so this afternoon my family and i biked down the bike path to the rivers end cafe. they all wanted to do something outside, since it was such a beautiful day, gary suggested we all go on a bike ride or something. so i said we should go down the bike path then get lunch. over the summer the tennis team did it for breakfast. i cant believe that was almost over 9 months ago! it brought back some good memories. :)
in the parking lot there were two guys with an old pickup truck that had a piano in the truck bed. one guy was sitting on the edge of the truck playing the piano and singing, and the other guy was playing a guitar and drums at the same time (he had a foot petal to play the drums). it was kida cool. they just seemed like they didn't have any worries or burdens; they were just there to make people smile. katie liked their music so much that she started dancing. katie also liked the bike ride; she fell asleep. we have a little seat that goes on the back of the bike for her to sit in. :)
that's all for now! :)
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
the eraser was wrong...
so after forgetting everything and it's mom today, i finally was able to enjoy my day. i seriously forgot everything today. my outline for my history research project was due in english today and i forgot to print it out. i had to call my mom before school started and ask her to bring it, which she did, thankfully. i also forgot to bring something for bible today, but oh well i still managed to enjoy my day. even after completely stinking at high was pathetic i only got 4'2". no hard feelings though. :)
i'm actually really surprised i'm still in a good mood after everything that i should have been stressed about....maybe it's just God's way of giving me peace.
happy thursday! :)
i'm actually really surprised i'm still in a good mood after everything that i should have been stressed about....maybe it's just God's way of giving me peace.
happy thursday! :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
and danielle's embarrassing moment(s) of the day is/are....
so as many of you know track practice was NOT canceled...gosh, why even make the announcement? anyway, hannah and i were cheering people on at track today whenever they made their jump. so we start doing this little synchronized dance thing (i'll have to show you all my skills sometime) we were just having fun with the way our shadows looked doing it and weren't paying attention until we hear coach rinks (mr. rinks son by the way) yell something. we look up and all the sprinters are standing in a line just watching us and laughing. then coach rinks yells "ladies. what is going on over there?!?" i think i pretty much ran the other way laughing hysterically. but yeah that was really embarrassing...especially when some of the sprinters came up to us and were like "hey, you want to teach us your dance"....ahh fun times.
okay the second moment wasn't really embarrassing just funny. first of all could you believe the wind today?!?! it was crazy cool! it kept blowing the high jump bar off. but, then it rained! too bad it was only for like 20 min....not nearly long enough. so with all that wind it blew our high jump mat cover off, and since it rained the mat was soaked. we took off the top layer and underneath are the three pillow things pushed together (the top thing mostly just holds them together, eliminates the crevices and is more comfortable to land/lay on) so i go and take my jump and land right in between two of the mat things. i couldn't move or hear anything. see i don't remember anything when i go over the bar i only ever remember running the approach and landing. so i land and i'm surrounded by blue plastic. i think it was funnier for me though than anyone else. :)
wow! isn't everyday kinda like a little adventure? i mean you never really know what is going to happen, even if they are the little least that's how i like to think of it. i think it helps me enjoy each day more. :)
okay the second moment wasn't really embarrassing just funny. first of all could you believe the wind today?!?! it was crazy cool! it kept blowing the high jump bar off. but, then it rained! too bad it was only for like 20 min....not nearly long enough. so with all that wind it blew our high jump mat cover off, and since it rained the mat was soaked. we took off the top layer and underneath are the three pillow things pushed together (the top thing mostly just holds them together, eliminates the crevices and is more comfortable to land/lay on) so i go and take my jump and land right in between two of the mat things. i couldn't move or hear anything. see i don't remember anything when i go over the bar i only ever remember running the approach and landing. so i land and i'm surrounded by blue plastic. i think it was funnier for me though than anyone else. :)
wow! isn't everyday kinda like a little adventure? i mean you never really know what is going to happen, even if they are the little least that's how i like to think of it. i think it helps me enjoy each day more. :)
Monday, March 26, 2007
food, moods and hugs...
okay first, the food: i'm so full at the moment. my mom and i went out to dinner tonight since my step dad is gone on a business trip. we decided to go to open sesame, which i had on friday. good thing it's really good food because that was my second time eating there in the last three days. :)
moods: i'm in a super good mood because i have no homework tonight!!!! this is probably the first time that has happened since like the beginning of first semester....crazy stuff.
