so, we're only two days into second semester and i'm missing sad. oh well! overall i guess i'm getting used to my schedule. i do hate my afternoon schedule though. chemistry with baas...i'm so lost and i'm a little scared of him, although he is nicer than i would have imagined from what i've heard, so i guess that is a plus. sixth i have bible with admiraal, which is awesome! i think that is probably my favorite class of the's the only one that doesn't drag. then i go to math with hokeman...what a way to end the day. some one described his teaching style to me as a tennis ball going back and fourth. i wasn't quite sure what she meant, but after having a class with him, i know exactly what she means. although, he isn't just rallying back and fourth...he is all over the court! oh, well as long as i understand the math portion, everything will be fine. it is quite entertaining though. :) i do like the people in my classes though...i think i have people i am friends with in every single class, which is always a good thing. hannah and i have five of our classes together....five! crazy cool. that will definitely be a good thing during all those saturday track meets.
well, i'm just about to leave for the airport, so i've got to get going. expect lots of pictures when i get back from nice cold michigan! :)
bye for now!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
"whoaaaa! we're half way there..."
"whoaaa! livin' on a prayer."
second semester already! i can't believe how fast this year has flown so far! i mean it feels like we were just going back to school, starting up tennis season and getting into the swing of things. well, it would seem that the first few days of the semester should be a bit more relaxed, but no. somehow the first week always seems to be the busiest for me. good thing i like to be busy. we're just going to have to live each day to the fullest and jump on in!
overall i'm excited to start this semester. many fun things to look forward to! i get to have a couple classes in the new building, which should be cool and of course track starts in just two weeks! how crazy is that? talk about time flying by...what was it like last week track ended? haha! thats at least what it feels like. and how about this for a shocker? i'm actually genuinely excited to start season. i know! i'm really looking forward to it for some reason. part of it is probably the fact that i just miss having something to do after school. at first i didn't really realize it, but i actually go to bed later when i don't have anything to do after school. i think it is because when i have a sport immediately after school it gives me a break to release all my energy and think about something other than homework as opposed to just going home. then i always end up waiting until after dinner to start anything and stay up even longer because i just can't seem to focus. is this making sense? oh, well i think i'm just weird. seriously though i can't wait to get jumping again! happy happy!
speaking of being know what else makes me happy! i only have two days of school this week!!! i get to go visit rebekah and cristina in michigan and see calvin! SO excited!
so, this will be a busy (but amazingly awesome) week!
blessings to all of you whatever you may be doing and wherever you are!
"...take my hand and we'll make it i swear. whoaaa! livin' on a prayer" love that song! :)
second semester already! i can't believe how fast this year has flown so far! i mean it feels like we were just going back to school, starting up tennis season and getting into the swing of things. well, it would seem that the first few days of the semester should be a bit more relaxed, but no. somehow the first week always seems to be the busiest for me. good thing i like to be busy. we're just going to have to live each day to the fullest and jump on in!
overall i'm excited to start this semester. many fun things to look forward to! i get to have a couple classes in the new building, which should be cool and of course track starts in just two weeks! how crazy is that? talk about time flying by...what was it like last week track ended? haha! thats at least what it feels like. and how about this for a shocker? i'm actually genuinely excited to start season. i know! i'm really looking forward to it for some reason. part of it is probably the fact that i just miss having something to do after school. at first i didn't really realize it, but i actually go to bed later when i don't have anything to do after school. i think it is because when i have a sport immediately after school it gives me a break to release all my energy and think about something other than homework as opposed to just going home. then i always end up waiting until after dinner to start anything and stay up even longer because i just can't seem to focus. is this making sense? oh, well i think i'm just weird. seriously though i can't wait to get jumping again! happy happy!
speaking of being know what else makes me happy! i only have two days of school this week!!! i get to go visit rebekah and cristina in michigan and see calvin! SO excited!
so, this will be a busy (but amazingly awesome) week!
blessings to all of you whatever you may be doing and wherever you are!
