no, nothing spectacularly cool happened to my yesterday or anything. i just enjoy the simple things, but since i enjoy them so much, they really aren't simple at all to me. does that make sense? i guess what i'm trying to say is without all those simple things, my life would be pretty darn empty.
i was again woken up by katie being her cute self and practically busting an organ as she body slams me. after recovering i accompanied my mom to drop katie off at preschool. from there my day just kept getting better and better, as i hopped in the car and made my way out to Ontario to see august! and let me tell you, it was SO GOOD to see her. i was so glad to meet all her new friends and roommates and see where she is going to school. i got to see the yearbook finally and we enjoyed just being able to talk and hang out for a while. we have decided that as our graduation present from college in four years we want to take a road trip across country to the south, making fun stops along the way and just diving into experience. we better start saving up :)
august was going on a retreat with Providence up to the mountains, so we said our goodbyes and i got back in the car to make my drive home. but, on my way home i knew i was going to pass Whittier and so earlier i had talked to justin about hanging out. he gave me a call before his soccer practice started and told me to come pick him up but that he wouldn't be done until 6:00. so, i had about an hour and a half to kill. as i was driving up the little residential street behind the Whittier college campus, i came across this little park. so, i decided to get out and sit there for a while, just to relax, have some alone time and people watch. it was quite lovely. around 5:30 i got back in the car and drove the rest of the way up the hill to the soccer field and watched his practice for a bit.
when he was done, he had ridden his bike there because he is now living in a house with some people off campus. so, i had to follow him in my car on his bike back to his house. it was interesting...
the rest of the evening was spent by just hanging out at my house. we went in the jacuzzi, where we had a deep conversation that started with looking at the stars and then somehow got into philosophy and then issues that i won't even begin to talk about while typing.
since i have been getting mass amounts of sleep in college (and no i'm not being sarcastic) i fell into bed, exhausted, at around 1:30, only to be woken up at 6:15 by justin who needed help making eggs (he couldn't turn on the stove). why was he up at 6:15, you ask. he had a friend coming to pick him up so they could drive back to Whittier for their 7:30 soccer game.
then i got to have lunch with my grandma today, so it was good to see her.
well, i head back up to Westmont tomorrow, but it's been a great weekend at home. :)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
catching up
so, i think i have finally decided on a layout...after i finally got the pictures to upload. what do you all think?
moving on to more pressing matters, I AM HOME!!! and boy is it good. i mean i haven't been gone that long, but it feels like forever. i rode the train down last night and got into the Fullerton station around 10:40pm. the ride was nice; uneventful, but relaxing. it was so good to see my mom and talk to her. not that i don't' talk to her everyday on the phone, but i'm just not really a big fan of the phone and would much rather talk face to face. this morning i was awakened by my delightful little sister jumping on top of me. it was the cutest thing! you could tell she was excited to see me, as i was her.
this afternoon, i was able to go out to Valley and watch one of the girls' tennis matches. it was really an odd feeling being back there. i didn't think it would be, but walking around completely made me feel like i have successfully moved on. but at the same time i don't want to let some of the relationships i have formed there go and i hope and pray that i don't. there is really no way to describe it.
anyway, it was awesome to see the team, especially ms. admiraal. i really enjoyed briefly catching up with her. i also was able to see mr. bras and talk to him for a while.
after, i took alicia home and we enjoyed some reminiscing about the good ol' days and some convos about other topics as well.
when i arrived home, my parents had gone out for the evening and one of my friends that i've known since 1st grade had been babysitting kaite, since betsy and i have been at college. we also were able to catch up and share a few laughs as we played with katie and then went out to grab some golden spoon when my parents got back.
now, i won't say that i don't like Westmont and i'm not beside myself with homesickness or anything, but when i am home, i just feel so tied to this place. like this is so right and where i really fit in, where at school, i just don't have that sense yet. maybe i'm just too impatient or maybe i just don't like the fact that time doesn't stand still in my home and in people's lives, just because i'm not there living that time in that place or with them, but coming back almost makes it harder all over again. oh well, maybe i'm just too much of a homebody...guess i'll never make it out of So Cal haha. but for now, i'm definitely okay with that.