now for the hugs part: my p.e. class went bowling again today. i got an 81 (better than last week's 56 and 66) and i didn't even bowl the tenth frame because we had to leave....i was like seven minutes late for 6th period. :) anyway on with the hugs story.... we also got back late because we had three to a land instead of two. there was an elementary school there that had most of the lanes. i was walking out the door to get back on the bus when i see a familiar face. it was my principle from elementary school and that was my elementary school that was there bowling. he came up to me and gave me a hug, which i was kind of surprised at. i was especially surprised he remembered me. it kinda felt good to be remembered. :)
yup yup thats all for now! :) adios!
moods: i'm in a super good mood because i have no homework tonight!!!! this is probably the first time that has happened since like the beginning of first semester....crazy stuff.
now for the hugs part: my p.e. class went bowling again today. i got an 81 (better than last week's 56 and 66) and i didn't even bowl the tenth frame because we had to leave....i was like seven minutes late for 6th period. :) anyway on with the hugs story.... we also got back late because we had three to a land instead of two. there was an elementary school there that had most of the lanes. i was walking out the door to get back on the bus when i see a familiar face. it was my principle from elementary school and that was my elementary school that was there bowling. he came up to me and gave me a hug, which i was kind of surprised at. i was especially surprised he remembered me. it kinda felt good to be remembered. :)
yup yup thats all for now! :) adios!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
dont ask
yo yo yo what up my homie g-dogs? today was sho! well no actually nothin' much went down here at my crib. still pretty chill though....umm yeah i've proved it. i'm so white! ha ha. fyi that was me trying (unsuccessfully) to be ghetto...i have no clue why it just sounded fun....well, not really. i'm probably just strange.
any who i'm kinda hyper at the moment. i got my bible paper all done! yippy!!!
awww man! i just go double sixes and i cant use them! (i'm playing internet backgammon while typing this) i'm losing horribly! oh, until now i just got the person and they have no legal moves and they rolled double fives ha ha ha! lets see what will the outcome suspenseful i can hardly handle close....there only ahead by two pieces....i need doubles!....and...and...and....MAJOR COMEBACK!!! i win!!! yes! i never win backgammon. i did beat my cousin five times in a row last weekend at backgammon and he owed me a 40 min. back massage. however, even i couldn't take 40 min at once so he's paying his debts in segments.
oh, and guess what day it is!!!! today is march 25th!!!! exactly a month from today i will be 16!!! and then exactly 25 days after that i can get my drivers licence!!!! wow! scary thought! hmmm? dosn't 16 sound so much older than 15? but then by next year i will be thinking 17 sounds so much older than 16...weird!
okay i'm going to stop typing now before this post gets even more random and weird!
good bye! :)
any who i'm kinda hyper at the moment. i got my bible paper all done! yippy!!!
awww man! i just go double sixes and i cant use them! (i'm playing internet backgammon while typing this) i'm losing horribly! oh, until now i just got the person and they have no legal moves and they rolled double fives ha ha ha! lets see what will the outcome suspenseful i can hardly handle close....there only ahead by two pieces....i need doubles!....and...and...and....MAJOR COMEBACK!!! i win!!! yes! i never win backgammon. i did beat my cousin five times in a row last weekend at backgammon and he owed me a 40 min. back massage. however, even i couldn't take 40 min at once so he's paying his debts in segments.
oh, and guess what day it is!!!! today is march 25th!!!! exactly a month from today i will be 16!!! and then exactly 25 days after that i can get my drivers licence!!!! wow! scary thought! hmmm? dosn't 16 sound so much older than 15? but then by next year i will be thinking 17 sounds so much older than 16...weird!
okay i'm going to stop typing now before this post gets even more random and weird!
good bye! :)
Saturday, March 24, 2007
oh, the fun of track meets
well yet again i found myself sitting on the bus going out to another track meet. today we went out to ontario. the drive wasn't bad but let me tell you it was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. i mean there was a dairy by the school and we could see the cows...and smell them. yuck!
all in all the day wasn't bad though. it was actually fun! okay so event wise i got fifth place which isn't bad...i just wished i had done a little better height wise. high jump got done by like 12:00, but we managed to amuse you ask? well lets just say when you have a cell phone that takes videos, a guy who keeps shooting off the starting pistol nearby and boredom you come up with things to do....especially if rebekah is flinging herself across the grass and i'm yelling "she died" every time the starting pistol goes off.
it was also really hot out there today....which made my mom keep calling me to tell me random things. she left me a 2 min. message telling me to put on sunscreen. so i call her back and she starts telling me what she bought for me at the grocery store. i didn't even want anything at the grocery's great! i dont have to do anything and she buy all this yummy food i like!
