Sunday, October 21, 2007

random post about pretty much nothing...

i have the song "any way you want it" by journey in my head, which is quite annoying after 10 min. since i only know the chorus anyway...

this is going to be a big week. this week holds our two last league matches of the season...i'm actually quite sad about this. not that this cane as a surprise, i didn't want it to end last year either. it just seems like it went by so fast! well, we still have CIF and league individuals, so i won't get to down yet.

also this week is homecoming week, meaning we get dress up days! tomorrow is class color day, so no big deal...i think i can find something green in my closet. i just don't know what to do for day. how random is that? anyway, if anyone has a suggestion, since dressing up beats uniforms any day, i'm open! :) ideas please!

well, that's pretty much all i have to say (nothing very interesting, i know) maybe i'll get some pictures up soon so my blog isn't so wordy and boring...we'll see.

i'm off to go finish some last minute homework. actually i'm not procrastinating...its not due till thursday; i'm getting a head start! :)


rebekah said...

Kinda like Mr. Tamminga has top 5 verses??? :)

Have fun at homecoming week!

cristina said...

carreer... i say, dress up as an undercover cop.

have fun with tennis... i can't wait to hear the results.