if you happen to think of it, keep me in your prayers, as this transition has been proving to be a lot harder for me than i imagined it would.
wow in a way i feel relieved and tense about admitting that on here, but i'll just go with it. life is a journey after all.
moving on to more pressing matters, I AM HOME!!! and boy is it good. i mean i haven't been gone that long, but it feels like forever. i rode the train down last night and got into the Fullerton station around 10:40pm. the ride was nice; uneventful, but relaxing. it was so good to see my mom and talk to her. not that i don't' talk to her everyday on the phone, but i'm just not really a big fan of the phone and would much rather talk face to face. this morning i was awakened by my delightful little sister jumping on top of me. it was the cutest thing! you could tell she was excited to see me, as i was her.
this afternoon, i was able to go out to Valley and watch one of the girls' tennis matches. it was really an odd feeling being back there. i didn't think it would be, but walking around completely made me feel like i have successfully moved on. but at the same time i don't want to let some of the relationships i have formed there go and i hope and pray that i don't. there is really no way to describe it.
anyway, it was awesome to see the team, especially ms. admiraal. i really enjoyed briefly catching up with her. i also was able to see mr. bras and talk to him for a while.
after, i took alicia home and we enjoyed some reminiscing about the good ol' days and some convos about other topics as well.
when i arrived home, my parents had gone out for the evening and one of my friends that i've known since 1st grade had been babysitting kaite, since betsy and i have been at college. we also were able to catch up and share a few laughs as we played with katie and then went out to grab some golden spoon when my parents got back.
now, i won't say that i don't like Westmont and i'm not beside myself with homesickness or anything, but when i am home, i just feel so tied to this place. like this is so right and where i really fit in, where at school, i just don't have that sense yet. maybe i'm just too impatient or maybe i just don't like the fact that time doesn't stand still in my home and in people's lives, just because i'm not there living that time in that place or with them, but coming back almost makes it harder all over again. oh well, maybe i'm just too much of a homebody...guess i'll never make it out of So Cal haha. but for now, i'm definitely okay with that.
if you happen to think of it, keep me in your prayers, as this transition has been proving to be a lot harder for me than i imagined it would.
wow in a way i feel relieved and tense about admitting that on here, but i'll just go with it. life is a journey after all.
Monday, September 21, 2009
just to tide ya over...
i was trying to update my blog look, but it is currently under won't upload what i want it to, so you'll have to deal with it being plain for now.
brief bullet points of my life:
-grace and i have been having amazing coloring parties, which are quite therapeutic.
-i got to talk to august the other day! so glad!!!
-i'm going home this week! YAY!!! can't wait
-and i'm quite dismayed that i missed the 2hr. premier of HOUSE season 6, but i still have to watch season 5. oh, well it will wait for me.
i'll give you a better update later...i just didn't want to neglect my blog.
brief bullet points of my life:
-grace and i have been having amazing coloring parties, which are quite therapeutic.
-i got to talk to august the other day! so glad!!!
-i'm going home this week! YAY!!! can't wait
-and i'm quite dismayed that i missed the 2hr. premier of HOUSE season 6, but i still have to watch season 5. oh, well it will wait for me.
i'll give you a better update later...i just didn't want to neglect my blog.