wow! what a day. oh, i also finished interviewing people for my bible paper... yeah! so now all i have to do is go write the! i'm truly sick of homework at the moment.
hope you all had a fun day! :)
all in all the day wasn't bad though. it was actually fun! okay so event wise i got fifth place which isn't bad...i just wished i had done a little better height wise. high jump got done by like 12:00, but we managed to amuse you ask? well lets just say when you have a cell phone that takes videos, a guy who keeps shooting off the starting pistol nearby and boredom you come up with things to do....especially if rebekah is flinging herself across the grass and i'm yelling "she died" every time the starting pistol goes off.
it was also really hot out there today....which made my mom keep calling me to tell me random things. she left me a 2 min. message telling me to put on sunscreen. so i call her back and she starts telling me what she bought for me at the grocery store. i didn't even want anything at the grocery's great! i dont have to do anything and she buy all this yummy food i like!
wow! what a day. oh, i also finished interviewing people for my bible paper... yeah! so now all i have to do is go write the! i'm truly sick of homework at the moment.
hope you all had a fun day! :)
Friday, March 23, 2007
i cant spell...or read
alright it's official i cant spell to save my life....good thing i don't have to huh? well, i at least cant spell words like pacience and settel (which i know are actually spelled patience and settle). but hey i'm okay with that. at least i admit it right?
oh, and apparently i cant read either because i have problems mixing up tobacco and tabasco. but there could be worse things in life.
hmmm? what would i do without spell check? fail school.
i still stand firmly on the idea that school is really deteriorating our minds. ha ha just kidding.
anyway awesome day! soooo fun!
i love days off school!
oh, and apparently i cant read either because i have problems mixing up tobacco and tabasco. but there could be worse things in life.
hmmm? what would i do without spell check? fail school.
i still stand firmly on the idea that school is really deteriorating our minds. ha ha just kidding.
anyway awesome day! soooo fun!
i love days off school!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
yet another crazy day...
there was a cancer league meeting at my house today and boy was it awkward walking through the house to get to my room while i'm all sweaty and gross and still in my work out clothes while they are all dressed up. the even better part was that i had a tennis lesson 45 min. later. so i come back downstairs in a different set of athletic cloths and run out of the house. it was just kinda funny...ya you had to be there. :)
-the lesson of the day is: never walk next to rebekah when she had a rubber bungie thing in her hand....she may just get the urge and whack you in the face with it. ha ha i'm just teasing you rebekah. it didn't really hurt, but i'm never going to let you live that down.
let see what else? oh ya, i have to do a bible paper on dating relationships (ironic that were going over that in girls bible study too at the moment). i have to interview people and get their opinions on different aspects of dating. so, if anyone would like to make history and have their opinions included in my paper....i need one interview from someone currently in high school. :)
well, that's pretty much all for now!
adios mi amigos! :)
-the lesson of the day is: never walk next to rebekah when she had a rubber bungie thing in her hand....she may just get the urge and whack you in the face with it. ha ha i'm just teasing you rebekah. it didn't really hurt, but i'm never going to let you live that down.
let see what else? oh ya, i have to do a bible paper on dating relationships (ironic that were going over that in girls bible study too at the moment). i have to interview people and get their opinions on different aspects of dating. so, if anyone would like to make history and have their opinions included in my paper....i need one interview from someone currently in high school. :)
well, that's pretty much all for now!
adios mi amigos! :)
goooood morning! the current temperature for this bright yet not so sunny day is a mere 56 degrees. the high for today is 63 and the low 51. the conditions should remain cloudy thorough the day and winds up to six mph. relative humidity 72% steady and visibility is about 10 miles.
like your weather update? okay i'll be done now since i have to go to school.
have a fantastic day everybody! (even though you probably wont see this until after school but oh well)
yep yep!
like your weather update? okay i'll be done now since i have to go to school.
have a fantastic day everybody! (even though you probably wont see this until after school but oh well)
yep yep!