"...take my hand and we'll make it i swear. whoaaa! livin' on a prayer" love that song! :)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
finals are over!!!
man does it feel good to be done with finals! not all the grades are in, but i thought i did a lot worse on history than i did...lucky me! but, so far none of my grades have changed at all...not sure if i'm happy about that or not. i'm glad that nothing went down, but i also wanted things to go up. whatever.
so, friday to celebrate begin done with finals, julie and i went on an adventure. we were intending to go to down town disney just to look around and wander, but we missed the exit and wound up in orange. i loved it! julie wasn't so pleased. lucky i still knew where we were or else we would have really had an adventure. :)
well, i haven't been doing too much today. just getting ready for second semester. i'm actually pretty excited for it. i have some classes in the new building, which should be cool. too bad they are chemistry and math. oh, and also too bad i'm switching from romberg to hokeman and from tamminga to baas!!! yikes! talk about depressing schedule. oh, well. it'll be interesting.
well, sorry that i have nothing interesting to say at the moment...
gotta go babysit kaite while my parents go somewhere tonight. yeah, we're gonna party it up with some whinnie the pooh, mac and cheese and maybe even a little play doh. :)
so, friday to celebrate begin done with finals, julie and i went on an adventure. we were intending to go to down town disney just to look around and wander, but we missed the exit and wound up in orange. i loved it! julie wasn't so pleased. lucky i still knew where we were or else we would have really had an adventure. :)
well, i haven't been doing too much today. just getting ready for second semester. i'm actually pretty excited for it. i have some classes in the new building, which should be cool. too bad they are chemistry and math. oh, and also too bad i'm switching from romberg to hokeman and from tamminga to baas!!! yikes! talk about depressing schedule. oh, well. it'll be interesting.
well, sorry that i have nothing interesting to say at the moment...
gotta go babysit kaite while my parents go somewhere tonight. yeah, we're gonna party it up with some whinnie the pooh, mac and cheese and maybe even a little play doh. :)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
3 down 2 to go!
well, the hardest ones are out of the way and it pretty much should be smooth sailin' from here, with only spanish and math left. history and chemistry were brutal...just as i knew they would be. i stayed up until 1:00 studying and then got up at 5:00 to study some more...four hours of sleep baby! the funny thing is i got up at five and still had to end up running to my final. people just weren't moving this morning because i even left my house at 8:00 (final started at 8:30) and only managed to get in a seat right before the bell sounded. but, of course the fact that there was no place to park and that i accidentally ran into the wrong classroom could have contributed a bit.
yeah, so picture this. i'm rushing to get a parking spot and end up having to park in the furthest possible spot and realize i have only 2 minutes to get to hall c. of course i ran! and being rather flustered ran into the wrong classroom. i looked around and go "this isn't my class" , got laughed at (by a few people i know) and ran out again. haha you can say it...i have issues. :) oh, and i've also apparently temporarily misplaced my calculator...not a good thing when you have a chemistry final! i had to run around asking anyone and everyone who didn't need it for one. eventually i borrowed one, so all is good. but i still haven't found my calculator though...better do that before friday!!!
hope all your week's are going well!
almost done then its the weekend...can't wait!
oh, and can you believe this rain! it was bright and sunny this morning and then all of the sudden we have downpour. i'm lovin' it though!
yeah, so picture this. i'm rushing to get a parking spot and end up having to park in the furthest possible spot and realize i have only 2 minutes to get to hall c. of course i ran! and being rather flustered ran into the wrong classroom. i looked around and go "this isn't my class" , got laughed at (by a few people i know) and ran out again. haha you can say it...i have issues. :) oh, and i've also apparently temporarily misplaced my calculator...not a good thing when you have a chemistry final! i had to run around asking anyone and everyone who didn't need it for one. eventually i borrowed one, so all is good. but i still haven't found my calculator though...better do that before friday!!!
hope all your week's are going well!
almost done then its the weekend...can't wait!
oh, and can you believe this rain! it was bright and sunny this morning and then all of the sudden we have downpour. i'm lovin' it though!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
love you all too
wow thanks all are so kind. remind me why i hang out with any of you again??? except august and hannah! i love them! and not just because they wrote nice things about me. but, no really thanks that helped me answer my questionnaire thing. i did leave out some like cannibalistic, bad-tempered and bad speller [even if it's true (just the bad speller part)] :) i'm no cannibal...just because i was wondering what people tasted like (you know, if we have a distinct flavor like steak or chicken) doesn't mean i would or even want to taste that a weird thing to wonder?