Monday, September 14, 2009
drawing, snakes and tennis
let me just start by saying that i absolutely LOVE my drawing class. i was worried that i would like it, but not really like being forced to drawn right there on the spot, in a class setting. but, luckily i am able to regard it as more of a time to relax and reflect than a typical class. every time i am in that zone, it's like everything else that is worrying me or stressing me out just disappears. i also love the feeling of creating something out of nothing. a bunch of simple disconnected lines, mean nothing, but placed correctly, they make up an entire expression that is entirely unique and your own.
anyway, other than loving my art class, what have i been up to, you ask? well, saturday we had our "clarktoon cruise". it was a dance on a boat for the clark dorms and the theme was to dress up as a cartoon character; it was pretty great. so, saturday i went down to state street to find the goodwill and look for some costume accessories, which i didn't have any luck with, but that was fine, since i didn't really need anything else to be little red riding hood...yeah don't ask why i happen to have a red cape, but it's pretty awesome if you ask me.
the cruise was a blast! one thing i'm really liking about college dances is the fact that you don't get all the naughty, dirty types of dancing like you did in high school. it's nice to not have to deal with all that stuff.
my saturday was spent by sleeping, then going for a run on some trails, during which i fell on a rock and scraped my knee. i was just glad no one was around to see me totally eat it...i fell hard haha.
on sunday, a group of us tried Calvary church. we have all been trying out different churches in the area to see which is a good fit. still looking, but so far i like Montecito Covenant the best. a lot of people from Westmont seem to really like a church called Reality, which attracts mostly college students. it seems really cool and all, but i'm really looking for a church body that has more of a variety in age. we shall see where i end up.
sunday afternoon leah, grace and i had an adventure on state street, while looking for a blockbuster so that i can satisfy my obsession for House M.D (and no that is not a show about a house in maryland, as grace so thought). the 6th season starts in 2 weeks and i haven't even seen the 5th yet! haha. so, i looked it up online and found that there was one on state street. we walked for about a mile and then i decided that maybe i should call and find out it's cross streets, so i called information and once we had the cross streets we asked a trolley driver how far down it was and i was quite dismayed when he replied "about another 2-3 miles". so, my seach continues for a method to obtain the fith season of House without paying $60 at target for the dvd collection.
on our walk back to the shuttle stop, we see an audience gathered around a guy with a bunch of snakes. he was letting people hold them and was telling them all about his mission to save all the oppressed snakes of the earth. leah wanted to hold one, so we walked over and then she decides that they are a bit too adventurous for he liking, as she screamed and backed away as the snake man tried to hand her one. so, i put out my hands and took the snake. i must say, i was quite proud because i've never held a snake before in my life and this was no small snake. quite the exciting day.
today i went out and hit with the girls tennis team for a bit. i am definitely going to be trying out, but i'm not sure how good my odds are, since there are about 4 other freshmen girls trying as well. but, we'll see how it goes and if it doesn't work out, i'm sure it was for a reason and i can always try again next year.
well, tis all for now. i am happy to say that it is finally cooling off her and is starting to actually feel like fall.
hope this post is finding you all well!
anyway, other than loving my art class, what have i been up to, you ask? well, saturday we had our "clarktoon cruise". it was a dance on a boat for the clark dorms and the theme was to dress up as a cartoon character; it was pretty great. so, saturday i went down to state street to find the goodwill and look for some costume accessories, which i didn't have any luck with, but that was fine, since i didn't really need anything else to be little red riding hood...yeah don't ask why i happen to have a red cape, but it's pretty awesome if you ask me.
the cruise was a blast! one thing i'm really liking about college dances is the fact that you don't get all the naughty, dirty types of dancing like you did in high school. it's nice to not have to deal with all that stuff.
my saturday was spent by sleeping, then going for a run on some trails, during which i fell on a rock and scraped my knee. i was just glad no one was around to see me totally eat it...i fell hard haha.
on sunday, a group of us tried Calvary church. we have all been trying out different churches in the area to see which is a good fit. still looking, but so far i like Montecito Covenant the best. a lot of people from Westmont seem to really like a church called Reality, which attracts mostly college students. it seems really cool and all, but i'm really looking for a church body that has more of a variety in age. we shall see where i end up.
sunday afternoon leah, grace and i had an adventure on state street, while looking for a blockbuster so that i can satisfy my obsession for House M.D (and no that is not a show about a house in maryland, as grace so thought). the 6th season starts in 2 weeks and i haven't even seen the 5th yet! haha. so, i looked it up online and found that there was one on state street. we walked for about a mile and then i decided that maybe i should call and find out it's cross streets, so i called information and once we had the cross streets we asked a trolley driver how far down it was and i was quite dismayed when he replied "about another 2-3 miles". so, my seach continues for a method to obtain the fith season of House without paying $60 at target for the dvd collection.
