Other fun happenings this year have included going to the farmers market, dinner, making dinner a couple of time with Brent. We are getting pretty good at stealing food from the DC to add to our creations.
Rooming has been going good as well. A couple weeks ago the three of us stayed up till like 3 talking. I began mocking Barrett, because every night she says that she is just going to sleep on the futon because she doesn't want to climb up into her bed. I climbed on her bed and said I was just going to sleep there. Her response was to go and lay on Amy's bed and then Amy climbed up onto mine. We turned out the light and ended up talking for another while and then eventually all just fell asleep. Waking up was so confusing. Oh, the randomness of college.
Also, It has been so hot lately that Barrett and I decided to sleep outside the other night. It was really nice down on the lawn, under the stars. We woke up around 4 and headed back inside though because we didn't want people to start waking up, walking around and wonder why two people were just sleeping on the grass. So, when we went back to our room, I decided that it was too hot to sleep on my top bunk and so i slept on the futon. At 9:00 my wake up call came in the form of a heavy object coming in contact with my jaw. It was Barrett's phone that fell from her bed (she also has a top bunk) coming in contact with my face. As she searched her bed for it, I whimpered and held it up to her. We started laughing, but my jaw is still a bit bruised.
Oh, and I almost forgot. There was a karaoke night a couple weeks ago, which was really fun. Amy, Shea, John (new RD of my old dorm) and I sang "Ice Ice Baby"...pretty hilarious and so fun.

Oh, speaking of family, my mom, Katie and my grandma came up to visit me last week. It was really great; we went to the zoo, had lunch and dinner and just drove around Santa Barbara. It was really fun to see them, although I was sick, so that was kind of a bummer.
Anyway, I'll update soon about some deeper stuff going on in my life.
Over and out. :)