so, today was my english final, which i think went pretty well. tomorrow is history and chemistry. i'm so not looking forward to those! i mean who in their right mind would schedule history and chemistry on the same day?!?!? i'm so angry! will be what it will be.
so, i'm off to go study.
side note: haha when i just typed 'off' i accidentally hit the 'd' so it read 'i'm odd'. just thought you all should know that
bye for now!
so, today was my english final, which i think went pretty well. tomorrow is history and chemistry. i'm so not looking forward to those! i mean who in their right mind would schedule history and chemistry on the same day?!?!? i'm so angry! will be what it will be.
so, i'm off to go study.
side note: haha when i just typed 'off' i accidentally hit the 'd' so it read 'i'm odd'. just thought you all should know that
bye for now!
Monday, January 21, 2008
how would you describe me?
so, i have to take this stupid college survey thing that is supposed to...well, actually i'm not sure what it's supposed to do, but my parents told both betsy and i to take it...its a long story ask me sometime if you really want to know. of the questions on it is "How would your friends describe you?"
ummm...i don't know other than that i'm the most wonderful person in the world, but i don't want to sound too conceded. :) haha!
well, i figure you guys would give me a more accurate description of me than i can...i'm so not good at the whole "evaluate yourself" thing.
anyone want to help me out??? give me some adjectives...anything...i'm desperate! this weird to ask people to describe you on your blog? oh, well of the questions on it is "How would your friends describe you?"
ummm...i don't know other than that i'm the most wonderful person in the world, but i don't want to sound too conceded. :) haha!
well, i figure you guys would give me a more accurate description of me than i can...i'm so not good at the whole "evaluate yourself" thing.
anyone want to help me out??? give me some adjectives...anything...i'm desperate! this weird to ask people to describe you on your blog? oh, well
well, well, here we are half way through the year already! i can't believe it...honestly it still hasn't sunken in that finals start tomorrow! i only have english tomorrow, which i'm kinda nervous about, but we'll see how it goes.
today has been a kind of recuperation/studying day for me. (not that i really have much to recuperate from since i ditched track on friday) anyway, last night was fun. my cousin, justin, and his girlfriend (she was visiting from utah) came over and we all went out to dinner at a japanese steak house. so as we were enjoying our dinner there was some wasabie (sp?) sitting on the table, which kaite took to be ice cream and grabbed it. luckily justin saw it before she had put too much in her mouth! yikes! that must of hurt. she only got a small taste, but she cried a little bit and kept pointing at it and saying "yuckie" over and over. so sad, but funny at the same time. is that evil of me? :)
well, i'm basically only typing here because it is something to do other than study and update just in case any of you care to read it.
oh, man! i didn't fall asleep last night unlit 3:30. no clue why, but it was horrible! i'll blame my random topics on that.
well, i guess i'm going to go attempt to focus on english now. hopefully next time i shall have something a bit more interesting to say.
today has been a kind of recuperation/studying day for me. (not that i really have much to recuperate from since i ditched track on friday) anyway, last night was fun. my cousin, justin, and his girlfriend (she was visiting from utah) came over and we all went out to dinner at a japanese steak house. so as we were enjoying our dinner there was some wasabie (sp?) sitting on the table, which kaite took to be ice cream and grabbed it. luckily justin saw it before she had put too much in her mouth! yikes! that must of hurt. she only got a small taste, but she cried a little bit and kept pointing at it and saying "yuckie" over and over. so sad, but funny at the same time. is that evil of me? :)
well, i'm basically only typing here because it is something to do other than study and update just in case any of you care to read it.
oh, man! i didn't fall asleep last night unlit 3:30. no clue why, but it was horrible! i'll blame my random topics on that.
well, i guess i'm going to go attempt to focus on english now. hopefully next time i shall have something a bit more interesting to say.