on our walk back to the shuttle stop, we see an audience gathered around a guy with a bunch of snakes. he was letting people hold them and was telling them all about his mission to save all the oppressed snakes of the earth. leah wanted to hold one, so we walked over and then she decides that they are a bit too adventurous for he liking, as she screamed and backed away as the snake man tried to hand her one. so, i put out my hands and took the snake. i must say, i was quite proud because i've never held a snake before in my life and this was no small snake. quite the exciting day.
today i went out and hit with the girls tennis team for a bit. i am definitely going to be trying out, but i'm not sure how good my odds are, since there are about 4 other freshmen girls trying as well. but, we'll see how it goes and if it doesn't work out, i'm sure it was for a reason and i can always try again next year.
well, tis all for now. i am happy to say that it is finally cooling off her and is starting to actually feel like fall.
hope this post is finding you all well!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
what a weekend
so, i guess i'll never know what the first weekend of college feels like, since i went home. yep, saturday morning i got up early and caught the train to go home for a quick visit. jamie was in town and i wanted to get the chance to see and spend some time with her before she headed back to utah. i'm really glad i did go home too; i don't regret not staying for the beach day and all, although i'm sure that would have been fun too.
so, saturday morning. i made my way down to the train station (makes me think of that song when i was little "down by the station, early in the morning...") and got on a train to go home. i must admit, it was a pretty neat experience. it travels right on the coast and through the hills, so it's some pretty good scenery. when i was one stop away from my destination, a lady got on and asked if the seat next to me was taken. i told her it wasn't and so she sat down. in those 20 mins, i not only learned where she was from and where she was going, i found out why she was going there, how many kids she has with names and ages, her and her husband's professions, her religion and the techniques she uses to home school her. not that it was a bad thing, just surprising.
when i arrived at the train station, katie and my mom were waiting for me to take me back to the house, where, justin, jamie, my mom and i began cooking and getting ready for the rest of the family to come over for a nice dinner and swim.
later that night, we spent our time playing Loaded Questions (awesome board game. if you have never played it, you must!) and then looking for a movie to go to. we were sitting on the couch searching movies that are out and jamie suggests we go see "All about Steve". justin gasps and in a totally non-joking way goes "oh is that the one with sandra bullock and bradley cooper...he is such a hottie! or at least some girls think he is." jamie and i just stopped and stared, not really knowing what to say. funny, funny.
jamie, justin, my mom and i did end up seeing that movie, which was enjoyable. sandra bullock is always funny, however, it wasn't her best. i do think the three of us enjoyed it more than justin though...not enough blood and guts for him, but there was bradley cooper (haha never gonna let him live that down).
when we returned, my cousin's and i ended up searching serial killers online until all hours of the morning. or at least jamie was, justin and i passed out on my bed around 1am, while jamie was sitting creepily in the corner with the computer.
in the morning, we three made our way to huntington beach and you have to know that half the fun is getting there. we were driving next to a car with it's windows down (as were ours) and the car happened to look rather dull. no one was talking or singing. just a guy and girl in the front seats staring blankly. so, justin goes "hey, lets all pretend to be fighting when we get up to this next stoplight."
we roll on up to the light and immediately jamie yells "how could you, justin? she was my best friend!". justin starts yelling back at her and then i scream "guys not while we are driving! we are going to crash! can't we all just get along!" then justin turns to me and goes "you shut up, woman!" and we started hitting each other. the car next to us was dumbfounded, as they watched with utter looks of horror on their faces. oh, it was hysterical!
after that we continued to enjoy being our crazy self's and enjoyed the beach thoroughly.
well, i'm defiantly glad i got to spend some quality time with the family and now i'm back at westmont trying to get through to the weekend once again.