Monday, March 19, 2007
oh mondays! what would we do without them?..maybe we'd never start the week?!!
okay i have been completely out of it today. i'm really not even that tired...just oblivious to everything and slow. it seriously took me like a minute to realize my friend was hitting my backpack and calling my name. hmmmm? maybe it's because i got up at 5:00 this morning to finish up some last minute homework i forgot to do over the weekend; or maybe i haven't been comprehending things well today because my brain is just too full of information from classes that there's no room for anything else. well, it seems logical to me anyway. :) i vote homework should officially be outlawed. i mean we're already at school like six hours a day. so remind me why we need to come home and spend more time focusing on school? i don't get it.
i, also, think i'm going through tennis withdrawal. i haven't played in two weeks and i'm really missing it, not to mention my skill level has probably dropped a few points instead of going up. :( oh well, that's what i get for doing track i guess. i'll get back into focusing on tennis soon though.
well not much going on. i think i'll go do some homework now to avoid getting up at 5:00 again. :)
i, also, think i'm going through tennis withdrawal. i haven't played in two weeks and i'm really missing it, not to mention my skill level has probably dropped a few points instead of going up. :( oh well, that's what i get for doing track i guess. i'll get back into focusing on tennis soon though.
well not much going on. i think i'll go do some homework now to avoid getting up at 5:00 again. :)
Saturday, March 17, 2007
from tennis matches to fondue..
so i got up to go watch tennis this lovely morning! unfortunately not the pro tournament out in palm dessert (which i think i heard roddick didn't do so hot in...correct me if i'm wrong), just my cousins college match. which was still pretty awesome....better than i could ever play. it was fun to watch and cheer but it made me think about how much i miss tennis season. especially when they did their line up.
after my family and i went out to dinner at the melting pot. so i had fondue for the first time in my life! it was muy sabrosa! first the did this cheese melt thing and brought us bread, veggies and apples to dip in it. next they brought salad which was normal, but good. then the waiter comes and gives me a plate of raw chicken. i (not knowing how this all worked) was like "ummm is this supposed to look this way?" he laughed and told explained to me that i was supposed to cook it in the broth. boy, did i feel dumb. so my cooked chicken was delicious, but not nearly as yummy as desert. we ordered a platter of all types of sampler things. they brought us a big fondue pot of melted chocolate and a plate with pineapple, strawberries, brownies, cheesed cake and angle food cake on it to dip in the chocolate. it was seriously one of the best things i have ever tasted! i love chocolate though.
so we had, had this dinner reservation for a while (before we knew our family was coming to stay) so our family all came over to our house for dinner when we weren't even there and just ate at our house without us....kinda funny. we walked in and our house was full of people. it was fun though.
wow! what a day! i'm very sleepy now so i'm going to head to bed..... hey that rhymes....rhyming, i like to rhyme!
oh, by the way...happy st. patty's day! so how many of you got pinched...i remembered my green!
after my family and i went out to dinner at the melting pot. so i had fondue for the first time in my life! it was muy sabrosa! first the did this cheese melt thing and brought us bread, veggies and apples to dip in it. next they brought salad which was normal, but good. then the waiter comes and gives me a plate of raw chicken. i (not knowing how this all worked) was like "ummm is this supposed to look this way?" he laughed and told explained to me that i was supposed to cook it in the broth. boy, did i feel dumb. so my cooked chicken was delicious, but not nearly as yummy as desert. we ordered a platter of all types of sampler things. they brought us a big fondue pot of melted chocolate and a plate with pineapple, strawberries, brownies, cheesed cake and angle food cake on it to dip in the chocolate. it was seriously one of the best things i have ever tasted! i love chocolate though.
so we had, had this dinner reservation for a while (before we knew our family was coming to stay) so our family all came over to our house for dinner when we weren't even there and just ate at our house without us....kinda funny. we walked in and our house was full of people. it was fun though.
wow! what a day! i'm very sleepy now so i'm going to head to bed..... hey that rhymes....rhyming, i like to rhyme!
oh, by the way...happy st. patty's day! so how many of you got pinched...i remembered my green!
Friday, March 16, 2007
why does time goes by so fast?
so today at lunch my friends and i were talking about what we like to do when we are home alone. i personally like to sing at the top of my's just fun (try it i dare you, you'll like it) so today i was sitting printing a bunch of pictures for this picture collage thing to go in my step dad's office. it was rather tedious work so i turned on some tunes and completely forgot my family was in the house and started to sing. i just got so in to praising God that i didn't really care if i was heard. mind you i really don't know if i was on key or not since i had headphones on, which probably made me sound ten times worse. my family just closed to door and were probably contemplating my sanity...just kidding. but do you ever get into worshiping so much that you just don't care who's watching or listening? i hope so; it's such a completely awesome feeling! for me it's when i can sing without a care in the world. i feel like all my problems are lifted and the stress of life is gone. so i'm interested. what is it for you? what really sets you on fire for God? i want to know so feel free to tell me anytime. i'd like to hear about it.
so also during my picture searching i found some pictures of katie when she was like three days old. just look how much she has changed! it's amazing! 