Friday, January 18, 2008
my crazy yearbook class
Thursday, January 17, 2008
tennis...not so much
so, despite my being so sore i can hardly walk, laney and i decided to play some tennis after school since both girls and guys basketball had games and the courts were free. we go out to the parking lot to get my tennis stuff (in my car) and the next thing i know brandon kramer comes up, takes my tennis bag, gets out my racquets and balls and starts hitting them around the parking lot. he was attempting to take me on...psh like he could with my mad tennis skills haha! :) anyway, after some hitting around, laney and i just start walking towards the courts, but brandon and joey pettit follow us and continued to play with us (or attempted to play in their case...hehe). then jacob woodhead joins in and we pretty much had a whole tennis party. well, laney and i didn't get much real tennis in, but it was kinda fun to completely dominate over a bunch of guys.
well, i'm supposed to go to track conditioning tomorrow, but we shall see...don't think it's going to happen.
have a good friday everyone!
well, i'm supposed to go to track conditioning tomorrow, but we shall see...don't think it's going to happen.
have a good friday everyone!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
never thought i would actually miss weightlifting
i am going to be SO SORE tomorrow! no joke! well, despite my strong urge to not start conditioning today, i couldn't come up with any truly valid reasons not to, so i went. plus i thought it would be nice to get some more exercise. from the time we started at 3:00 till the time we finished at 4:30 ish it was running glore! mrs. hogan made us start by running two warm up laps then by doing those stupid dynamic warm up things complete with the dreaded inchworms! hate those things! next we had to go run and 'H'...double icky! but lucky for us upperclassmen we have now learned and gotten smarter. when we got down to the middle school caitlyn, matt, jasmine and i ducked behind the locker room building and library and waited for the freshmen and sophomores ran by again so we could start running with them again. haha! sucks for them, but most of them were distance anyways. shhh don't tell mrs. hogan! :)
after our H we had to run a 'square' (from weight room, to discus pit, baseball field and back to the weight room) and a 'cool down' lap (sprint the straight and run/jog the curves). i haven't done that much running in a long time...feels great!
well, i bring this upon myself i guess and since i complain about track so much i guess i should only list some of the things i do love about it.
-hanging out with the high jumpers...we're cool and you know it! :)
-meets are fun when they aren't all day, but those can be fun as well.
-uh...i keep in shape
-oh, and its a good excuse to get outside for a while after school and take a break from hw.
plus you meet so many people/ get to know people better by doing any sport and that is always fun.
we shall see how it goes...i'm actually getting excited for season.
oh, one thing i forgot to mention when i played tennis yesterday i was completely on! i probably played better than i have in a long time and possibly better than i have ever played! it was awesome...felt wonderful!
well, that is all for now.
after our H we had to run a 'square' (from weight room, to discus pit, baseball field and back to the weight room) and a 'cool down' lap (sprint the straight and run/jog the curves). i haven't done that much running in a long time...feels great!
well, i bring this upon myself i guess and since i complain about track so much i guess i should only list some of the things i do love about it.
-hanging out with the high jumpers...we're cool and you know it! :)
-meets are fun when they aren't all day, but those can be fun as well.
-uh...i keep in shape
-oh, and its a good excuse to get outside for a while after school and take a break from hw.
plus you meet so many people/ get to know people better by doing any sport and that is always fun.
we shall see how it goes...i'm actually getting excited for season.
oh, one thing i forgot to mention when i played tennis yesterday i was completely on! i probably played better than i have in a long time and possibly better than i have ever played! it was awesome...felt wonderful!
well, that is all for now.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
sorry for the lack of updates (or interesting updates i should say), but honestly there has been nothing really to post about. i've been super busy, but i don't think any of you honestly want to hear all about my me you don't.
well, i will say that i was cornered my mrs. hogan today coming out of hall A. (track conditioning started monday and i decided not to go, so it was bound to happen. but it wasn't all that bad, except apparently she is now under the impression that i will be going tomorrow...don't know how she arrived at that conclusion, but she did, so...we'll see. i may or may not go. depending on my homework load and even more so on my mood. :)
well, that's all for now...i'm going to go play some tennis!
