the other higher than me) they didn't need any instuction. another new freshman girl did though, so we tried to help her out some. it is quite strange being the one doing the instructing rather than taking the instruction, like in the two years past. sorta neat.
well, have a fantastic weekend everyone and a fantastic friday for those of you who it isn't the weekend for yet. i think that is some pretty bad grammar in the last sentence, but i'm not in the mood to think right now.so long!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
jumping again!
so much for feeling better today! i actually feel worse than i have all week. the sore throat was gone to be replaced with a stuffed up nose (i am kind of losing my voice as well, but part of me has always wanted to do that since i've never lost it before...is that weird?). yeah i pretty much can't breath through my nose. my legs are also sore from weight lifting yesterday, but not as sore as my nose. my nose is bright red and raw from all the rubbing of tissues...much like this happy face guy :0) notice...still smiling! anyways...moving on since i'm sure no one want to read an entire post about my nose.
so, why am i still smiling? well, even though i wasn't feeling physically all that well today, i did get to high jump!!! that made my day! only made 4'4" today, but i figure that isn't so bad for the first day back. it was fun! especially the adventure of setting up the hj pit. with the help of the throwers and the long jumpers, we set up the mat and standards. hannah, matt and i wanted to lay on the sections of mat as they carried them...it's not like we have a reputation to protect here. most of the track team already hates us because they think we lay around all day, so why fight it? but, just for the record, we are VISUALIZING! coach even said by the end of season 80% mental 20% physical...visualizing counts as mental. haha! it was a good day.
something else that sort of fits with track, well, maybe not so much. my high jump coach, coach jim, has been reading my blog for the past few months and today he told me that from reading my blog the two major things he has learned about me are 1. i love tennis. :) and 2. i'm more competitive than meets the eye. if my mind is set on something, i'll get it done. i was turning it over in my brain and realized that this is very true of myself. i just thought it was funny how you can learn things about people you know by reading some of their personal experiences, coming from their perspective. the tennis is an obvious one for me...it is probably one of the main things i mention on here, but i guess i've never really realized how i can be competitive when i really want something. i just thought that was neat and quite observant.
well, i must now leave you all because i still do have some home work and it's getting to be my sleepy time...hopefully i can sleep off this cold or whatever i have!
peace out!
so, why am i still smiling? well, even though i wasn't feeling physically all that well today, i did get to high jump!!! that made my day! only made 4'4" today, but i figure that isn't so bad for the first day back. it was fun! especially the adventure of setting up the hj pit. with the help of the throwers and the long jumpers, we set up the mat and standards. hannah, matt and i wanted to lay on the sections of mat as they carried them...it's not like we have a reputation to protect here. most of the track team already hates us because they think we lay around all day, so why fight it? but, just for the record, we are VISUALIZING! coach even said by the end of season 80% mental 20% physical...visualizing counts as mental. haha! it was a good day.
something else that sort of fits with track, well, maybe not so much. my high jump coach, coach jim, has been reading my blog for the past few months and today he told me that from reading my blog the two major things he has learned about me are 1. i love tennis. :) and 2. i'm more competitive than meets the eye. if my mind is set on something, i'll get it done. i was turning it over in my brain and realized that this is very true of myself. i just thought it was funny how you can learn things about people you know by reading some of their personal experiences, coming from their perspective. the tennis is an obvious one for me...it is probably one of the main things i mention on here, but i guess i've never really realized how i can be competitive when i really want something. i just thought that was neat and quite observant.
well, i must now leave you all because i still do have some home work and it's getting to be my sleepy time...hopefully i can sleep off this cold or whatever i have!
peace out!
Monday, February 11, 2008
here we go again
my third season of track begun today...fun stuff. i'm definitely going to be feeling it tomorrow. it probably doesn't help matters that i'm sick, but i'll get over it. actually right now i'm feeling pretty bad...worst i've felt all day. so, track practice wasn't too bad. we had to weight lift and run. if all goes well we are supposed to jump tomorrow. this is depending on if the mat gets put out in time. we offered to do it, glad of any chance to get out of running, but mrs. hogan told us something about building wooden boxes...whatever. as long as it is ready for us to jump on (well, technically land/lay on tomorrow). :)
well, i can't think right now and i think i've sneezed maybe five times in the last 3o seconds. so, i'm going to go get some rest and hopefully feel better for tomorrow.
well, i can't think right now and i think i've sneezed maybe five times in the last 3o seconds. so, i'm going to go get some rest and hopefully feel better for tomorrow.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
finally an update
so sorry for the lack of updates...things have been crazy! honestly i never want to miss school again. even when you think you get all the make-up work ahead of time...it doesn't work out so well. i was up thrusday night until 2:00am (it is a challenge for me to stay up past 11:30) doing this stupid MASSIVE english paper i had due yesterday. i also then got up at 4:30am to finish it. so, basically i was completely out of yesterday. next time i have a massive assignment due i will remember these words: Time Management! it's a good thing.