stay tuned for more updates in the near future.
so, saturday morning. i made my way down to the train station (makes me think of that song when i was little "down by the station, early in the morning...") and got on a train to go home. i must admit, it was a pretty neat experience. it travels right on the coast and through the hills, so it's some pretty good scenery. when i was one stop away from my destination, a lady got on and asked if the seat next to me was taken. i told her it wasn't and so she sat down. in those 20 mins, i not only learned where she was from and where she was going, i found out why she was going there, how many kids she has with names and ages, her and her husband's professions, her religion and the techniques she uses to home school her. not that it was a bad thing, just surprising.
when i arrived at the train station, katie and my mom were waiting for me to take me back to the house, where, justin, jamie, my mom and i began cooking and getting ready for the rest of the family to come over for a nice dinner and swim.
later that night, we spent our time playing Loaded Questions (awesome board game. if you have never played it, you must!) and then looking for a movie to go to. we were sitting on the couch searching movies that are out and jamie suggests we go see "All about Steve". justin gasps and in a totally non-joking way goes "oh is that the one with sandra bullock and bradley cooper...he is such a hottie! or at least some girls think he is." jamie and i just stopped and stared, not really knowing what to say. funny, funny.
jamie, justin, my mom and i did end up seeing that movie, which was enjoyable. sandra bullock is always funny, however, it wasn't her best. i do think the three of us enjoyed it more than justin though...not enough blood and guts for him, but there was bradley cooper (haha never gonna let him live that down).
when we returned, my cousin's and i ended up searching serial killers online until all hours of the morning. or at least jamie was, justin and i passed out on my bed around 1am, while jamie was sitting creepily in the corner with the computer.
in the morning, we three made our way to huntington beach and you have to know that half the fun is getting there. we were driving next to a car with it's windows down (as were ours) and the car happened to look rather dull. no one was talking or singing. just a guy and girl in the front seats staring blankly. so, justin goes "hey, lets all pretend to be fighting when we get up to this next stoplight."
we roll on up to the light and immediately jamie yells "how could you, justin? she was my best friend!". justin starts yelling back at her and then i scream "guys not while we are driving! we are going to crash! can't we all just get along!" then justin turns to me and goes "you shut up, woman!" and we started hitting each other. the car next to us was dumbfounded, as they watched with utter looks of horror on their faces. oh, it was hysterical!
after that we continued to enjoy being our crazy self's and enjoyed the beach thoroughly.
well, i'm defiantly glad i got to spend some quality time with the family and now i'm back at westmont trying to get through to the weekend once again.
stay tuned for more updates in the near future.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
one week down. about another million to go
so, i know you are all anxious to hear about my new life as college student! seriously, the most exciting thing took place yesterday. anyone know what? guesses? okay, i'll tell. i finished House Season 4! woohoo. what? not exciting news?
haha i'm completely joking. well, i did finish season four of House (and it was amazing), but that isn't the most interesting thing that has happened. monday i started classes! i'm taking communications, drawing, fitness for life, english composition and, as of today, choir! i know. me choir? one of my suit mates talked me into going to the class with her today because the professor told everyone to invite anyone they wanted. so, i went and ended up liking it. always good to try something different. i haven't done choir since middle school, but it could end up being really fun. the professor seems really nice and the girls in the class seem really great as well. the professor also has a 7 week old puppy that she brought to class today and it was the cutest thing ever! you don't understand how badly i wanted it. an Australian Shepard is like my dream dog. well, gotta keep workin' on my parents, i suppose. you know, it's for katie ;)
other than classes, which i'm really enjoying (and no, that is not sarcasm...i really am finding them interesting for the most part) we have a sunglasses dance tomorrow night in the D.C. (dinning commons). that should be a blast. and if that isn't enough to look forward to, i get to go see my family for a quick visit. jamie is coming into town and after much thought and prayer, i've decided that it would be better to go down for a day or two and see her even though it is my first official weekend at college. but, there will be many more weekends and not so frequent visits from family that doesn't live particularly close.
