Wednesday, February 28, 2007
"the quality of mercy is not strained"....
sooooo good night! :)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
oh, today i found out that, for the first track invitational, we have to be at school at 5:45! yes, 5:45am.! i'm not even awake at 5:45 nor will i be functioning in the least bit. i mean i don't like to sleep in past 8:30 on weekends, but i don't want to be up at 5:00. ugh! remind me why i do track again?
oh well, better start the massive pile of homework i have. hmmm i cant believe today is only tuesday.
later! :)
Saturday, February 24, 2007
-oh, i went and played tennis this lovely morning. i was really rusty. i seriously need to play then i came home, ate lunch and muchos chocolate. it was muy yummy, but now i'm hyper active and dont want to start homework.
lets see what else?
-God is awesome!
-i'm really craving a pineapple right now, but we don't have any.
-my bathroom smells like lysol and the smell is seeping into my room where i am kinda smells funny after a while.
-i want it to rain, even though the sky is blue and there isn't a cloud in it.
-i hate homework. especially on weekends!
-i want to go swimming, but our pool is freezing cause we don't heat it.
ummm i'll be done now.... :)
Thursday, February 22, 2007
*squish *squash
i just really feel bad for the varsity soccer girls.
enjoy the rain and stay dry! :)
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
on another note.... i have been having the strangest dreams lately! i don't know where they are coming from. i told some of you about my dream i had last night. in my dream i stole/ borrowed ( since i gave it back) my friend's car, to ditch school, and drive up to the mountains. what on earth does that mean? so strange! because we all know i'm totally the type of person to do something like that. :) see i just seem innocent, but really what does go on in that brain of mine? wouldn't you all like to know. muhahaha!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
back to reality
i shall now go yonder and begin my fearsome quest of knowledge in order to comprehend the mass of numbers and formulas that they keep telling me i'll use later in life.
sianara :)
Monday, February 19, 2007
part:2 saturday & sunday

katie was sooooo cute in her little snow suit. i think my mom seriously got carried away on the layered clothing thing. the funniest thing was when she was trying to walk around the room in her puffy suit. she couldn't move. it was kinda sad but funny at the same time. she kept falling over and eventually just gave up and lied on the floor until someone came over to pick her up. she didn't cry or do anything, just lied there. it was hilarious!

unfortunately i'm not the best at coordinating clothing and it was right after we went skiing. i was kinda warm so i took off my ski parka and i had a black long sleeve tee-shirt underneath. it perfectly matched my black ski pants, my black snow boots and my black and grey hat. i felt slightly emo except for my blond braids. :)

okay talk about emo. now i look emo gone biker or know i don't even know what i look like. i do know that this somewhat unattractive jacket cost $1,300! can you believe that?! it's insane! who would buy that?
Sunday, February 18, 2007
part 1: friday