well, i will say that i was cornered my mrs. hogan today coming out of hall A. (track conditioning started monday and i decided not to go, so it was bound to happen. but it wasn't all that bad, except apparently she is now under the impression that i will be going tomorrow...don't know how she arrived at that conclusion, but she did, so...we'll see. i may or may not go. depending on my homework load and even more so on my mood. :)
well, that's all for now...i'm going to go play some tennis!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
i have the weirdest experiences
things have been crazy with mi vida this last week. thursday i stayed up till 1:45 doing stupid homework! and if you guys know me at all, you'll all know that it's a challenge for me to stay up past 11:00.
friday was good though. i went on a date. i know what you're all thinking..."oooo danielle. with who?" haha! if you must know...with julie. and yes, i am straight. any more questions? good. no, we called it a date since julie paid for everything...we are weird. it was my buddy/chirstmas gift combined from her. first we went to a karaoke place and sang everything from "hey jude" to "dude looks like a lady" and "bye bye bye" (julie also did some songs in korean). cool, cool. after we went to olive garden (yes again) and for some reason we always get strange people at that place. our waiter was super creepy! he seriously asked us how everything was like every five minutes and used the phrase "for reals" and "are you serious" too much. for example: "would you like some more iced tea, miss"
me: "no, thanks. i'm okay"
"for reals? are you serious?"
uhhhh? no i'm kidding... or i also happened to have my tennis sweatshirt one and he goes "so, you play tennis? like for reals?"
"so, what is crusader tennis?"
"it's our mascot for our high school...valley chirstian"
"oh, are you serious? i play tennis...not so well, but still fun. well, keep it up for reals!"
umm...sure thing i seriously and for reals will. what a weirdo.
after dinner we rented the movie "stardust". it was pretty good...funny.
well, that is pretty much all that has happened in my life recently. what's going on in all of yours?
friday was good though. i went on a date. i know what you're all thinking..."oooo danielle. with who?" haha! if you must know...with julie. and yes, i am straight. any more questions? good. no, we called it a date since julie paid for everything...we are weird. it was my buddy/chirstmas gift combined from her. first we went to a karaoke place and sang everything from "hey jude" to "dude looks like a lady" and "bye bye bye" (julie also did some songs in korean). cool, cool. after we went to olive garden (yes again) and for some reason we always get strange people at that place. our waiter was super creepy! he seriously asked us how everything was like every five minutes and used the phrase "for reals" and "are you serious" too much. for example: "would you like some more iced tea, miss"
me: "no, thanks. i'm okay"
"for reals? are you serious?"
uhhhh? no i'm kidding... or i also happened to have my tennis sweatshirt one and he goes "so, you play tennis? like for reals?"
"so, what is crusader tennis?"
"it's our mascot for our high school...valley chirstian"
"oh, are you serious? i play tennis...not so well, but still fun. well, keep it up for reals!"
umm...sure thing i seriously and for reals will. what a weirdo.
after dinner we rented the movie "stardust". it was pretty good...funny.
well, that is pretty much all that has happened in my life recently. what's going on in all of yours?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
stream of consciousness
today in english we read a story written in stream of consciousness, which is very confusing and i shall now attempt it here on my blog. this is proving itself to be a challenge because my brain thinks much faster than my fingers can type...surprised? well, you might be, but i'm not...i think i'm actually quite a quick thinker if you ask me. well not really, but i just thought i would say that because it popped in to my head. i have a huge english project due tomorrow on huck finn that i really don't want to to, but at least i'm almost done. we had a track meeting today and have been instructed (if not in a winter sport) to start conditioning on monday, but i really don't want to go alone. i always had a buddy to go with before, but alas she is no longer with me. no she is not dead (at least i hope), but just out of the state...tear! but she can't be dead unless she died in the last couple of hours since she was alive to write something on her blog. haha! not that, that couldn't have been an impostor, but it is highly unlikely...don't die! live people live! anyway, perhaps i can find someone else to go weight lift with or perhaps not weight lift at all...boy i feel like all i'm doing is rambling, which is pretty much what this is and it has absolutely no point to it what so ever. it is kinda fun though once you get just type what comes into your brain. you should all try it cause i want to see what you think like...or maybe i don't. i wish i could write like this all the time and others could automatically make sense of it, but i'm thinking that that won't happen. gosh i have probably made so many spelling/typing mistakes...oh well. by this time you are all probably thinking that i'm stranger than any of you thought or maybe you all already knew? this is boring isn't it? i shall stop now.