it was only a little over a year that she was that small and now she's walking! awww i sometimes miss her being that little, but then again it is pretty cute that she can give hugs and kisses now (even if her kisses are very slobbery and wet; still cute). alright i'll be done now!
have an ober awesome weekend everyone! :)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
from this moment i hate country music...
yep the track team got out at 11:45 today, sweet stuff. it made up for being forced to go sit out in the hot sun for almost 5 hours. well the bus had too many people on it so rebekah ester and i got stuck in the van with the throwers and mrs. fun. let me tell you it was a long ride up. ester didn't have to suffer since she fell asleep; rebekah and i weren't so lucky. they played country the entire way up. most of the time i can tolerate country but it has to be more of the upbeat stuff though, not the sad moping-moaning-country and they were ALL singing! don't get me wrong i love it when people sing to music no matter what their voice sounds like but when mrs. hogan starts singing "from this moment as long as i live i will love you" there is defiantly something wrong there. we finally arrived and got set up, which concluded of putting our stuff in the center of the field....not hard. we didn't even get a tent and it was super hot. i now have a sunburn on my neck/chest in the shape of a heart. my chin cast a shadow, which created an indent in the center.
we were able to get our marks and then start. i achieved 4'4" today. i guess it could have been better, but it also could have been worse. i guess i'm content with it. when we got back on the bus, the bus was parked in front of this house with a poster of bush that said "satan" on it. the house also had a large circle of rocks perfectly lined up. it was slightly creepy.
overall i think we won the meet. oh, and the best thing is NO PRACTICE TOMORROW!!!!! i'm super excited. i don't know why they did that since they said it wasn't because we won the meet. maybe it was in honor of sadies, which i'm not going to. oh well, whatever the reason, i'm pleased.
what a long day it's been.
bye for now! :)
we were able to get our marks and then start. i achieved 4'4" today. i guess it could have been better, but it also could have been worse. i guess i'm content with it. when we got back on the bus, the bus was parked in front of this house with a poster of bush that said "satan" on it. the house also had a large circle of rocks perfectly lined up. it was slightly creepy.
overall i think we won the meet. oh, and the best thing is NO PRACTICE TOMORROW!!!!! i'm super excited. i don't know why they did that since they said it wasn't because we won the meet. maybe it was in honor of sadies, which i'm not going to. oh well, whatever the reason, i'm pleased.
what a long day it's been.
bye for now! :)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
do you ever wonder....
-what makes people do the things they do?
-how different words were created and why?
-how to make a rubber band ball? (its hard i've tried)
-why green is called green or red is called red?
-what would happen if you put a person in a room for their whole life with no influence from the outside world, would they think our society is strange?
-what the world would be like if everyone could love each other?
-why pineapples are called pineapples? (there is nothing "piney" or "apple-like" about them)
-who in the heck came up with things like the quadratic formula? (and why)
-why indifferent means unbiased? (to me it looks like it should mean something like "in a difference" or the state of being different)
don't ask...i have no explanation for all these strange questions except that it has been a very long day. good, but long.
one more: why am i so strange sometimes? i even puzzle myself with that one. maybe you should take that as a rhetorical question. ha ha i'm kidding (sorta) :)
adios friends! :)
-how different words were created and why?
-how to make a rubber band ball? (its hard i've tried)
-why green is called green or red is called red?
-what would happen if you put a person in a room for their whole life with no influence from the outside world, would they think our society is strange?
-what the world would be like if everyone could love each other?
-why pineapples are called pineapples? (there is nothing "piney" or "apple-like" about them)
-who in the heck came up with things like the quadratic formula? (and why)
-why indifferent means unbiased? (to me it looks like it should mean something like "in a difference" or the state of being different)
don't ask...i have no explanation for all these strange questions except that it has been a very long day. good, but long.
one more: why am i so strange sometimes? i even puzzle myself with that one. maybe you should take that as a rhetorical question. ha ha i'm kidding (sorta) :)
adios friends! :)
Sunday, March 11, 2007
" heads fish heads eat them up yum!"
okay these are probably two of the strangest videos i've ever scene in my life....funny though, in thier own strange way. watch them; i dare you. do it!
the first part on this one is kida boring and i really don't get it but just watch it. the song was from the 80's if that will explain the randomness.