Thursday, February 15, 2007
i feel awesome!
oh, funny story. while rebekah, hannah and i were out there jumping today (our coach wasn't there) mrs. hogan comes up to discuss what the qualifying heights are for c.i.f. as she was walking away she goes "thanks girls for always working so hard at practice". i was like "is she being sarcastic?" she wasn't. that surprised me. :0
tomorrow i'm leaving for lake tahoe. another thing to be excited about! i'm just really praying that i don't fall skiing and break my ankle or something, then not be able to jump the rest of the season.....i think i would seriously cry. that would be really sad :( . that is something that would totally happen to me too....i've never broken anything and i'm hoping i won't, especially at the present time.
enjoy the long weekend! i know i will! :)
God is good!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
tomorrow's thursday and we have friday off! and i get to high jump tomorrow. yippee!!!! i also get to go up to lake tahoe to go skiing this weekend! i'm soooo excited!
i will end here for tonight! adios!
oh, and happy valentines day! <3 (you know. i still don't really understand how that looks like a heart. i mean i know how it is but i just cant see it. to me it looks like a sideways carrot symbol with a three.) :)
Monday, February 12, 2007
and so it begins...
1.) i am no longer a freshmen!!!! woooot wooot! okay sophomore....not much better but hey it's still an improvement. right?
2.) i actually know what to do this year and how everything works, which is very helpful
and 3.) i have a goal that i can now try and accomplish and i'm not starting from scratch....i'm starting from experience. ooooo.
anyway, i'm really excited. it also was kinda fun to watch the new person (yes person, not people) start and not really know how to jump at all. gosh i don't remember having a lot of trouble with it....hmmmm. oh well i'm sure he will improve. it was just cool to actually know how to jump already.
yep yep. well i'm off to study for my bio test tomorrow! how fun!....not
later alligator! :)
Saturday, February 10, 2007
wow this was all saturday?
when we were like 5 min away my step dad calls justin to tell him to walk out to the front of campus, which is on a moderately busy street corner. gary (my step dad), if you know him, you'll know he likes to mess around. so we pull up and see justin across the street. my step dad was like okay lets pretend like we don't see him. my mom and i are like "sure whatever" so justin starts crossing the street and gary makes a sharp u-turn and pull along the opposite curb. justin, being confused, turns around and starts running to the other side where we parked. he was coming toward the door and gary makes another u-turn. so justin keeps running back and forth in the middle of the street trying to get in the car. meanwhile my mom and i are screaming that justin will get run was family's strange but hey there's never a dull moment.
after gary finally let justin into the car we went out to dinner at "bubba gumps"; i had never been there before. if you guys have ever scene the movie "forest gump" that's what the restaurant is based on.....a little creepy actually. everywhere you look there's a line or picture from the movie and they have tv screens playing it in the background. oh and your waiter (or waitress) asks you trivia questions from the movie. they were a little obsessive. it was fun though and the food was good.
i also went to the movies tonight with my mom and justin. we saw "the pursuit of happyness" with will smith(and no i did not spell that wrong. that's how the title is spelled). i think this was the first movie i have scene in theaters since "pirates of the caribbean 2" last i don't get out much....well actually i do, just not to the movie theater. which doesn't bug me. any who the movie was good, but sad and long. it demonstrated some good qualities and a good moral. i guess i would recommend it if you can sit that long. it was a long movie and it moves pretty slow. not bad though, and it made me cry.
so yep yep that was my day....gosh it seemed really long. that's a good thing though. has anyone else had that feeling like the days are moving slow but then you look back and your like "wait that was still today. that seems like a really long time ago". like friday seemed like a lifetime ago and it was only yesterday! hmmm? oh well i don't really know what i'm saying....i'm rambling now so i think i'll stop here for the night. sorry this post is so long and all over the place.
have a fantastic sunday tomorrow! :)
Friday, February 9, 2007
costco rocks! and is like my new favorite store
i love you all, my friends! :)
Thursday, February 8, 2007
prayer = peace
until tomorrow! adios!
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
smile! its a beautiful day!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007
i dont know what to title this post....
yesterday i was in the grocery store to buy yogurt (why is it always yogurt?) for my mom since she stayed in the car with my sister who was taking a nap. i got up to the check out and the guy, seeing my school uniform, goes "valley christian eh?" i was like "yep"
"so, what's the first commandment?"
caught off guard i didn't respond right away. but after a pause i said "you shall not have any god's before God"
"close enough. i was getting worried there for a second. i thought i would have to call your mother and tell her to save all that tuition money she's paying."
i honestly didn't know how to reply to that so i kind of smiled, payed, said good bye and walked away. i really wasn't sure how i felt about that and i'm still not sure. i just thought i would share that.
i know this post is kinda all over the place but i had a really strange dream last night. in my dream rebekah and i were at track practice (surprise surprise. since i feel like i live there now) and somehow we got in trouble and the coaches made us run back and forth across the foot ball field chasing sea gulls off of it.....pretty strange huh? oh and then i started screaming that i found a pigeon amongst all the sea gulls. don't ask i have no clue. i think school is really getting to me.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
anti-lock brakeing system! dum dum dum.
well that was my days big adventure :)
school tomorrow! yeah! (kinda)
fun fun! cheerio my friends! :)
Saturday, February 3, 2007
early spring?
so while i was looking i found this website all about groundhog day and let me tell you. if i thought my friend was obsessive, she was nothing compared to these gung ho groundhogers.
i clicked on a section that said "about groundhog day/predictions" and it came up with these random facts. they called them "answers to frequently asked questions"
- Punxsutawney Phil is the only true weather forecasting groundhog. The others are just impostors.
-How often is Phil's prediction correct? 100% of the time, of course!
-How many "Phils" have there been over the years? There has only been one Punxsutawney Phil. He has been making predictions for over 120 years!
-Punxsutawney Phil gets his longevity from drinking the "elixir of life," a secret recipe. Phil takes one sip every summer at the Groundhog Picnic and it magically gives him seven more years of life.
-On February 2, Phil comes out of his burrow on Gobbler's Knob - in front of thousands of followers from all over the world - to predict the weather for the rest of winter.
-According to legend, if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter weather. If he does not see his shadow, there will be an early spring.
-No! Phil's forecasts are not made in advance by the Inner Circle. After Phil emerges from his burrow on February 2, he speaks to the Groundhog Club president in "Groundhogese"(a language only understood by the current president of the Inner Circle). His proclamation is then translated for the world.
-Punxsutawney held its first Groundhog Day in the 1800s. The first official trek to Gobbler's Knob was made on February 2, 1887.
-So the story goes, Punxsutawney Phil was named after King Phillip. Prior to being called Phil, he was called Br'er Groundhog.
pretty scary huh? i hope the people who created that website don't honestly believe what they wrote on it. i mean...."groundhogese" slightly freakish and obsessive. yep yep i just thought i'd share that with you all.
good by my friends!....or how would you say it in "groundhogese"? "squeak squeak chip chip" ha ha just kidding. :)
Thursday, February 1, 2007
so soooooo sore!
just remember....
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Philippians 4:13
i love that verse. it's just a good reminder that God's always got my back, even in the smallest situation.
on another note i thought chapel was awesome today. do you guy's agree? his story was amusing and made a good point.
i would write more but i'm tired and going to go read a book then sleeeeeeep!
farewell! :)