wow, i never knew that is how i's all over the place!
wow, i never knew that is how i's all over the place!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
ain't my week, it ain't
let me do a short recap on the major (not really) happenings of the week (so's only tuesday). i haven't been sleeping well for some reason, so i'm blaming that for my not getting up in the morning. so monday my alarm didn't go off and i didn't wake up till 7:15. good stuff...i was late, but oh, well since flietstra doesn't know how to take attendance. english was my next class and that was okay except for that massive project i have due friday on huck finn. almost done! so, nothing too bad there. oh, but math...math was good. almost fell asleep, dropped my calculator twice in the silence of the room, forgot how to do most of the stuff we had been before christmas...oh, and i got stuck to the door walking in.
okay, picture this. you know what its like when the bell rings after break and the entire class is gathered outside the door waiting for the teacher to come and open it? well, the door opens and then comes the flood of people attempting to get in all at once. yes, i'm sure you know it well. it just so happens that i'm one of the first people to walk in...until my backpack gets stuck on the door and i have to back up through the crowd and unhook myself while people are pushing past...nice huh? :)
oh well, i have a history test tomorrow...i can hardly wait. oh, and did i mention that i again was ALMOST late for school today? yes, my alarm did go off, but i got mad at it and turned it off instead of hitting the snooze button (subconsciously, of course) and well...i was in a rush again. maybe tomorrow i can get up? third times the charm right. actually i'm just hoping i can sleep tonight.
but, i shouldn't say everything has gone totally wrong...i'm still smiling! and i played tennis tonight! it also boosted my spirits that my game was on!
well, i'm off to bed to dream about things such as history (for my test), tennis (for pure pleasure) and peanut butter (just for the heck of it)...don't ask.
good night!
okay, picture this. you know what its like when the bell rings after break and the entire class is gathered outside the door waiting for the teacher to come and open it? well, the door opens and then comes the flood of people attempting to get in all at once. yes, i'm sure you know it well. it just so happens that i'm one of the first people to walk in...until my backpack gets stuck on the door and i have to back up through the crowd and unhook myself while people are pushing past...nice huh? :)
oh well, i have a history test tomorrow...i can hardly wait. oh, and did i mention that i again was ALMOST late for school today? yes, my alarm did go off, but i got mad at it and turned it off instead of hitting the snooze button (subconsciously, of course) and well...i was in a rush again. maybe tomorrow i can get up? third times the charm right. actually i'm just hoping i can sleep tonight.
but, i shouldn't say everything has gone totally wrong...i'm still smiling! and i played tennis tonight! it also boosted my spirits that my game was on!
well, i'm off to bed to dream about things such as history (for my test), tennis (for pure pleasure) and peanut butter (just for the heck of it)...don't ask.
good night!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
procrastinate now! there won't be any time later...
so, procrastination...we all do it. and sitting here at the end of my christmas break i'm looking back and thinking "why didn't i do all that homework when i was sitting around doing absolutely nothing?" well, because doing absolutely nothing for a change felt so good. unfortunately i have to pay for it this week, but i'll just put that off and think about it later, shall i? :)
i happen to like ellen degeneres' take on procrastination. this is from one of her stand up comedies. skip to about 6:30 for the part that really goes along with this post, but the whole thing is hilarious!
happy mondays tomorrow everybody!
i happen to like ellen degeneres' take on procrastination. this is from one of her stand up comedies. skip to about 6:30 for the part that really goes along with this post, but the whole thing is hilarious!
happy mondays tomorrow everybody!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
300th POST!!!
that is basically all i really wanted to say, but in case any of you want something else to read, i suppose i'll keep typing.