i dont know if any of you ever watched pokemon as a kid (i didn't), but this i guess is supposed to be a spoof on pokemon. it's so random.
hope these make you laugh...or you might just be completely freaked out too. either way enjoy!
tomorrow begins yet another week...oh joy how fun. :)
the first part on this one is kida boring and i really don't get it but just watch it. the song was from the 80's if that will explain the randomness.
i dont know if any of you ever watched pokemon as a kid (i didn't), but this i guess is supposed to be a spoof on pokemon. it's so random.
hope these make you laugh...or you might just be completely freaked out too. either way enjoy!
tomorrow begins yet another week...oh joy how fun. :)
over to the dark side
okay now i feel really rebellious. so it started with just ditching track practice but today i ditched the track meet! no, actually i wasn't feeling well. i had a really bad head ache last night and didn't fall asleep until 1:00. i had my alarm set and everything to get up at 5:00 and go to the meet. my mom felt bad for me and turned it off, before it went off, so i didn't wake up until 9:00, which is really late for me to ever sleep in. i wake up and it's light outside and i was thinking "ummm... guess i missed the bus". i do feel bad for not going but hey, it was awesome to just get a day to relax and catch up with everything. so in a way i'm glad i didn't have to go. wow, that sounds really bad.
oh, in other news...
i don't know if you guys have ever heard of free 411. it's exactly like 411 to get phone numbers and stuff except it's free. you just dial 1800-free-411, the only disadvantage is they wont connect you so you have to wright the number down and go through a bunch of ads. well i was trying to get the number for some place for my mom today. i was like what's the point of getting charged for something i could get for free. so i dial 1800-411-free and i get this freaky seductive voice saying "do you want to get with the sluttiest girls around?" i was like what the heck! NO!!! i quickly hung up. and tried it a different way; 1800- free-411. that was the right number. so in case you ever need that number, remember it's free-411 not 411-free!
i also have no idea why i'm up right now, but i'm just not tired at all. i should go get some sleep though since tomorrow is daylight savings time and we lose an hour of sleep...or should i say today since it is now officially sunday. :)
buenas noches! or should i say buenos dia!...whatever. : )
oh, in other news...
i don't know if you guys have ever heard of free 411. it's exactly like 411 to get phone numbers and stuff except it's free. you just dial 1800-free-411, the only disadvantage is they wont connect you so you have to wright the number down and go through a bunch of ads. well i was trying to get the number for some place for my mom today. i was like what's the point of getting charged for something i could get for free. so i dial 1800-411-free and i get this freaky seductive voice saying "do you want to get with the sluttiest girls around?" i was like what the heck! NO!!! i quickly hung up. and tried it a different way; 1800- free-411. that was the right number. so in case you ever need that number, remember it's free-411 not 411-free!
i also have no idea why i'm up right now, but i'm just not tired at all. i should go get some sleep though since tomorrow is daylight savings time and we lose an hour of sleep...or should i say today since it is now officially sunday. :)
buenas noches! or should i say buenos dia!...whatever. : )
Friday, March 9, 2007
not one of my better days...
okay, so i am going to fail micro biology, not get into college, which will cause me to not get a job. i'll end up a bum living on the streets, catch some nameless disease and die at an unnaturally young age. okay that is WAY extreme, but i did get my bio test back today, which completely depressed me. i also forgot today was my mother's birthday and didn't remember until my step sister walked into the kitchen and says "happy birthday"......i felt sooo bad. my mom was understanding about it though. i have been so out of it today. i was up until 11:45 last night doing homework and then fell asleep doing my english reading again and didn't wake up until my alarm went off this morning at 6:00 (good thing i had been reading on my bed). 11:45 may not seem late to some of you, but i like to go to bed at like 10:30 and i get really crabby when i don't get enough sleep. i know in the grand scheme of things i really don't have much i should be complaining about, but thanks for letting me vent. i really don't like to complain and i feel like i sometimes complain a lot on here. so from now on i'm really going to try to limit my complaining.
on to another subject: track.
ha ha i was rebellious today and didn't go to practice. i figured since i couldn't weight lift or jump the day before a meet, what would be the point of going and wasting my time for two hours....well, it's not like i didn't waste my time at home or anything. ya, um i was very productive with those two hours i gained (sarcasm). anyways.
i'm off to do...well to do really nothing. hmm? maybe i'll go read to kill a mocking bird without falling asleep this time.
adios! :)
on to another subject: track.
