Wednesday, July 25, 2007

my arm is dead

okay first let me start out by saying that this is my 200th POST!!! thanks to a friend who got me started on blogging! now i don't know what i would do with out a blog!

anyway, back to the whole my-arm-is-dead-thing. i today was forced into a place that little children fear, that claims to help the sick and keep the healthy feeling well, the place that has a distinct and utterly repulsive smell. anyone guessed it yet? well, the place i speak of is none other than...the doctors office! dum dum dum(going for dramatic effect)! after realizing that i would be gone for both the sports physical days at valley and still needing a sports physical in order to play tennis in the fall, i found myself up at 6:30 getting ready to go to the doctors. little did i know what i was in for. i made my way to the third floor and went in the door labeled "well children". that waiting room makes you feel like you walk right into munchkin land from the wizard of oz, complete with a yellow brick road and little people on the walls. anyway the nurse takes me back, measured me, weighed me and had me read the eye chart (that's another thing: i found out that i have terrible vision, but i still manage to function with out a problem. so, no need for glasses yet! :). then she turns to me and asks me "how long has it been since you have had a full physical?"
"ummm...couple years, i guess."
"oh, then we'll give you a full one instead of just a sports physical today."
"oh, er...thanks" NOT!
so, i got the whole sha-bang today and let me tell you, i hate physicals! i understand why they have to do them, but i don't have to like them. it is soooooo awkward having a doctor look at places i do not display to others. especially when the doctor keeps asking you questions like "are you happy with the way you look" and "have you had any temptations in the following areas? drugs" NO! "alchol" NO! "sex" DEFINITELY NOT!!! what do i look like? then to just put the toppings on the golden spoon (like the expression "icing on the cake", just my version) she tells me i have to get vaccinated for meningitis (no idea how to spell that or even exactly what the stupid disease is)! stupid shot! right in the deltoid so, that is why my left arm is dead. poo! stinky shots! :(

the entire day wasn't horrible, though. i did get to go on a lovely little bike ride up to golden spoon, where i was delighted to see that they had pumpkin pie (my favorite flavor)!

well, i'm going to return to reading now. hope the rest of your days were better than mine! :)


cristina said...

i was just going through my backpack, and i realized: i still have danielle's autograph page.
i am officially reatrded. i think i should work on mailing that out to you sometime soon.

and you've probably known the whole time, but you're just being nice and not getting on my case.


my goal is to get it to you sometime this summer... sound good? haha

August Herrema said...

ya... i hate physicals too. do you go to lb memorial? your description sounds like what i thought last time i went.

when i was 13, they gave me a full physical, and a questionar. did you get one? it had stupid questions like do you take drugs? umm, only advil when im sore. have you had sex? ummm not yet. do your parents treat you ok? forst of all yes, sevcond of all that is none of the doctors business.

Grace said...

ouch... i got that shot on the day of my piano lesson, and i could barely play. my arm was sore for several days after. =P
i don't like physicals either... especially those questions. =P i really felt like saying a sarcastic yes to every question, but i figured that that would be inappropriate, they might take me seriously, and i'd rather not see a counselor. =P