so, it has just dawned upon me how busy 2008 is going to be these first few months! i'm dreading monday because i know once i dive in there is no getting out. finals are coming up soon, which i'm completely not ready for! then february brings track season and the ACT test! ick! march: the SAT...double ick! its just like by the end of first semester you are so burned out, yet you still have another half to go. but, what can ya do? i've survived this much of junior year, so i think i'll manage...
well, in other rained yesterday! i love rain, but it's not often i can just sit and enjoy the sound of it (my house isn't exactly the most silent the busyness, but it is nice to be alone once in a while). my parents went out to dinner and took katie with them and betsy went to a movie with her friends, leaving the house to me. i just sat down and painted while i listened to the rain...good stuff. very relaxing. too bad i stink at painting, ah well i still enjoy doing it; i just don't enjoy the results haha!
ta ta for now! (i've been watching too much winnie the sister's latest new obsession)
so, it has just dawned upon me how busy 2008 is going to be these first few months! i'm dreading monday because i know once i dive in there is no getting out. finals are coming up soon, which i'm completely not ready for! then february brings track season and the ACT test! ick! march: the SAT...double ick! its just like by the end of first semester you are so burned out, yet you still have another half to go. but, what can ya do? i've survived this much of junior year, so i think i'll manage...
well, in other rained yesterday! i love rain, but it's not often i can just sit and enjoy the sound of it (my house isn't exactly the most silent the busyness, but it is nice to be alone once in a while). my parents went out to dinner and took katie with them and betsy went to a movie with her friends, leaving the house to me. i just sat down and painted while i listened to the rain...good stuff. very relaxing. too bad i stink at painting, ah well i still enjoy doing it; i just don't enjoy the results haha!
ta ta for now! (i've been watching too much winnie the sister's latest new obsession)
Thursday, January 3, 2008
there's an inner child in all of us
for some reason i think that is a quote from a movie...but anyway, last sunday night i was super bored, so i decided to call august up and see what she was doing. she said to come on over so we could be bored together. well, in our state of boredom, what else do you do, but let your inner child take hold and go to the park and take amazing videos of yourselves doing stupid things!
this one is a little hard to see, but we were racing on the bouncy horse things, until she shot me! how rude! :)
ummm...don't ask...attempting to play tennis with a doesn't work out too well. :)
i have no explanation, other than we must have been on something. gives one strange ideas.
this one is a little hard to see, but we were racing on the bouncy horse things, until she shot me! how rude! :)
ummm...don't ask...attempting to play tennis with a doesn't work out too well. :)
i have no explanation, other than we must have been on something. gives one strange ideas.
and yes i have yet again changed my background...i do that often. oh, well. i went for a colorful look this time, but i'm not sure if i like it...let me know what you guys think! :)
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
parade de rosas (i don't know parade in spanish :)

HAPPY 2008!
so, basically i've been up since 4:30AM!!!!! wooohooo! oh, and did i mention i couldn't sleep last night and didn't end up falling asleep until 2:10! so, i'm running on like 2 hrs. and 20 min of sleep! yikes! here are some pictures of the rose parade.
never again! who wants to fight this crowd at 5:30! but, never say never...
i liked the floats...they were pretty cool. it was just the crowd! ick!
hula frog! love it!
i want this pony! seriously! what i could totally keep a miniature pony in my back yard... :)
i had to take this picture for my sister...she loves sesame st. (katie, not betsy...just to clarify)
so, all in all it wasn't too bad. just one of those things that is nice to do once for the experience, but i definitely wouldn't really want to go next year...
the mass amount of people was horrendous! it took us forever to walk back through the crowd to where the car was. oh, and it doesn't make it any more pleasant when you have fanatics ranting and raving about impeaching government officials or Jesus Christ. now don't get me wrong...i'm all for spreading the Gospel and the truth to non-believers. i just think that we should think about how we do it, because i don't know about you, but if i had someone yelling at me "stop you wicked unbelievers! "or "hell is what you get if you don't know Christ" through a megaphone...i don't think i would respond too well. there were also some of the opposite side there as well, which wasn't pleasant either. but, what can ya do? anyways after another 55 minutes in trapped in the parking garage, we finally got home a couple hours later...long day!
good night everyone and i hope this new year begins well for each of you! :)
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