ha ha i was rebellious today and didn't go to practice. i figured since i couldn't weight lift or jump the day before a meet, what would be the point of going and wasting my time for two hours....well, it's not like i didn't waste my time at home or anything. ya, um i was very productive with those two hours i gained (sarcasm). anyways.
i'm off to do...well to do really nothing. hmm? maybe i'll go read to kill a mocking bird without falling asleep this time.
adios! :)
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
ouch! desks are out!
i'm sitting at my desk and my mom calls me for dinner so i get up and pretty much eat it. i tripped over the base of my chair and fell into to my desk, hitting my knee cap on the handle. it made the loudest thump i was surprised no one heard it; it hurt really bad too. i seriously sat on my floor for like five minutes cradling my knee, half laughing at how funny me falling into the desk would have looked and half crying because of the pain (i didn't really cry though). well, i finally limped downstairs to a quite delicious dinner and apart from my falling experience i had a fantastic day. i don't know why, everything just seemed great today. maybe cause it was cause i got to play tennis...hmm but actually since tennis my day has gone downward, but oh well. tomorrow is thursday! that means we only have friday and then it's the weekend! except i have another track meet which i need to be at school at 6:00 again for. i haven't really slept in for like three weeks now. gosh, and i wonder why i'm so tired.
it was still an awesome day though!
adios amigos! :)
it was still an awesome day though!
adios amigos! :)
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
i'm sleepy...
so i defiantly know i'm tired when i fall asleep at my desk doing homework. i was reading chapter 3 of To Kill A Mockingbird for english and i finished the chapter but my eyes were barely staying open. the next thing i know i wake up and my face is in my book and my back feels really stiff. i look at the clock and it's like 9:00. i had fallen asleep for 45 min. on top of my so i just got out of the shower and i'm going to bed for real now. gosh, the book isn't even that bad....i guess i'm just really tired.
good night, don't let the bed bugs bite! :)
good night, don't let the bed bugs bite! :)
wow today was hot...well warmer than it's been in a long time. i loved it. i actually had a pretty awesome day today. nothing too stressful, not much homework and i got to go bowling for p.e. that was pretty much the best! although my day was good, i still cant believe today is only tuesday.....oh well, that means tomorrow is wednesday! don't you just love wednesdays i mean we get to start the day off with chapel, we have shorter classes and it means were half way done with the week! what could be wrong?
well that's all for now! :)
well that's all for now! :)
Monday, March 5, 2007
specification is sometimes everything
so really strange experience as i was walking back to the locker room from track practice today. so i had on a t-shirt that said sc tennis across the front, by the way i can't stand usc i just have the shirt so i figure i might as well wear it, anyway where was i?...oh ya, i was walking back to the locker room and a group of freshmen boys walk by me going the opposite direction. one of them reads my shirt and goes "sc tennis huh?" i didn't really answer i just kept walking and was like whatever. then another one yells " you'd be pretty cute without the shirt". i was like ew ew ew ew ew!!!!! gross! first of all the way he said it i think came out wrong since i first got the impression of........ummm well you know what i mean. i think, no not think,...hope he meant to say without the usc shirt. second i was kinda freaked out at being called cute by a freshmen guy that i don't even know....or any guy for that matter.
well, i just thought i'd share that with you guys. now i must stop my procrastinating and go study for my bio test tomorrow....ah the joys of micro biology.
later alligator! :)
well, i just thought i'd share that with you guys. now i must stop my procrastinating and go study for my bio test tomorrow....ah the joys of micro biology.
later alligator! :)
Saturday, March 3, 2007
new p.r.!
so my alarm goes off, 5:00am, bright and early! by the way, why do they say bright and early? there was nothing bright about this morning, it was actually quite dark out still when i was so rudely interupted from my slumber....anyway moving on. i figured if i put my cell phone alarm on and then put my phone across the room so i'd be forced to get up, since i had to get up to turn it off. ummm ya, that didn't work too well because after a turned it off i turned right around and hopped right back in my warm bed. which caused me to be running slightly late, but oh well i still made it to school before 6:15. even though i was walking (more running) to the bus as coach rinks is calling my name to take role as i get on the bus.... slightly embarrassing and ironic.
