Thursday, October 18, 2007

how much better can a day get?

today was full of little surprises! seriously those little things are what make a day i think; just the little things that make you smile. just little surprises like getting a note of encouragement and a bag of treats in your locker from your coach right before your big game. surprises like my aunt, coach jim (my high jump coach), and mrs. fieldhouse showing up for our match. stuff like being able to worship this morning in chapel. and surprises like getting tackled to the ground by julie after we won overall! (actually that one kinda hurt...must have been pretty funny to watch though)

yes, indeed! we beat whittier 10-8!!! laney and i didn't do so hot, but we tried our best and that is all we can ask for. we did win one 6-3, but lost the other two. oh, well!
i can't contain my excitement about still being undefeated in league!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

well, one more week of league play and our last match is against archer, who, we found out today, beat whittier! so, we will again have to work extra hard next thursday, but all will be good!

my day seriously couldn't have gotten any better! hope you all had awesome days as well! :)


August Herrema said...

GOOD JOB!!!! see? i told you, you could beat whittier! that is SO exciting!!!! CONGRATS!

August Herrema said...
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Grace said...

i already told you on the phone, but congratulations once again. =D

Anonymous said...


cristina said...

as i lay in bed last night (thursday night) i was like, o shoot! i forgot to check danielle's blog to see if they beat whittier and are still undefeated! i was tired and didn't feel like climbing down from my bunk, so i fell asleep, although i did spend a good 10 minutes wondering and debating whether or no i should get up.
this morning, as soon as i got back from breakfast, i hopped on your blog and now i finally get to the point of this story...
Congrats!!! i am so excited for you guys! keep up the good work, and smack a good winner extra hard for me at your last league match...
don't forget, i am rooting for you!