but alas, english papers haven't been all that's been taking up my time. other than homework (which does take up most of it) our yearbook deadline has come and gone and we kinda missed it. oh, well. while we are on the subject of yearbook...has anyone noticed what a challenge it is to get off our campus now days? i mean seriously! during third period on thursday i had to go out to my car to retrieve the school camera. i had to go check out with the office, who then had to radio the security guard saying "student: danielle lewis going out to her car. student: danielle lewis" wow! then as i'm coming back from the parking lot i hear the security guard "student reentering the building". it's like a prison! i understand why we have had to result to this and it's for safety and everything, but what’s the point in warning the office i'm going to enter the building? honestly. well, anyways, so friday its friday and third period yearbook rolls around and august and i are sent on a mission for mrs. flietstra to retrieve something from her car. what you ask??? oranges. i'm being completely serious. and from how tight our security is...oranges really don't seem worth the trouble, but it did get us out of the classroom so we weren’t complaining. so, we have to go to the office to "check out" and the lady begins writing us a pass. "so, what is it that you are supposed to be getting?" ummm...we look at each other and august goes "oranges" i seriously had to try my hardest not to just start cracking up (you sort of had to be there, but remember i was running on 2.5 hours of sleep this day). she didn't say anything, but just kept writing...maybe the office is used to certain teachers sending thier students on pointless errands...it was quite a sad, but hilarious experience, but like i said it may have only been hilarious because of the fact i was past the point of exhaustion.
unfortunately, for me, i was not able to catch up on sleep by sleeping in because i had to take the ACT this morning at 8:00. my brain hurts! seriously! i took it at CSULB since it is right by my house. i didn't want to have to deal with parking so, i asked my mom to take me. man, now i remember why i like driving so much. i live less then five minutes away...i could have just walked home...it took her 20 minites to come and get me! but actually i didn't mind all that much. i went and found a rock to sit on in the sun and i started singing (and we all know what a beautiful singing voice i have...haha not!). it was quite pleasent. everything from praise songs to classic rock. and i'm not even kidding you right now. i was full out singing and people were just walking by staring at me like i was crazy (i don't blame them), but i didn't really care. life is too short to care all the time what people are thinking about you...that's my philosophy anyway. i'm telling you lack of sleep does things to me! :)
well, hope you all are having a fantastic weekend
but alas, english papers haven't been all that's been taking up my time. other than homework (which does take up most of it) our yearbook deadline has come and gone and we kinda missed it. oh, well. while we are on the subject of yearbook...has anyone noticed what a challenge it is to get off our campus now days? i mean seriously! during third period on thursday i had to go out to my car to retrieve the school camera. i had to go check out with the office, who then had to radio the security guard saying "student: danielle lewis going out to her car. student: danielle lewis" wow! then as i'm coming back from the parking lot i hear the security guard "student reentering the building". it's like a prison! i understand why we have had to result to this and it's for safety and everything, but what’s the point in warning the office i'm going to enter the building? honestly. well, anyways, so friday its friday and third period yearbook rolls around and august and i are sent on a mission for mrs. flietstra to retrieve something from her car. what you ask??? oranges. i'm being completely serious. and from how tight our security is...oranges really don't seem worth the trouble, but it did get us out of the classroom so we weren’t complaining. so, we have to go to the office to "check out" and the lady begins writing us a pass. "so, what is it that you are supposed to be getting?" ummm...we look at each other and august goes "oranges" i seriously had to try my hardest not to just start cracking up (you sort of had to be there, but remember i was running on 2.5 hours of sleep this day). she didn't say anything, but just kept writing...maybe the office is used to certain teachers sending thier students on pointless errands...it was quite a sad, but hilarious experience, but like i said it may have only been hilarious because of the fact i was past the point of exhaustion.
unfortunately, for me, i was not able to catch up on sleep by sleeping in because i had to take the ACT this morning at 8:00. my brain hurts! seriously! i took it at CSULB since it is right by my house. i didn't want to have to deal with parking so, i asked my mom to take me. man, now i remember why i like driving so much. i live less then five minutes away...i could have just walked home...it took her 20 minites to come and get me! but actually i didn't mind all that much. i went and found a rock to sit on in the sun and i started singing (and we all know what a beautiful singing voice i have...haha not!). it was quite pleasent. everything from praise songs to classic rock. and i'm not even kidding you right now. i was full out singing and people were just walking by staring at me like i was crazy (i don't blame them), but i didn't really care. life is too short to care all the time what people are thinking about you...that's my philosophy anyway. i'm telling you lack of sleep does things to me! :)
well, hope you all are having a fantastic weekend
Monday, February 4, 2008
picture time!
crazy ice fishers...i especially like the one in the orange jump suit
me, rebekah and cristina at Rose's

Reeds lake covered in snow. it would be a beautiful place to come back to in the summer months, although it is still gorgeous in winter.