thus far college life has been great. the people are really fantastic, but it's still hard and slightly in the awkward stages...geting better though. the classes have been interesting and really inspiring.
oh, and grace, allison and i checked out the shuttle the other day and made our way down to rite aid and trader joes. quite more of an adventure than we had anticipated. we took the ocean view shuttle, which is the smaller one that goes less places (only three stops) and is a van driven by upperclassmen as a job. so, the girl picks us up from trader joes at the shuttle stop and then goes by the beach to pick up some other people, who happened to be on the wrong side of the street and all ran across to pile like 10 people in an 8 seater van. oh, and did i mention that up on the road into Westmont a water line broke, causing us to take a back mountain road? great stuff. when our driver told us a water line had broken one of the guys we had picked up from the beach mistook her to say that some one's water had broken. i, being the wonderful friend i am, pointed to allison. good times. and we only almost got hit by other cars on this very narrow back road four or five times. twas fun.
well, i'm going to go try and finish up some of my drawing homework so i won't have anything to worry about over the weekend and can enjoy the time with my family.
and in case you were wondering what the people i'm living with look like, wonder no longer. for i shall give you a photo. this was right before we went up the the presidents house for desert.
from left to right: danica, leah, kathryn, me, allison (wearing my cloths yet again haha), and shea.
we are signing "K" in sign language (we live in Clark Halls Building K ...don't worry, no gang signs.) haha
haha i'm completely joking. well, i did finish season four of House (and it was amazing), but that isn't the most interesting thing that has happened. monday i started classes! i'm taking communications, drawing, fitness for life, english composition and, as of today, choir! i know. me choir? one of my suit mates talked me into going to the class with her today because the professor told everyone to invite anyone they wanted. so, i went and ended up liking it. always good to try something different. i haven't done choir since middle school, but it could end up being really fun. the professor seems really nice and the girls in the class seem really great as well. the professor also has a 7 week old puppy that she brought to class today and it was the cutest thing ever! you don't understand how badly i wanted it. an Australian Shepard is like my dream dog. well, gotta keep workin' on my parents, i suppose. you know, it's for katie ;)
other than classes, which i'm really enjoying (and no, that is not sarcasm...i really am finding them interesting for the most part) we have a sunglasses dance tomorrow night in the D.C. (dinning commons). that should be a blast. and if that isn't enough to look forward to, i get to go see my family for a quick visit. jamie is coming into town and after much thought and prayer, i've decided that it would be better to go down for a day or two and see her even though it is my first official weekend at college. but, there will be many more weekends and not so frequent visits from family that doesn't live particularly close.
thus far college life has been great. the people are really fantastic, but it's still hard and slightly in the awkward stages...geting better though. the classes have been interesting and really inspiring.
oh, and grace, allison and i checked out the shuttle the other day and made our way down to rite aid and trader joes. quite more of an adventure than we had anticipated. we took the ocean view shuttle, which is the smaller one that goes less places (only three stops) and is a van driven by upperclassmen as a job. so, the girl picks us up from trader joes at the shuttle stop and then goes by the beach to pick up some other people, who happened to be on the wrong side of the street and all ran across to pile like 10 people in an 8 seater van. oh, and did i mention that up on the road into Westmont a water line broke, causing us to take a back mountain road? great stuff. when our driver told us a water line had broken one of the guys we had picked up from the beach mistook her to say that some one's water had broken. i, being the wonderful friend i am, pointed to allison. good times. and we only almost got hit by other cars on this very narrow back road four or five times. twas fun.
well, i'm going to go try and finish up some of my drawing homework so i won't have anything to worry about over the weekend and can enjoy the time with my family.
and in case you were wondering what the people i'm living with look like, wonder no longer. for i shall give you a photo. this was right before we went up the the presidents house for desert.
from left to right: danica, leah, kathryn, me, allison (wearing my cloths yet again haha), and shea.
we are signing "K" in sign language (we live in Clark Halls Building K ...don't worry, no gang signs.) haha

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