Monday, December 31, 2007

happy new years eve!

goodness! can you all believe how fast this year has gone by? so many things have happened! i've learned so many things, grown a lot (not physically...i think i look pretty much the same), met many new people, tried new things...none i can think of at the moment, but i know i must have. :)
no, i do know what, but i just don't really feel like going into it. but, as i sit here and think during the last few hours of 2007, a couple of things pop into my head. one being the fact that only one year from now, we shall be welcoming 2009 (well, duh...congratulations danielle! after only 16 and a half years of life i have learned that 9 comes after 8). but seriously, that is a super scary thought! 2009! the year i graduate! it's gonna come quick, but i will just live in the present and the hear and now...i like it better that way. the future is too overwhelming. :)
so, i think i shall be going to bed soon. maybe i'll watch a movie, but i will definitely not be staying up until 12:00 to bring in the New Year due to the fact that i must leave my house at 5:00am tomorrow. i'm going to the rose parade...should be an experience; i've never been. you can be sure i'll have some pictures up tomorrow of it though.
what else was i going to say? oh, yeah! i learned how to knit today! i kinda suck at it, but cristina attempted to teach me. the "attempted" part was not due to her teaching skills, but due to my learning ones...i think i may need some practice. :) still, i'm happy!

well, 2007 has been a great year filled with awesome friends and family that i consider myself very blessed to be surrounded by as well as many fantastic experience that i wouldn't trade for anything. God is so good!
love all of you!
blessings on you new year!


cristina said...

you've been my best knitting student yet (don't pay any attention to the fact that you've been my only knitting student yet).
happy new year

hannah said...

happy new year danielle! i am so grateful for the experiences we have had and i can't wait for another year of track together! :)