so after the hour and a half bus ride we arrived at oaks christian around 8:00. i also got sunburned on my shoulders and back (not too bad though) because it took us like 45 min. to put up the little tent thing, during which i was almost hit in the head twice by the bars falling out of the slots, and i forgot sunscreen. anywho, so finally the meet began and girls high jump was first. yeah! as we were waiting to start mrs. hogan comes over and give me a hug....awkward. and if receiving a hug from her isn't awkward enough she then doesn't completely let go of me as she starts giving her you-can-do-this-i believe-in-you-pep talk and ends up sort of holding my stomach....super awkward! and it wasn't like i was the only one who noticed either. i mean i love hugs from most people but when mrs. hogan holds your abs, that's defiantly strange.
anyways. i set a new personal record today of 4' 7". yep yep! the way they ran high jump was strange. the lady running it asked us if we wanted to increase by one inch or two inches and everybody was like two, since that's normally the way we do it. but then once we got to 4' 4" she was like "were going to start going up by one inch now". weird. so i jumped 4'4", 4'5", 4'6" then 4'7" and missed on 4'8". but that's okay, my 4'7" got me 2nd place and the 1st place girl jumped 5'4". can you believe that 5'4"! that's only an inch shorter than me! she wasn't super tall either. taller than me but not but too much. that's like crazy good man! she was from st. bonaventure (sp?) whom i hold a lasting grudge against, not the girl the school, but that's beside the point. but all in all it was a good way to start off the season.
i'm going to bed soon and will NOT be getting up before 7:00 tomorrow.
have a wonderful sunday! sorry that was a really long post.
adios mi amigos! :)
so after the hour and a half bus ride we arrived at oaks christian around 8:00. i also got sunburned on my shoulders and back (not too bad though) because it took us like 45 min. to put up the little tent thing, during which i was almost hit in the head twice by the bars falling out of the slots, and i forgot sunscreen. anywho, so finally the meet began and girls high jump was first. yeah! as we were waiting to start mrs. hogan comes over and give me a hug....awkward. and if receiving a hug from her isn't awkward enough she then doesn't completely let go of me as she starts giving her you-can-do-this-i believe-in-you-pep talk and ends up sort of holding my stomach....super awkward! and it wasn't like i was the only one who noticed either. i mean i love hugs from most people but when mrs. hogan holds your abs, that's defiantly strange.
anyways. i set a new personal record today of 4' 7". yep yep! the way they ran high jump was strange. the lady running it asked us if we wanted to increase by one inch or two inches and everybody was like two, since that's normally the way we do it. but then once we got to 4' 4" she was like "were going to start going up by one inch now". weird. so i jumped 4'4", 4'5", 4'6" then 4'7" and missed on 4'8". but that's okay, my 4'7" got me 2nd place and the 1st place girl jumped 5'4". can you believe that 5'4"! that's only an inch shorter than me! she wasn't super tall either. taller than me but not but too much. that's like crazy good man! she was from st. bonaventure (sp?) whom i hold a lasting grudge against, not the girl the school, but that's beside the point. but all in all it was a good way to start off the season.
i'm going to bed soon and will NOT be getting up before 7:00 tomorrow.
have a wonderful sunday! sorry that was a really long post.
adios mi amigos! :)
Thursday, March 1, 2007
almost there
yet another long day today, but tomorrow is friday so that's defiantly a good thing. except for the fact i'm sorta dreading saturday's track meet.....not totally though. i mean i didn't do all that bad at practice today. i made 4'6" (my pr) once today, but after that i pretty much sucked...that's okay though. as long as i don't completely suck on saturday i'll be fine.
on another note.... is it just me or has this week been really busy? i think i've had a test or a quiz every day this week. its strange because although it's been busy, it's also been really slow. usually things go by too fast when i'm busy but not this week... i don't know. school is really bugging me at the moment, but i'll live......i hope. just kidding. i have no clue what i talking about now so i'm going to go study for my spanish quiz tomorrow....we have this really awesome song with motions for! it's fun! so if you see me singing and doing a bunch of hand motions tomorrow you'll know why. :) that should be the method of all studying. ya, like i said i have no idea what i'm talking about anymore.
good bye! : )
on another note.... is it just me or has this week been really busy? i think i've had a test or a quiz every day this week. its strange because although it's been busy, it's also been really slow. usually things go by too fast when i'm busy but not this week... i don't know. school is really bugging me at the moment, but i'll live......i hope. just kidding. i have no clue what i talking about now so i'm going to go study for my spanish quiz tomorrow....we have this really awesome song with motions for! it's fun! so if you see me singing and doing a bunch of hand motions tomorrow you'll know why. :) that should be the method of all studying. ya, like i said i have no idea what i'm talking about anymore.
good bye! : )
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