a few pictures of calvin's campus

sledding! i stole these off cristina's blog
rebekah and flat stanly look like they are having a blast together. :)
cristina not looking where she is going...
very attractive facial expression, cristina. :)
me coming out of the blackness... talk about facial expressions...
no clue what i'm doing...rebekah and cristina look good though.
oh man! that was a blast! i had a lot of fun...unfortuately it was back to school today, but what can ya do...thanks again guys! it was great to see you both!
what an adventure it was
so, i'm back from my adventure to grand rapids, michigan! it was such a fun trip! it was so great to get to see cristina and rebekah! everything was amazing except the travel. it was a complete fiasco (humm...fun word)! the flight to chicago was supposed to leave from LAX at 10:55, but was delayed SIX HOURS due to bad weather in chicago! so, i was supposed to get into grand rapids at about 8:45 MI time (three hour time difference), but didn't get in until 2:45am! but i do consider myself lucky. since our flight was delayed so long, we got put on a 9:30 flight out of chicago and lucky for us that was also delayed three hours and left at 12:30 or else it would have meant a night in chicago and a 7:30 flight out.
well, thursday i got to bed at 4:00am and then got up around 7:00. it was a nice three hours of sleep. :) it snowed pretty much all day friday, which was awesome, or it would have been had i had warmer cloths. oh yeah, did i mention our luggage got lost??? (i did have warm cloths...just not on) so that was nice and chilly. thankfully cristina let me borrow a coat, so i was nice and warm. i got a tour of calvin's campus and met with some people from calvin. it was cool. later that night i got to get my luggage. it was also my first meijer experience. seriously! i'm telling you we NEED those in CA. it's like a grocery store, target, sport chalet, and a bed bath and beyond all combined in one, plus much more! i want one...too bad we probably don't have enough room here to build one and do it justice. :) so, after cristina and i hung out and watched the weather channel...yeah we're cool like that.
saturday was nice. complete with lunch, much hanging out, some guitar hero and night sledding! we went to lunch at a place called rose's it was on reed's lake, which was frozen over and covered with snow and had many ice fishers hiking out to the middle of it. rebekah and i agree that ice fishing is definitely something we would not like to do, but apparently that is cristina's newest aspiration. psh what a loser! :) haha! just kidding. sledding was definitely a highlight except for the fact that we didn't know which hill people had recommended and probably looked funny for while trying to forage out own path through the powder. it was a good time. we did finally find the intended hill, which wasn't hard to find, and had some fun with that. the only downside is the fact that the "sleds" (metal try things) we were using hurt your butt if you fall off of them. it was totally worth it though!
later we amused ourselves by watching "Meet the Robinsons", which i was told i absolutely had to see. it was a very cute movie and hilarious! add some guitar hero to the mix and you have a party with us three. but i'm still wondering how rebekah got so good...or maybe i just really suck...probably. still love it though!
it was a fun trip! i'll put up some pictures now! :)
well, thursday i got to bed at 4:00am and then got up around 7:00. it was a nice three hours of sleep. :) it snowed pretty much all day friday, which was awesome, or it would have been had i had warmer cloths. oh yeah, did i mention our luggage got lost??? (i did have warm cloths...just not on) so that was nice and chilly. thankfully cristina let me borrow a coat, so i was nice and warm. i got a tour of calvin's campus and met with some people from calvin. it was cool. later that night i got to get my luggage. it was also my first meijer experience. seriously! i'm telling you we NEED those in CA. it's like a grocery store, target, sport chalet, and a bed bath and beyond all combined in one, plus much more! i want one...too bad we probably don't have enough room here to build one and do it justice. :) so, after cristina and i hung out and watched the weather channel...yeah we're cool like that.
saturday was nice. complete with lunch, much hanging out, some guitar hero and night sledding! we went to lunch at a place called rose's it was on reed's lake, which was frozen over and covered with snow and had many ice fishers hiking out to the middle of it. rebekah and i agree that ice fishing is definitely something we would not like to do, but apparently that is cristina's newest aspiration. psh what a loser! :) haha! just kidding. sledding was definitely a highlight except for the fact that we didn't know which hill people had recommended and probably looked funny for while trying to forage out own path through the powder. it was a good time. we did finally find the intended hill, which wasn't hard to find, and had some fun with that. the only downside is the fact that the "sleds" (metal try things) we were using hurt your butt if you fall off of them. it was totally worth it though!
later we amused ourselves by watching "Meet the Robinsons", which i was told i absolutely had to see. it was a very cute movie and hilarious! add some guitar hero to the mix and you have a party with us three. but i'm still wondering how rebekah got so good...or maybe i just really suck...probably. still love it though!
it was a fun trip! i'll put up some pictures now! :)
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